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<h1>The message view</h1>
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<p>Adium's message display, "WebKit Message View" (WKMV), is powered by WebKit (<a class="ext_link" href="">dedicated Adium Wiki entry</a>; <a class="ext_link" href="">official site</a>), the same layout engine which drives Apple's Safari web browser. This allows Adium to support an incredible variety of beautiful message display styles, and allows web-savvy users to become developers of Adium's appearance without touching a line of code.</p>
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<h3>Message styles</h3>
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<p>.AdiumMessageStyle Xtras provide alternate message styles for Adium. By default, Adium contains seven message styles that can be configured from Adium's Messages preferences pane:</p>
<li>Smooth Operator</li>
<p>Hundreds of additional message styles are available from the <a class="ext_link" href="">Adium Xtras site</a>, and can be installed by clicking the install link on the Xtra's page. To install a message style that you have already downloaded, simply doubleclick it. In either case, Adium will launch and put it into the correct place for you.</p>
<p>Information on making custom message styles is available at <a class="ext_link" href="">CreatingMessageStyles</a>.</p>
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