
Removed some 10.7-- checks. Moved to 10.7.5.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "ESPurpleMSNAccount.h"
#import <Adium/AIContentControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatusControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIHTMLDecoder.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatus.h>
#import <Adium/ESFileTransfer.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIAttributedStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIMutableStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
#import <FriBidi/NSString-FBAdditions.h>
#import "SLPurpleCocoaAdapter.h"
@interface ESPurpleMSNAccount ()
- (void)updateFriendlyNameAfterConnect;
- (void)setServersideDisplayName:(NSString *)friendlyName;
- (void)gotFilteredFriendlyName:(NSAttributedString *)filteredFriendlyName context:(NSDictionary *)infoDict;
@implementation ESPurpleMSNAccount
* @brief The UID will be changed. The account has a chance to perform modifications
* For example, MSN adds to the proposedUID and returns the new value
* @param proposedUID The proposed, pre-filtered UID (filtered means it has no characters invalid for this servce)
* @result The UID to use; the default implementation just returns proposedUID.
- (NSString *)accountWillSetUID:(NSString *)proposedUID
NSString *correctUID;
if (([proposedUID length] > 0) &&
([proposedUID rangeOfString:@"@"].location == NSNotFound)) {
correctUID = [proposedUID stringByAppendingString:DEFAULT_MSN_PASSPORT_DOMAIN];
} else {
correctUID = proposedUID;
return correctUID;
- (void)initAccount
[super initAccount];
lastFriendlyNameChange = nil;
- (const char*)protocolPlugin
return "prpl-msn";
* @brief Should set aliases serverside?
* MSN as of P15 supports serverside aliases.
- (BOOL)shouldSetAliasesServerside
return YES;
- (NSString *)encodedAttributedStringForSendingContentMessage:(AIContentMessage *)inContentMessage
NSString *encodedString;
BOOL didCommand = [[self purpleAdapter] attemptPurpleCommandOnMessage:inContentMessage.message.string
fromAccount:(AIAccount *)inContentMessage.source];
if (!didCommand) {
/* If we're sending a message on an encryption chat, we can encode the HTML normally, as links will go through fine.
* If we're sending a message normally, MSN will drop the title of any link, so we preprocess it to be in the form "title (link)"
encodedString = [AIHTMLDecoder encodeHTML:( ? inContentMessage.message : [inContentMessage.message attributedStringByConvertingLinksToStrings])
} else {
encodedString = nil;
if (encodedString) {
/* If our message contains RTL string we shall surround it with a span tag
* with proper dir attribute so libpurple can apply the MSN writing direction
* flag. Note that we must check the string of the content message and not the
* one returned by our superclass as it appends its own html to the string.
* Only the content message can tell us the original direction.
return (([[inContentMessage.message string] baseWritingDirection] == NSWritingDirectionRightToLeft)
? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<span dir=\"rtl\">%@</span>", encodedString]
: encodedString);
} else {
return nil;
#pragma mark Connection
- (void)configurePurpleAccount
[super configurePurpleAccount];
BOOL HTTPConnect = [[self preferenceForKey:KEY_MSN_HTTP_CONNECT_METHOD group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] boolValue];
purple_account_set_bool(account, "http_method", HTTPConnect);
BOOL blockDirectConnections = [[self preferenceForKey:KEY_MSN_BLOCK_DIRECT_CONNECTIONS group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] boolValue];
purple_account_set_bool(account, "direct_connect", !blockDirectConnections);
- (NSString *)connectionStringForStep:(NSInteger)step
switch (step)
case 0:
return AILocalizedString(@"Connecting",nil);
case 1:
return AILocalizedString(@"Handshaking",nil);
case 2:
return AILocalizedString(@"Transferring",nil);
case 3:
return AILocalizedString(@"Handshaking",nil);
case 4:
return AILocalizedString(@"Starting authentication",nil);
case 5:
return AILocalizedString(@"Getting Cookie",nil);
case 6:
return AILocalizedString(@"Authenticating",nil);
case 7:
return AILocalizedString(@"Sending Cookie",nil);
case 8:
return AILocalizedString(@"Retrieving buddy list",nil);
return nil;
- (NSString *)encodedAttributedString:(NSAttributedString *)inAttributedString forListObject:(AIListObject *)inListObject
return [AIHTMLDecoder encodeHTML:inAttributedString
#pragma mark Status
//Update our full name on connect
- (oneway void)accountConnectionConnected
[super accountConnectionConnected];
[self updateFriendlyNameAfterConnect];
* @brief Update our friendly name to match the server friendly name if appropriate
* Well behaved MSN clients respect the serverside display name so that an update on one client is reflected on another.
* If our display name is static and specified specifically for our account, we should update to the serverside one if they aren't the same.
* However, if our display name is dynamic, most likely we're looking at the filtered version of our dynamic
* name, so we shouldn't update to the filtered one. Furthermore, if our display name is set at the Aduim-global level,
* we should use that name, not whatever is specified by the last client to connect.
- (void)updateFriendlyNameAfterConnect
const char *displayName = NULL;
if (account) {
PurpleConnection *purpleConnection = purple_account_get_connection(account);
if (purpleConnection) {
displayName = purple_connection_get_display_name(purpleConnection);
NSAttributedString *accountDisplayName = [[self preferenceForKey:KEY_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_NAME
group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] attributedString];
NSAttributedString *globalPreference = [[adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_NAME group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] attributedString];
BOOL accountDisplayNameChanged = NO;
BOOL shouldUpdateDisplayNameImmediately= NO;
/* If the friendly name changed since the last time we connected (the user changed it while offline)
* set it serverside and clear the flag.
if ((accountDisplayName && (accountDisplayNameChanged = [[self preferenceForKey:KEY_MSN_DISPLAY_NAMED_CHANGED group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] boolValue])) ||
(!accountDisplayName && globalPreference)) {
shouldUpdateDisplayNameImmediately = YES;
if (accountDisplayNameChanged) {
[self setPreference:nil
} else {
/* If our locally set friendly name didn't change since the last time we connected but one is set,
* we want to update to the serverside settings as appropriate.
* An important exception is if our per-account display name is dynamic (i.e. a 'Now Playing in iTunes' name).
* We explicitly ignore any display name starting with "<msnobj" because purple_connection_get_display_name() occassionaly (rarely)
* returns invalid data starting with that string. The user can still set this as an MSN display name if she is really that weird, but
* we won't update to match other clients setting it.
if (displayName &&
strncmp(displayName, "<msnobj", 7) &&
strcmp(displayName, [self.UID UTF8String]) &&
strcmp(displayName, [self.formattedUID UTF8String])) {
/* There is a serverside display name, and it's not the same as our UID. */
const char *accountDisplayNameUTF8String = [[accountDisplayName string] UTF8String];
if (accountDisplayNameUTF8String &&
strcmp(accountDisplayNameUTF8String, displayName)) {
/* The display name is different from our per-account preference, which exists. Check if our preference is static.
* If the if() above got FALSE, we don't need to do anything; the serverside preference should stand as-is. */
[adium.contentController filterAttributedString:accountDisplayName
context:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
accountDisplayName, @"accountDisplayName",
[NSString stringWithUTF8String:displayName], @"displayName",
} else {
shouldUpdateDisplayNameImmediately = YES;
if (shouldUpdateDisplayNameImmediately) {
[self updateStatusForKey:KEY_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_NAME];
- (void)gotFilteredFriendlyName:(NSAttributedString *)filteredFriendlyName context:(NSDictionary *)infoDict
if ((!filteredFriendlyName && [infoDict objectForKey:@"displayName"]) ||
([[filteredFriendlyName string] isEqualToString:[[infoDict objectForKey:@"accountDisplayName"] string]])) {
/* Filtering made no changes to the string, so we're static. If we make it here, update to match the server. */
NSAttributedString *newPreference;
newPreference = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[infoDict objectForKey:@"displayName"]];
[self setPreference:[newPreference dataRepresentation]
[self updateStatusForKey:KEY_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_NAME];
} else {
//Set it serverside
[self setServersideDisplayName:[filteredFriendlyName string]];
- (void)doQueuedSetServersideDisplayName
[self setServersideDisplayName:queuedFriendlyName];
queuedFriendlyName = nil;
- (void)setServersideDisplayName:(NSString *)friendlyName
if (account && purple_account_is_connected(account)) {
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
if (!lastFriendlyNameChange ||
[now timeIntervalSinceDate:lastFriendlyNameChange] > SECONDS_BETWEEN_FRIENDLY_NAME_CHANGES) {
//Don't allow newlines in the friendly name; convert them to slashes.
NSMutableString *noNewlinesFriendlyName = [friendlyName mutableCopy];
[noNewlinesFriendlyName convertNewlinesToSlashes];
friendlyName = noNewlinesFriendlyName;
* The MSN display name will be URL encoded via purple_url_encode(). The maximum length of the _encoded_ string is
* BUDDY_ALIAS_MAXLEN (387 characters as of purple 2.7.5). We can't simply encode and truncate as we might end up with
* part of an encoded character being cut off, so we instead truncate to smaller and smaller strings and encode, until it fits
const char *friendlyNameUTF8String = [friendlyName UTF8String];
NSInteger currentMaxNumberOfPreEncodedCharacters = BUDDY_ALIAS_MAXLEN;
while (friendlyNameUTF8String &&
strlen(purple_url_encode(friendlyNameUTF8String)) > BUDDY_ALIAS_MAXLEN) {
AILog(@"Shortening because %s (max len %li) [%s] len (%zi) > %i",
friendlyNameUTF8String, currentMaxNumberOfPreEncodedCharacters,
friendlyName = [noNewlinesFriendlyName stringWithEllipsisByTruncatingToLength:currentMaxNumberOfPreEncodedCharacters];
friendlyNameUTF8String = [friendlyName UTF8String];
currentMaxNumberOfPreEncodedCharacters -= 10;
purple_account_set_alias(account, friendlyNameUTF8String);
purple_account_set_public_alias(account, friendlyNameUTF8String, NULL, NULL);
lastFriendlyNameChange = now;
} else {
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self
if (queuedFriendlyName != friendlyName) {
queuedFriendlyName = friendlyName;
[self performSelector:@selector(doQueuedSetServersideDisplayName)
afterDelay:(SECONDS_BETWEEN_FRIENDLY_NAME_CHANGES - [now timeIntervalSinceDate:lastFriendlyNameChange])];
AILog(@"%@: Queueing serverside display name change to %@ for %0f seconds", self, queuedFriendlyName, (SECONDS_BETWEEN_FRIENDLY_NAME_CHANGES - [now timeIntervalSinceDate:lastFriendlyNameChange]));
* @brief Set our serverside 'friendly name'
* There is a rate limit on how quickly we can set our friendly name.
* @param attributedFriendlyName The new friendly name. This is used as plaintext; it is an NSAttributedString for generic useage with the autoupdating filtering system.
- (void)gotFilteredDisplayName:(NSAttributedString *)attributedDisplayName
NSString *friendlyName = [attributedDisplayName string];
AILog(@"%@: gotFilteredDisplayName: %@ (I am currently %@)",self,friendlyName,[self currentDisplayName]);
if (!friendlyName || ![friendlyName isEqualToString:[self currentDisplayName]]) {
[self setServersideDisplayName:friendlyName];
[super gotFilteredDisplayName:attributedDisplayName];
#pragma mark File transfer
- (BOOL)canSendFolders
return NO;
- (void)beginSendOfFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
[super _beginSendOfFileTransfer:fileTransfer];
- (void)acceptFileTransferRequest:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
[super acceptFileTransferRequest:fileTransfer];
- (void)rejectFileReceiveRequest:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
[super rejectFileReceiveRequest:fileTransfer];
- (void)cancelFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
[super cancelFileTransfer:fileTransfer];
#pragma mark Status messages
- (NSString *)statusNameForPurpleBuddy:(PurpleBuddy *)buddy
NSString *statusName = nil;
PurplePresence *presence = purple_buddy_get_presence(buddy);
PurpleStatus *status = purple_presence_get_active_status(presence);
const char *purpleStatusID = purple_status_get_id(status);
if (!purpleStatusID) return nil;
if (!strcmp(purpleStatusID, "brb")) {
statusName = STATUS_NAME_BRB;
} else if (!strcmp(purpleStatusID, "busy")) {
statusName = STATUS_NAME_BUSY;
} else if (!strcmp(purpleStatusID, "phone")) {
} else if (!strcmp(purpleStatusID, "lunch")) {
} else if (!strcmp(purpleStatusID, "invisible")) {
return statusName;
* @brief Should a status message be set when using the default "Away" state?
- (BOOL)shouldSetStatusMessageForDefaultAwayState
return NO;
* @brief Return the purple status ID to be used for a status
* Most subclasses should override this method; these generic values may be appropriate for others.
* Active services provided nonlocalized status names. An AIStatus is passed to this method along with a pointer
* to the status message. This method should handle any status whose statusNname this service set as well as any statusName
* defined in AIStatusController.h (which will correspond to the services handled by Adium by default).
* It should also handle a status name not specified in either of these places with a sane default, most likely by loooking at
* statusState.statusType for a general idea of the status's type.
* @param statusState The status for which to find the purple status ID
* @param arguments Prpl-specific arguments which will be passed with the state. Message is handled automatically.
* @result The purple status ID
- (const char *)purpleStatusIDForStatus:(AIStatus *)statusState
arguments:(NSMutableDictionary *)arguments
const char *statusID = NULL;
NSString *statusName = statusState.statusName;
NSString *statusMessageString = [statusState statusMessageString];
if (!statusMessageString) statusMessageString = @"";
switch (statusState.statusType) {
case AIAvailableStatusType:
case AIAwayStatusType:
if (([statusName isEqualToString:STATUS_NAME_BRB]) ||
([statusMessageString caseInsensitiveCompare:[adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_BRB]] == NSOrderedSame))
statusID = "brb";
else if (([statusName isEqualToString:STATUS_NAME_BUSY]) ||
([statusMessageString caseInsensitiveCompare:[adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_BUSY]] == NSOrderedSame))
statusID = "busy";
else if (([statusName isEqualToString:STATUS_NAME_PHONE]) ||
([statusMessageString caseInsensitiveCompare:[adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_PHONE]] == NSOrderedSame))
statusID = "phone";
else if (([statusName isEqualToString:STATUS_NAME_LUNCH]) ||
([statusMessageString caseInsensitiveCompare:[adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_LUNCH]] == NSOrderedSame))
statusID = "lunch";
case AIInvisibleStatusType:
case AIOfflineStatusType:
//If we didn't get a purple status ID, request one from super
if (statusID == NULL) statusID = [super purpleStatusIDForStatus:statusState arguments:arguments];
return statusID;
#pragma mark Contact List Menu Items
- (NSString *)titleForContactMenuLabel:(const char *)label forContact:(AIListContact *)inContact
if (strcmp(label, _("Send to Mobile")) == 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Send to %@'s Mobile",nil),inContact.formattedUID];
return [super titleForContactMenuLabel:label forContact:inContact];
#pragma mark Account Action Menu Items
- (NSString *)titleForAccountActionMenuLabel:(const char *)label
if (strcmp(label, _("Set Friendly Name...")) == 0) {
/* Don't include the Set Friendly Name action since we have our own UI for this */
return nil;
} else if (strcmp(label, _("Set Home Phone Number...")) == 0) {
return [AILocalizedString(@"Set Home Phone Number",nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis];
} else if (strcmp(label, _("Set Work Phone Number...")) == 0) {
return [AILocalizedString(@"Set Work Phone Number",nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis];
} else if (strcmp(label, _("Set Mobile Phone Number...")) == 0) {
return [AILocalizedString(@"Set Mobile Phone Number",nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis];
} else if (strcmp(label, _("Allow/Disallow Mobile Pages...")) == 0) {
return [AILocalizedString(@"Allow/Disallow Mobile Pages","Action menu item for MSN accounts to toggle whether Mobile pages [forwarding messages to a mobile device] are enabled") stringByAppendingEllipsis];
return [super titleForAccountActionMenuLabel:label];