
Started working on OAuth2 support for GTalk.
2012-09-18, Thijs Alkemade
Started working on OAuth2 support for GTalk.

Abstracted the OAuth2 support of Facebook into a separate AIPurpleOAuthJabberAccount.

Logging in on GTalk gets to the auth token.

Refs #16161
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIAccountControllerProtocol.h>
#import "AIAccountSelectionView.h"
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIChatControllerProtocol.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIPopUpButtonAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccount.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentMessage.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIMetaContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIService.h>
#import <Adium/AIChat.h>
#import <PSMTabBarControl/NSBezierPath_AMShading.h>
#define BOX_RECT NSMakeRect(0, 0, 300, 28)
#define LABEL_RECT NSMakeRect(17, 7, 56, 17)
#define POPUP_RECT NSMakeRect(75, 1, 212, 26)
@interface AIAccountSelectionView ()
- (id)_init;
- (void)configureForCurrentChat;
- (void)chatDestinationChanged:(NSNotification *)notification;
- (void)chatSourceChanged:(NSNotification *)notification;
- (BOOL)_accountIsAvailable:(AIAccount *)inAccount;
- (void)configureAccountMenu;
- (void)_createContactMenu;
- (void)_destroyAccountMenu;
- (void)_destroyContactMenu;
- (BOOL)choicesAvailableForAccount;
- (BOOL)choicesAvailableForContact;
- (NSTextField *)_textFieldLabelWithValue:(NSString *)inValue frame:(NSRect)inFrame;
- (NSPopUpButton *)_popUpButtonWithFrame:(NSRect)inFrame;
- (NSView *)_boxWithFrame:(NSRect)inFrame;
- (void)_repositionMenusAndResize;
* @class AIAccountSelectionView
* @brief A view for picking the destination (contact) and source (account) for a chat.
* This view manages data, as well, MVC be damned.
* The To: field, display first, is the indepdenent variable. It shows all contacts within the selected metacontact, or shows nothing
* if a normal contact is the chat's destination.
* The From: field is the dependent variable. It shows all accounts which could message the selected contact.
@implementation AIAccountSelectionView
* @brief InitWithCoder
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
if((self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder])) {
[self _init];
return self;
* @brief InitWithFrame
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect
if((self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect])) {
[self _init];
return self;
* @brief Common init
- (id)_init
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[self setChat:nil];
[leftColor release];
[rightColor release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)setLeftColor:(NSColor *)inLeftColor rightColor:(NSColor *)inRightColor
if (leftColor != inLeftColor) {
[leftColor release];
leftColor = [inLeftColor retain];
if (rightColor != inRightColor) {
[rightColor release];
rightColor = [inRightColor retain];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
if (rightColor && leftColor) {
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:[self bounds]];
[path linearVerticalGradientFillWithStartColor:leftColor
#pragma mark Chat
* @brief Set the chat associated with this selection view
* @param inChat AIChat instance this view representents
- (void)setChat:(AIChat *)inChat
if(chat != inChat){
//Stop observing the existing chat
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:Chat_SourceChanged object:chat];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:Chat_DestinationChanged object:chat];
//Remove our menus
[self _destroyAccountMenu];
[self _destroyContactMenu];
//Release it
[chat release]; chat = nil;
//Retain the new chat
chat = [inChat retain];
//Observe changes to this chat's source and destination
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
//Update source and destination menus
[self configureForCurrentChat];
} else {
[self configureForCurrentChat];
* @brief Build and configure all menus for the current chat
- (void)configureForCurrentChat
//Rebuild 'To' contact menu
if ([self choicesAvailableForContact]) {
[self _createContactMenu];
} else {
[self _destroyContactMenu];
//Update our 'From' account menu
[self chatDestinationChanged:nil];
* @brief Update our menus when the destination contact changes
- (void)chatDestinationChanged:(NSNotification *)notification
AILogWithSignature(@"popUp_contacts selecting %@ (%@)", chat.listObject, [notification object]);
//Update selection in contact menu
[popUp_contacts selectItemWithRepresentedObjectUsingCompare:chat.listObject];
//Rebuild 'From' account menu
if ([self choicesAvailableForAccount]){
[self configureAccountMenu];
} else {
[self _destroyAccountMenu];
//Reposition our menus and resize as necessary
[self _repositionMenusAndResize];
//Update selection in account menu
[self chatSourceChanged:nil];
* @brief Update our menus when the source account changes
- (void)chatSourceChanged:(NSNotification *)notification
//Update selection in account menu
AILogWithSignature(@"popUp_accounts selecting %@ (%@)", chat.account, [notification object]);
[popUp_accounts selectItemWithRepresentedObject:chat.account];
* @brief Reposition our menus and resize the account selection view as necessary
* Invoke this method after the visibility of either menu has changed.
- (void)_repositionMenusAndResize
NSInteger newHeight = 0;
NSRect oldFrame = [self frame];
//Account menu is always at the bottom
[box_accounts setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(0, 0)];
newHeight += [box_accounts frame].size.height;
//Contact menu is at the bottom, unless the account menu is present in which case it moves up
[box_contacts setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(0, (box_accounts ? [box_accounts frame].size.height : 0))];
newHeight += [box_contacts frame].size.height;
//Resize our view to fit whichever menus are visible
[self setFrameSize:NSMakeSize([self frame].size.width, newHeight)];
[[self superview] setNeedsDisplayInRect:NSUnionRect(oldFrame,[self frame])];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:AIViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:self];
//Account Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Account Menu
* @brief Returns YES if a choice of source account is available
- (BOOL)choicesAvailableForAccount
NSInteger choices = 0;
for (AIAccount *account in adium.accountController.accounts) {
if ([self _accountIsAvailable:account]) {
if (++choices > 1) return YES;
return NO;
- (void)rebuildAccountMenuFromMenuItems:(NSArray *)menuItems
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
NSMutableArray *menuItemsForAccountsWhichKnow = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray *menuItemsForAccountsWhichDoNotKnow = [NSMutableArray array];
for (menuItem in menuItems) {
AIAccount *account = [menuItem representedObject];
AIListContact *listContact = [adium.contactController existingContactWithService:chat.listObject.service
if (!listContact || listContact.isStranger)
[menuItemsForAccountsWhichDoNotKnow addObject:menuItem];
[menuItemsForAccountsWhichKnow addObject:menuItem];
NSMenu *menu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
//First, add items for accounts which have the current contact on their contact lists
for (menuItem in menuItemsForAccountsWhichKnow) {
[menu addItem:menuItem];
//If we added any items and will be adding more, put in a separator
if ([menu numberOfItems] && [menuItemsForAccountsWhichDoNotKnow count]) [menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
//Finally, add items for accounts which are on the right service but don't know about this contact
for (menuItem in menuItemsForAccountsWhichDoNotKnow) {
[menu addItem:menuItem];
[popUp_accounts setMenu:menu];
[menu release];
* @brief Account Menu Delegate
- (void)accountMenu:(AIAccountMenu *)inAccountMenu didRebuildMenuItems:(NSArray *)menuItems {
[self rebuildAccountMenuFromMenuItems:menuItems];
- (void)accountMenu:(AIAccountMenu *)inAccountMenu didSelectAccount:(AIAccount *)inAccount {
[adium.chatController switchChat:chat toAccount:inAccount];
- (BOOL)accountMenu:(AIAccountMenu *)inAccountMenu shouldIncludeAccount:(AIAccount *)inAccount {
return [self _accountIsAvailable:inAccount];
- (NSControlSize)controlSizeForAccountMenu:(AIAccountMenu *)inAccountMenu;
return NSRegularControlSize;
* @brief Check if an account is available for sending content
* An account is considered available if it's of the right service class and is currently online.
* @param inAccount AIAccount instance to check
* @return YES if the account is available
- (BOOL)_accountIsAvailable:(AIAccount *)inAccount
return [chat.listObject.service.serviceClass isEqualToString:inAccount.service.serviceClass] &&;
* @brief Create the account menu and add it to our view
- (void)configureAccountMenu
[box_accounts removeFromSuperview]; [box_accounts release];
box_accounts = [[self _boxWithFrame:BOX_RECT] retain];
[popUp_accounts release];
popUp_accounts = [[self _popUpButtonWithFrame:POPUP_RECT] retain];
[box_accounts addSubview:popUp_accounts];
NSTextField *label_accounts = [self _textFieldLabelWithValue:AILocalizedString(@"From:", "Label in front of the dropdown of accounts from which to send a message")
[box_accounts addSubview:label_accounts];
//Resize the contact box to fit our view and insert it
[box_accounts setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(NSWidth([self frame]), NSHeight(BOX_RECT))];
[self addSubview:box_accounts];
//Configure the contact menu
if (accountMenu)
[accountMenu rebuildMenu];
accountMenu = [[AIAccountMenu accountMenuWithDelegate:self submenuType:AIAccountNoSubmenu showTitleVerbs:NO] retain];
* @brief Destroy the account menu, removing it from our view
- (void)_destroyAccountMenu
if (popUp_accounts) {
[box_accounts removeFromSuperview];
[popUp_accounts release]; popUp_accounts = nil;
[box_accounts release]; box_accounts = nil;
[accountMenu release]; accountMenu = nil;
//Contact Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Contact Menu
* @brief Returns YES if a choice of destination contact is available
- (BOOL)choicesAvailableForContact {
if (chat.listObject.metaContact)
return chat.listObject.metaContact.uniqueContainedObjects.count > 1;
return NO;
* @brief Contact menu delegate
- (void)contactMenuDidRebuild:(AIContactMenu *)inContactMenu {
[popUp_contacts setMenu:[inContactMenu menu]];
[self chatDestinationChanged:nil];
- (void)contactMenu:(AIContactMenu *)inContactMenu didSelectContact:(AIListContact *)inContact {
[adium.chatController switchChat:chat toListContact:inContact usingContactAccount:YES];
- (AIListContact *)contactMenu:(AIContactMenu *)inContactMenu validateContact:(AIListContact *)inContact {
AIListContact *preferredContact = [adium.contactController preferredContactForContentType:CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE
return (preferredContact ? preferredContact : inContact);
* @brief Create the contact menu and add it to our view
- (void)_createContactMenu
[box_contacts removeFromSuperview]; [box_contacts release];
box_contacts = [[self _boxWithFrame:BOX_RECT] retain];
[popUp_contacts release];
popUp_contacts = [[self _popUpButtonWithFrame:POPUP_RECT] retain];
[box_contacts addSubview:popUp_contacts];
NSTextField *label_contacts = [self _textFieldLabelWithValue:AILocalizedString(@"To:", "Label in front of the dropdown for picking which contact to send a message to in the message window") frame:LABEL_RECT];
[box_contacts addSubview:label_contacts];
//Resize the contact box to fit our view and insert it
[box_contacts setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(NSWidth([self frame]), NSHeight(BOX_RECT))];
[self addSubview:box_contacts];
//Configure the contact menu
if (contactMenu)
[contactMenu rebuildMenu];
contactMenu = [[AIContactMenu contactMenuWithDelegate:self forContactsInObject:chat.listObject.parentContact] retain];
* @brief Destroy the contact menu, remove it from our view
- (void)_destroyContactMenu
[box_contacts removeFromSuperview];
[box_contacts release]; box_contacts = nil;
[popUp_contacts release]; popUp_contacts = nil;
[contactMenu release]; contactMenu = nil;
//Misc -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Misc
* @brief
- (NSTextField *)_textFieldLabelWithValue:(NSString *)inValue frame:(NSRect)inFrame
NSTextField *label = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:inFrame];
[label setStringValue:inValue];
[label setEditable:NO];
[label setSelectable:NO];
[label setBordered:NO];
[label setDrawsBackground:NO];
[label setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]]];
[label setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
return [label autorelease];
* @brief
- (NSPopUpButton *)_popUpButtonWithFrame:(NSRect)inFrame
NSPopUpButton *popUp = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] initWithFrame:inFrame];
[popUp setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewWidthSizable)];
/* If we don't explicitly set the font of the pop-up button
* menu items without a font of their own get displayed at 14 pt (as of Mac OS X 10.4.10)
* which is too big the text gets clipped.
* If you uncomment this line, you can notice this problem in descenders
* (such as that of the letter 'g') in the recipient pop-up.
[popUp setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:0.0f]];
return [popUp autorelease];
* @brief
- (NSView *)_boxWithFrame:(NSRect)inFrame
NSView *box = [[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:inFrame];
[box setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewWidthSizable)];
return [box autorelease];
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@{%@}",[super description], chat];