
Prompt the user to authenticate again when using the refresh_token gives an error. Also, show the error to the user.
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<h1>MSN: Nudge / Yahoo: Buzz</h1>
<p>Adium calls it simply “notification”, and enables you to send and receive it.</p>
<p>The same information on this page is also presented in <a href="">an Adium screencast</a> on our website, which shows the feature in action.</p>
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<h3>Presenting notifications you receive</h3>
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<p>When somebody nudges/buzzes you, the official clients will shake the window and play a sound.</p>
<p>We don't offer the window-shaking action, but we do provide our entire usual suite of event actions. You see, receiving a notification is in Adium as one of the events in the Preferences. You determine what Adium will do when one comes in.</p>
<p>In the <strong>Events</strong> pane of Adium's Preferences simply select the “Notification received” event in the list, click the <strong>+</strong> button, and choose the action you want Adium to perform. You can add as many actions as you want.</p>
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<h3>Sending notifications</h3>
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<p>There are three ways to send a notification to one of your contacts:</p>
<li>The keyboard: Type “/nudge” / "/buzz" into the inputline and press Return or Enter.</li>
<li>The menu: Choose “Request Attention” from the Contact menu.</li>
<li>The toolbar: The “Request Attention” button is not on the chat window toolbar by default, so you need to add it.
<li>First, right-click on the chat window toolbar and choose “Customize Toolbar…”.</li>
<li>Drag the “Request Attention” button to the toolbar. Finally, click OK. From then on, when you want to send a notification, click “Request Attention” (or the shaking-emoticon icon if you're using Icon Only mode).</li>
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