adium/adium, emergency release for Sparkle vulnerability.
2016-01-29, Thijs Alkemade
90f001b0bbe9, emergency release for Sparkle vulnerability.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AIStatusController.h"
#import <Adium/AIAccountControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AISoundControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import "AdiumIdleManager.h"
#import <AIUtilities/AIMenuAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIArrayAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIAttributedStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIEventAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIObjectAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccount.h>
#import <Adium/AIService.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatusIcons.h>
#import "AIStatusGroup.h"
#import <Adium/AIStatus.h>
//State menu
#define STATUS_TITLE_OFFLINE AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Offline", @"Statuses", "Name of a status")
#define BUILT_IN_STATE_ARRAY @"BuiltInStatusStates"
@interface AIStatusController ()
- (NSArray *)builtInStateArray;
- (void)_upgradeSavedAwaysToSavedStates;
- (NSArray *)_menuItemsForStatusesOfType:(AIStatusType)type forServiceCodeUniqueID:(NSString *)inServiceCodeUniqueID withTarget:(id)target;
- (void)_addMenuItemsForStatusOfType:(AIStatusType)type
fromSet:(NSSet *)sourceArray
toArray:(NSMutableArray *)menuItems
alreadyAddedTitles:(NSMutableSet *)alreadyAddedTitles;
- (void)buildBuiltInStatusTypes;
- (void)notifyOfChangedStatusArray;
* @class AIStatusController
* @brief Core status & state methods
* This class provides a foundation for Adium's status and status state systems.
@implementation AIStatusController
static NSMutableSet *temporaryStateArray = nil;
* Init the status controller
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init])) {
stateMenuItemArraysDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
stateMenuPluginsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
stateMenuItemsNeedingUpdating = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
activeStatusUpdateDelays = 0;
_sortedFullStateArray = nil;
_activeStatusState = nil;
_allActiveStatusStates = nil;
temporaryStateArray = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
accountsToConnect = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
idleManager = [[AdiumIdleManager alloc] init];
return self;
* @brief Finish initing the status controller
* Set our initial status state, and restore our array of accounts to connect when a global state is selected.
- (void)controllerDidLoad
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] registerListObjectObserver:self];
[self buildBuiltInStatusTypes];
//Put each account into the status it was in last time we quit.
BOOL needToRebuildMenus = NO;
AIStatus *prevStatus = nil;
for (AIAccount *account in adium.accountController.accounts) {
NSData *lastStatusData = [account preferenceForKey:@"LastStatus"
AIStatus *lastStatus = nil;
if (lastStatusData)
lastStatus = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:lastStatusData];
if (lastStatus && [lastStatus isKindOfClass:[AIStatus class]]) {
AIStatus *existingStatus;
/* We want to use a loaded status instance if one exists. This will be the case if the account
* was last in a built-in or user defined and saved state. If the last state was unsaved, existingStatus
* will be nil.
existingStatus = [self statusStateWithUniqueStatusID:[lastStatus uniqueStatusID]];
if (existingStatus) {
lastStatus = existingStatus;
} else {
//Add to our temporary status array
[temporaryStateArray addObject:lastStatus];
/* We could clear out _flatStatusSet for the next iteration, but we _know_ what changed,
* so modify it directly for efficiency.
[_flatStatusSet addObject:lastStatus];
needToRebuildMenus = YES;
if (!prevStatus) {
prevStatus = lastStatus;
} //else if (prevStatus != lastStatus) {}
[account setStatusStateAndRemainOffline:lastStatus];
if (needToRebuildMenus) {
[self notifyOfChangedStatusArray];
* @brief Begin closing the status controller
* Save the online accounts; they will be the accounts connected by a global status change
* Also save the current status state of each account so it can be restored on next launch.
- (void)controllerWillClose
for (AIAccount *account in adium.accountController.accounts) {
/* Store the current status state for use on next launch.
* We use the valueForProperty:@"accountStatus" accessor rather than account.statusState
* because we don't want anything besides the account's actual status state. That is, we don't
* want the default available state if the account doesn't have a state yet, and we want the
* real last-state-which-was-set (not the offline one) if the account is offline.
AIStatus *currentStatus = [account valueForProperty:@"accountStatus"];
[account setPreference:((currentStatus && (currentStatus != offlineStatusState)) ?
[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:currentStatus] :
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:[[self rootStateGroup] containedStatusItems]]
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
[adium.preferenceController unregisterPreferenceObserver:self];
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] unregisterListObjectObserver:self];
* @brief Deallocate
- (void)dealloc
[_rootStateGroup release]; _rootStateGroup = nil;
[_sortedFullStateArray release]; _sortedFullStateArray = nil;
[super dealloc];
#pragma mark Status registration
* @brief Register a status for a service
* Implementation note: Each AIStatusType has its own NSMutableDictionary, statusDictsByServiceCodeUniqueID.
* statusDictsByServiceCodeUniqueID is keyed by serviceCodeUniqueID; each object is an NSMutableSet of NSDictionaries.
* Each of these dictionaries has KEY_STATUS_NAME, KEY_STATUS_DESCRIPTION, and KEY_STATUS_TYPE.
* @param statusName A name which will be passed back to accounts of this service. Internal use only. Use the AIStatusController.h #defines where appropriate.
* @param description A human-readable localized description which will be shown to the user. Use the AIStatusController.h #defines where appropriate.
* @param type An AIStatusType, the general type of this status.
* @param service The AIService for which to register the status
- (void)registerStatus:(NSString *)statusName withDescription:(NSString *)description ofType:(AIStatusType)type forService:(AIService *)service
NSMutableSet *statusDicts;
NSString *serviceCodeUniqueID = service.serviceCodeUniqueID;
//Create the set if necessary
if (!statusDictsByServiceCodeUniqueID[type]) statusDictsByServiceCodeUniqueID[type] = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
if (!(statusDicts = [statusDictsByServiceCodeUniqueID[type] objectForKey:serviceCodeUniqueID])) {
statusDicts = [NSMutableSet set];
[statusDictsByServiceCodeUniqueID[type] setObject:statusDicts
//Create a dictionary for this status entry
NSDictionary *statusDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
statusName, KEY_STATUS_NAME,
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:type], KEY_STATUS_TYPE,
[statusDicts addObject:statusDict];
#pragma mark Status menus
* @brief Generate and return a menu of status types (Away, Be right back, etc.)
* @param service The service for which to return a specific list of types, or nil to return all available types
* @param target The target for the menu items, which will have an action of @selector(selectStatus:)
* @result The menu of statuses, separated by available and away status types
- (NSMenu *)menuOfStatusesForService:(AIService *)service withTarget:(id)target
NSMenu *menu = [[NSMenu allocWithZone:[NSMenu menuZone]] init];
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
NSString *serviceCodeUniqueID = service.serviceCodeUniqueID;
AIStatusType type;
for (type = AIAvailableStatusType ; type < STATUS_TYPES_COUNT ; type++) {
NSArray *menuItemArray;
menuItemArray = [self _menuItemsForStatusesOfType:type
//Add a separator between each type after available
if ((type > AIAvailableStatusType) && [menuItemArray count]) {
[menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
//Add the items for this type
for (menuItem in menuItemArray) {
[menu addItem:menuItem];
return [menu autorelease];
* @brief Return an array of menu items for an AIStatusType and service
* @pram type The AIStatusType for which to return statuses
* @param inServiceCodeUniqueID The service for which to return active statuses. If nil, return all statuses for online services.
* @param target The target for the menu items
* @result An <tt>NSArray</tt> of <tt>NSMenuItem</tt> objects.
- (NSArray *)_menuItemsForStatusesOfType:(AIStatusType)type forServiceCodeUniqueID:(NSString *)inServiceCodeUniqueID withTarget:(id)target
NSMutableArray *menuItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableSet *alreadyAddedTitles = [NSMutableSet set];
//First, add our built-in items (so they will be at the top of the array and service-specific 'copies' won't replace them)
[self _addMenuItemsForStatusOfType:type
//Now, add items for this service, or from all available services, as appropriate
if (inServiceCodeUniqueID) {
NSSet *statusDicts;
//Obtain the status dicts for this type and service code unique ID
if ((statusDicts = [statusDictsByServiceCodeUniqueID[type] objectForKey:inServiceCodeUniqueID])) {
//And add them
[self _addMenuItemsForStatusOfType:type
} else {
for (AIService *service in [adium.accountController activeServicesIncludingCompatibleServices:NO]) {
NSSet *statusDicts;
//Obtain the status dicts for this type and service code unique ID
if ((statusDicts = [statusDictsByServiceCodeUniqueID[type] objectForKey:service.serviceCodeUniqueID])) {
//And add them
[self _addMenuItemsForStatusOfType:type
[menuItems sortUsingSelector:@selector(titleCompare:)];
return [menuItems autorelease];
* @brief Add menu items for a particular type of status
* @param type The AIStatusType, used for determining the icon of the menu items
* @param target The target of the created menu items
* @param statusDicts An NSSet of NSDictionary objects, which should each represent a status of the passed type
* @param menuItems The NSMutableArray to which to add the menuItems
* @param alreadyAddedTitles NSMutableSet of NSString titles which have already been added and should not be duplicated. Will be updated as items are added.
- (void)_addMenuItemsForStatusOfType:(AIStatusType)type
fromSet:(NSSet *)statusDicts
toArray:(NSMutableArray *)menuItems
alreadyAddedTitles:(NSMutableSet *)alreadyAddedTitles
NSDictionary *statusDict;
//Enumerate the status dicts
for (statusDict in statusDicts) {
NSString *title = [statusDict objectForKey:KEY_STATUS_DESCRIPTION];
* Only add if it has not already been added by another service.... Services need to use unique titles if they have
* unique state names, but are welcome to share common name/description combinations, which is why the #defines
* exist.
if (![alreadyAddedTitles containsObject:title]) {
NSImage *image;
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem allocWithZone:[NSMenu menuZone]] initWithTitle:title
image = [AIStatusIcons statusIconForStatusName:[statusDict objectForKey:KEY_STATUS_NAME]
[menuItem setRepresentedObject:statusDict];
[menuItem setImage:image];
[menuItem setEnabled:YES];
[menuItems addObject:menuItem];
[menuItem release];
[alreadyAddedTitles addObject:title];
#pragma mark Status State Descriptions
- (NSString *)localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:(NSString *)statusName
static NSDictionary *coreLocalizedStatusDescriptions = nil;
coreLocalizedStatusDescriptions = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Available", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_AVAILABLE,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Free for chat", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_FREE_FOR_CHAT,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Available for friends only", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_AVAILABLE_FRIENDS_ONLY,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Away", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_AWAY,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Extended away", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_EXTENDED_AWAY,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Away for friends only", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_AWAY_FRIENDS_ONLY,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Do not disturb", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_DND,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Not available", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_NOT_AVAILABLE,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Occupied", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_OCCUPIED,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Be right back", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_BRB,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Busy", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_BUSY,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"On the phone", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_PHONE,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Out to lunch", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_LUNCH,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Not at home", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_NOT_AT_HOME,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Not at my desk", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_NOT_AT_DESK,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Not in the office", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_NOT_IN_OFFICE,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"On vacation", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_VACATION,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Stepped out", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_STEPPED_OUT,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Invisible", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_INVISIBLE,
AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Offline", @"Statuses", "Name of a status"), STATUS_NAME_OFFLINE,
nil] retain];
return (statusName ? [coreLocalizedStatusDescriptions objectForKey:statusName] : nil);
- (NSString *)localizedDescriptionForStatusName:(NSString *)statusName statusType:(AIStatusType)statusType
NSString *description = nil;
if (statusName &&
!(description = [self localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:statusName])) {
for (NSSet *set in statusDictsByServiceCodeUniqueID[statusType]) {
NSEnumerator *statusDictsEnumerator = [set objectEnumerator];
NSDictionary *statusDict;
while (!description && (statusDict = [statusDictsEnumerator nextObject])) {
if ([[statusDict objectForKey:KEY_STATUS_NAME] isEqualToString:statusName]){
description = [statusDict objectForKey:KEY_STATUS_DESCRIPTION];
return description;
* @brief Return the localized description for the sate of the passed status
* This could be stored with the statusState, but that would break if the locale changed. This way, the nonlocalized
* string is used to look up the appropriate localized one.
* @result A localized description such as @"Away" or @"Out to Lunch" of the state used by statusState
- (NSString *)descriptionForStateOfStatus:(AIStatus *)statusState
return [self localizedDescriptionForStatusName:statusState.statusName
* @brief The status name to use by default for a passed type
* This is the name which will be used for new AIStatus objects of this type.
- (NSString *)defaultStatusNameForType:(AIStatusType)statusType
//Set the default status name
switch (statusType) {
case AIAvailableStatusType:
case AIAwayStatusType:
case AIInvisibleStatusType:
case AIOfflineStatusType:
return nil;
#pragma mark Setting Status States
* @brief Set the active status state
* Sets the currently active status state. This applies throughout Adium and to all accounts. The state will become
* effective immediately.
- (void)setActiveStatusState:(AIStatus *)statusState
//Apply the state to our accounts and notify (delay to the next run loop to improve perceived speed)
[self performSelector:@selector(applyState:toAccounts:)
* @brief Set the active status state for some account
* Sets the currently active status state for the specified account.
* This applies throughout Adium and to all accounts. The state will become
* effective immediately.
- (void)setActiveStatusState:(AIStatus *)state forAccount:(AIAccount *)account
[self removeIfNecessaryTemporaryStatusState:account.statusState];
[self applyState:state toAccounts:[NSArray arrayWithObject:account]];
* @brief Return the <tt>AIStatus</tt> to be used by accounts as they are created
- (AIStatus *)defaultInitialStatusState
return [self availableStatus];
* @brief Reset the active status state
* All active status states cache will also reset. Posts an active status changed notification. The active state
* will be regenerated the next time it is requested.
- (void)_resetActiveStatusState
//Clear the active status state. It will be rebuilt next time it is requested
[_activeStatusState release]; _activeStatusState = nil;
[_allActiveStatusStates release]; _allActiveStatusStates = nil;
//Let observers know the active state has changed
if (!activeStatusUpdateDelays) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:AIStatusActiveStateChangedNotification object:nil];
* @brief Account status changed.
* Rebuild all our state menus
- (NSSet *)updateListObject:(AIListObject *)inObject keys:(NSSet *)inModifiedKeys silent:(BOOL)silent
if ([inObject isKindOfClass:[AIAccount class]]) {
if ([inModifiedKeys containsObject:@"isOnline"] ||
[inModifiedKeys containsObject:@"idleSince"] ||
[inModifiedKeys containsObject:@"accountStatus"] ||
[inModifiedKeys containsObject:KEY_ENABLED]) {
[self _resetActiveStatusState];
return nil;
* @brief Delay activee status menu updates
* This should be called to prevent duplicative updates when multiple accounts are changing status simultaneously.
- (void)setDelayActiveStatusUpdates:(BOOL)shouldDelay
if (shouldDelay)
if (!activeStatusUpdateDelays) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:AIStatusActiveStateChangedNotification object:nil];
* @brief Delay activee status menu updates
* This should be called to prevent duplicative rebuilds when the status menu will change multple times.
- (void)setDelayStatusMenuRebuilding:(BOOL)shouldDelay
if (shouldDelay)
if (!statusMenuRebuildDelays) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:AIStatusStateArrayChangedNotification object:nil];
* @brief Apply a state to multiple accounts
- (void)applyState:(AIStatus *)statusState toAccounts:(NSArray *)accountArray
AIStatus *aStatusState;
BOOL shouldRebuild = NO;
BOOL isOfflineStatus = (statusState.statusType == AIOfflineStatusType);
[self setDelayActiveStatusUpdates:YES];
/* If we're going offline, determine what accounts are currently online or connecting/reconnecting, first,
* so that we can restore that when an online state is chosen later.
if (isOfflineStatus && [adium.accountController oneOrMoreConnectedOrConnectingAccounts]) {
[accountsToConnect removeAllObjects];
for (AIAccount *account in accountArray) {
// Save the account if we're online or trying to be online.
if ( || [account boolValueForProperty:@"isConnecting"] || [account valueForProperty:@"waitingToReconnect"])
[accountsToConnect addObject:account];
// Don't consider "connecting" accounts when connecting previously offline.
if (![adium.accountController oneOrMoreConnectedAccounts]) {
/* No connected accounts: Connect all enabled accounts which were set offline previously.
* If we have no such list of accounts, connect 'em all.
BOOL noAccountsToConnectCount = ([accountsToConnect count] == 0);
for (AIAccount *account in accountArray) {
if (account.enabled &&
([accountsToConnect containsObject:account] || noAccountsToConnectCount)) {
[account setStatusState:statusState];
} else {
[account setStatusStateAndRemainOffline:statusState];
} else {
//At least one account is online. Just change its status without taking any other accounts online.
for (AIAccount *account in accountArray) {
if ( || isOfflineStatus) {
[account setStatusState:statusState];
} else {
[account setStatusStateAndRemainOffline:statusState];
shouldRebuild = YES;
//If this is not an offline status, we've now made use of accountsToConnect and should clear it so it isn't used again.
if (!isOfflineStatus) {
[accountsToConnect removeAllObjects];
//Any objects in the temporary state array which aren't the state we just set should now be removed.
for (aStatusState in [[temporaryStateArray copy] autorelease]) {
if (aStatusState != statusState) {
[temporaryStateArray removeObject:aStatusState];
shouldRebuild = YES;
//Add to our temporary status array if it's not in our state array
if (![[self flatStatusSet] containsObject:statusState] &&
![temporaryStateArray containsObject:statusState]) {
[temporaryStateArray addObject:statusState];
shouldRebuild = YES;
if (shouldRebuild) {
[self notifyOfChangedStatusArray];
[self setDelayActiveStatusUpdates:NO];
#pragma mark Retrieving Status States
* @brief Access to Adium's user-defined states
* Returns the root AIStatusGroup of user-defined states
- (AIStatusGroup *)rootStateGroup
if (!_rootStateGroup) {
NSData *savedStateData = [adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_SAVED_STATUS
if (savedStateData) {
id archivedObject = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:savedStateData];
if ([archivedObject isKindOfClass:[AIStatusGroup class]]) {
//Adium 1.0 archives an AIStatusGroup
_rootStateGroup = [archivedObject retain];
} else if ([archivedObject isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
//Adium 0.8x archived an NSArray
_rootStateGroup = [[AIStatusGroup statusGroupWithContainedStatusItems:archivedObject] retain];
if (!_rootStateGroup) _rootStateGroup = [[AIStatusGroup statusGroup] retain];
//Upgrade Adium 0.7x away messages
[self _upgradeSavedAwaysToSavedStates];
return _rootStateGroup;
* @brief Return the array of built-in states
* These are basic Available and Away states which should always be visible and are (by convention) immutable.
* The first state in BUILT_IN_STATE_ARRAY will be used as the default for accounts as they are created.
- (NSArray *)builtInStateArray
if (!builtInStateArray) {
NSArray *savedBuiltInStateArray = [NSArray arrayNamed:BUILT_IN_STATE_ARRAY forClass:[self class]];
NSDictionary *dict;
builtInStateArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[savedBuiltInStateArray count]];
for (dict in savedBuiltInStateArray) {
AIStatus *status = [AIStatus statusWithDictionary:dict];
[builtInStateArray addObject:status];
//Store a reference to our offline state if we just loaded it
if (status.statusType == AIOfflineStatusType) {
[offlineStatusState release];
offlineStatusState = [status retain];
return builtInStateArray;
* @brief Create and add the built-in status types; even if no service explicitly registers these, they are available.
* The built-in status types are basic, generic "Available" and "Away" states.
- (void)buildBuiltInStatusTypes
NSDictionary *statusDict;
builtInStatusTypes[AIAvailableStatusType] = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
statusDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[self localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_AVAILABLE], KEY_STATUS_DESCRIPTION,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:AIAvailableStatusType], KEY_STATUS_TYPE,
[builtInStatusTypes[AIAvailableStatusType] addObject:statusDict];
builtInStatusTypes[AIAwayStatusType] = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
statusDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[self localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_AWAY], KEY_STATUS_DESCRIPTION,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:AIAwayStatusType], KEY_STATUS_TYPE,
[builtInStatusTypes[AIAwayStatusType] addObject:statusDict];
* @brief Returns the built in available status
- (AIStatus *)availableStatus
return [[[self builtInStateArray] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"statusType == %i",AIAvailableStatusType]] objectAtIndex:0];
* @brief Returns the built in away status
- (AIStatus *)awayStatus
return [[[self builtInStateArray] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"statusType == %i",AIAwayStatusType]] objectAtIndex:0];
* @brief Returns the built in invisible status
- (AIStatus *)invisibleStatus
return [[[self builtInStateArray] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"statusType == %i",AIInvisibleStatusType]] objectAtIndex:0];
* @brief Returns the built in offline status
* This method duplicates the functionality found in - [AIStatusController offlineStatusState].
* However, this has the same method signature format as the other statuses.
- (AIStatus *)offlineStatus
return [[[self builtInStateArray] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"statusType == %i",AIOfflineStatusType]] objectAtIndex:0];
- (AIStatus *)offlineStatusState
//Ensure the built in states have been loaded
[self builtInStateArray];
NSAssert(offlineStatusState != nil, @"Nil offline status state");
return offlineStatusState;
* @brief Return a sorted state array for use in menu item creation
* The array is created by adding the built in states to the user states, then sorting using _statusArraySort
* The resulting array may contain AIStatus and AIStatusGroup objects.
* @result A cached NSArray which is sorted by status type (available, away), built-in vs. user-made, and then original ordering.
- (NSArray *)sortedFullStateArray
if (!_sortedFullStateArray) {
NSArray *originalStateArray;
NSMutableArray *tempArray;
//Start with everything contained 1) in our built-in array and then 2) in our root group
originalStateArray = [[self builtInStateArray] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[[self rootStateGroup] containedStatusItems]];
tempArray = [originalStateArray mutableCopy];
//Now add the temporary statues
[tempArray addObjectsFromArray:[temporaryStateArray allObjects]];
//Pass the original array so its indexes can be used for comparison of saved state ordering
[AIStatusGroup sortArrayOfStatusItems:tempArray context:originalStateArray];
_sortedFullStateArray = tempArray;
return _sortedFullStateArray;
* @brief Generate and return an array of AIStatus objects which are all known saved, temporary, and built-in statuses
- (NSSet *)flatStatusSet
if (!_flatStatusSet) {
NSMutableSet *tempArray = [[[self rootStateGroup] flatStatusSet] mutableCopy];
//Add built in states
[tempArray addObjectsFromArray:[self builtInStateArray]];
//Add temporary ones
[tempArray addObjectsFromArray:[temporaryStateArray allObjects]];
_flatStatusSet = tempArray;
return _flatStatusSet;
* @brief Retrieve active status state
* @result The currently active status state.
* This is defined as the status state which the most accounts are currently using. The behavior in case of a tie
* is currently undefined but will yield one of the tying states.
- (AIStatus *)activeStatusState
if (!_activeStatusState) {
NSCountedSet *statusCounts = [NSCountedSet set];
NSUInteger highestCount = 0;
if (adium.accountController.oneOrMoreConnectedAccounts) {
AIStatus *bestStatusState = nil;
for (AIAccount *account in adium.accountController.accounts) {
if ( {
AIStatus *accountStatusState = account.statusState;
[statusCounts addObject:(accountStatusState ?
accountStatusState :
for (AIStatus *statusState in statusCounts) {
NSUInteger thisCount = [statusCounts countForObject:statusState];
if (thisCount > highestCount) {
bestStatusState = statusState;
highestCount = thisCount;
_activeStatusState = (bestStatusState ? [bestStatusState retain]: [offlineStatusState retain]);
} else {
_activeStatusState = [offlineStatusState retain];
return _activeStatusState;
* @brief Find the 'active' AIStatusType
* The active type is the one used by the largest number of accounts. In case of a tie, the order of the AIStatusType
* enum is respected
* @param invisibleIsAway If YES, AIInvisibleStatusType is trated as AIAwayStatusType
* @result The active AIStatusType for online accounts, or AIOfflineStatusType if all accounts are offline
- (AIStatusType)activeStatusTypeTreatingInvisibleAsAway:(BOOL)invisibleIsAway
AIStatusType statusTypeCount[STATUS_TYPES_COUNT];
AIStatusType activeStatusType = AIOfflineStatusType;
NSUInteger highestCount = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < STATUS_TYPES_COUNT ; i++) {
statusTypeCount[i] = 0;
for (AIAccount *account in adium.accountController.accounts) {
if ( || [account boolValueForProperty:@"isConnecting"]) {
AIStatusType statusType = account.statusState.statusType;
//If invisibleIsAway, pretend that invisible is away
if (invisibleIsAway && (statusType == AIInvisibleStatusType)) statusType = AIAwayStatusType;
for (i = 0 ; i < STATUS_TYPES_COUNT ; i++) {
if (statusTypeCount[i] > highestCount) {
activeStatusType = i;
highestCount = statusTypeCount[i];
return activeStatusType;
* @brief All active status states
* A status state is active if any enabled account is currently in that state.
* The return value of this method is cached.
* @result An <tt>NSSet</tt> of <tt>AIStatus</tt> objects
- (NSSet *)allActiveStatusStates
if (!_allActiveStatusStates) {
_allActiveStatusStates = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
for (AIAccount *account in adium.accountController.accounts) {
if (account.enabled) {
[_allActiveStatusStates addObject:account.statusState];
return _allActiveStatusStates;
* @brief Return the set of all unavailable statuses in use by online or connection accounts
* @param activeUnvailableStatusType Pointer to an AIStatusType; returns by reference the most popular unavailable type
* @param activeUnvailableStatusName Pointer to an NSString*; returns by reference a status name if all states are in the same name, or nil if they differ
* @param allOnlineAccountsAreUnvailable Pointer to a BOOL; returns by reference YES is all online accounts are unavailable, NO if one or more is available
- (NSSet *)activeUnavailableStatusesAndType:(AIStatusType *)activeUnvailableStatusType withName:(NSString **)activeUnvailableStatusName allOnlineAccountsAreUnvailable:(BOOL *)allOnlineAccountsAreUnvailable
NSMutableSet *activeUnvailableStatuses = [NSMutableSet set];
BOOL foundStatusName = NO;
NSInteger statusTypeCount[STATUS_TYPES_COUNT];
statusTypeCount[AIAwayStatusType] = 0;
statusTypeCount[AIInvisibleStatusType] = 0;
//Assume all accounts are unavailable until proven otherwise
if (allOnlineAccountsAreUnvailable != NULL) {
*allOnlineAccountsAreUnvailable = YES;
for (AIAccount *account in adium.accountController.accounts) {
if ( || [account boolValueForProperty:@"isConnecting"]) {
AIStatus *statusState = account.statusState;
AIStatusType statusType = statusState.statusType;
if ((statusType == AIAwayStatusType) || (statusType == AIInvisibleStatusType)) {
NSString *statusName = statusState.statusName;
[activeUnvailableStatuses addObject:statusState];
if (foundStatusName) {
//Once we find a status name, we only want to return it if all our status names are the same.
if ((activeUnvailableStatusName != NULL) &&
(*activeUnvailableStatusName != nil) &&
![*activeUnvailableStatusName isEqualToString:statusName]) {
*activeUnvailableStatusName = nil;
} else {
//We haven't found a status name yet, so store this one as the active status name
if (activeUnvailableStatusName != NULL) {
*activeUnvailableStatusName = statusState.statusName;
foundStatusName = YES;
} else {
//An online account isn't unavailable
if (allOnlineAccountsAreUnvailable != NULL) {
*allOnlineAccountsAreUnvailable = NO;
if (activeUnvailableStatusType != NULL) {
if (statusTypeCount[AIAwayStatusType] > statusTypeCount[AIInvisibleStatusType]) {
*activeUnvailableStatusType = AIAwayStatusType;
} else {
*activeUnvailableStatusType = AIInvisibleStatusType;
return activeUnvailableStatuses;
* @brief Find the status state with the requested uniqueStatusID
- (AIStatus *)statusStateWithUniqueStatusID:(NSNumber *)uniqueStatusID
AIStatus *statusState = nil;
if (uniqueStatusID) {
for (statusState in self.flatStatusSet) {
if ([statusState.uniqueStatusID compare:uniqueStatusID] == NSOrderedSame)
return statusState;
//State Editing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark State Editing
* @brief Add a state
* Add a new state to Adium's state array.
* @param state AIState to add
- (void)addStatusState:(AIStatus *)statusState
AIStatusMutabilityType mutabilityType = [statusState mutabilityType];
if ((mutabilityType == AILockedStatusState) ||
(mutabilityType == AISecondaryLockedStatusState)) {
//If we are adding a locked status, add it to the built-in statuses
[(NSMutableArray *)[self builtInStateArray] addObject:statusState];
[self notifyOfChangedStatusArray];
} else {
//Otherwise, add it to the user-created statuses
[[self rootStateGroup] addStatusItem:statusState atIndex:-1];
* @brief Remove a state
* Remove a new state from Adium's state array.
* @param state AIStatus to remove
- (void)removeStatusState:(AIStatus *)statusState
NSLog(@"shouldn't be calling this.");
// [stateArray removeObject:statusState];
[self savedStatusesChanged];
- (void)notifyOfChangedStatusArray
//Clear the sorted menu items array since our state array changed.
[_sortedFullStateArray release]; _sortedFullStateArray = nil;
[_flatStatusSet release]; _flatStatusSet = nil;
if (!statusMenuRebuildDelays) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:AIStatusStateArrayChangedNotification object:nil];
* @brief Save changes to the state array and notify observers
* Saves any outstanding changes to the state array. There should be no need to call this manually, since all the
* state array modifying methods in this class call it automatically after making changes.
* After the state array is saved, observers are notified that is has changed. Call after making any changes to the
* state array from within the controller.
- (void)savedStatusesChanged
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:[[self rootStateGroup] containedStatusItems]]
[self notifyOfChangedStatusArray];
- (void)statusStateDidSetUniqueStatusID
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:[[self rootStateGroup] containedStatusItems]]
* @brief Called when a state could potentially need to removed from the temporary (non-saved) list
* If originalState is in the temporary status array, and it is being used on one or zero accounts, it
* is removed from the temporary status array. This method should be used when one or more accounts have stopped
* using a single status state to determine if that status state is both non-saved and unused.
* Note that while it would seem logical to post AIStatusStateArrayChangedNotification when this method would
* return YES, we don't want to force observers of the notification to update immediately since there may be further
* processing. We therefore let the calling method take action if it chooses to.
* @result YES if the state was removed
- (BOOL)removeIfNecessaryTemporaryStatusState:(AIStatus *)originalState
BOOL didRemove = NO;
/* If the original (old) status state is in our temporary array and is not being used in more than 1 account,
* then we should remove it.
if ([temporaryStateArray containsObject:originalState]) {
NSInteger count = 0;
for (AIAccount *account in adium.accountController.accounts) {
if (account.actualStatusState == originalState) {
if (++count > 1) break;
if (count <= 1) {
[temporaryStateArray removeObject:originalState];
didRemove = YES;
return didRemove;
- (void)saveStatusAsLastUsed:(AIStatus *)statusState
NSMutableDictionary *lastStatusStates;
lastStatusStates = [[[adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:@"LastStatusStates"
group:PREF_GROUP_STATUS_PREFERENCES] mutableCopy] autorelease];
if (!lastStatusStates) lastStatusStates = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[lastStatusStates setObject:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:statusState]
forKey:[[NSNumber numberWithInteger:statusState.statusType] stringValue]];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:lastStatusStates
//Status state menu support ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Status state menu support
* @brief Apply a custom state
* Invoked when the custom state window is closed by the user clicking OK. In response this method sets the custom
* state as the active state.
- (void)customStatusState:(AIStatus *)originalState changedTo:(AIStatus *)newState forAccount:(AIAccount *)account
BOOL shouldRebuild = NO;
if ([newState mutabilityType] != AITemporaryEditableStatusState) {
[adium.statusController addStatusState:newState];
if (account) {
shouldRebuild = [self removeIfNecessaryTemporaryStatusState:originalState];
//Now set the newState for the account
[account setStatusState:newState];
//Enable the account if it isn't currently enabled
if (!account.enabled) {
[account setEnabled:YES];
//Add to our temporary status array if it's not in our state array
if (shouldRebuild || (![[self flatStatusSet] containsObject:newState])) {
[temporaryStateArray addObject:newState];
[self notifyOfChangedStatusArray];
} else {
//Set the state for all accounts. This will clear out the temporaryStatusArray as necessary and update its contents.
[self setActiveStatusState:newState];
[self saveStatusAsLastUsed:newState];
#pragma mark Upgrade code
* @brief Temporary upgrade code for 0.7x -> 0.8
* Versions 0.7x and prior stored their away messages in a different format. This code allows a seamless
* transition from 0.7x to 0.8. We can easily recognize the old format because the away messages are of
* type "Away" instead of type "State", which is used for all 0.8 and later saved states.
* Since we are changing the array as we scan it, an enumerator will not work here.
#define OLD_KEY_SAVED_AWAYS @"Saved Away Messages"
#define OLD_GROUP_AWAY_MESSAGES @"Away Messages"
#define OLD_STATE_SAVED_AWAY @"Away"
#define OLD_STATE_AWAY @"Message"
#define OLD_STATE_AUTO_REPLY @"Autoresponse"
#define OLD_STATE_TITLE @"Title"
- (void)_upgradeSavedAwaysToSavedStates
NSArray *savedAways = [adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:OLD_KEY_SAVED_AWAYS
if (savedAways) {
NSDictionary *state;
AILog(@"*** Upgrading Adium 0.7x saved aways: %@", savedAways);
[self setDelayStatusMenuRebuilding:YES];
//Update all the away messages to states.
for (state in savedAways) {
if ([[state objectForKey:@"Type"] isEqualToString:OLD_STATE_SAVED_AWAY]) {
AIStatus *statusState;
//Extract the away message information from this old record
NSData *statusMessageData = [state objectForKey:OLD_STATE_AWAY];
NSData *autoReplyMessageData = [state objectForKey:OLD_STATE_AUTO_REPLY];
NSString *title = [state objectForKey:OLD_STATE_TITLE];
//Create an AIStatus from this information
statusState = [AIStatus status];
//General category: It's an away type
[statusState setStatusType:AIAwayStatusType];
//Specific state: It's the generic away. Funny how that works out.
[statusState setStatusName:STATUS_NAME_AWAY];
//Set the status message (which is just the away message).
[statusState setStatusMessage:[NSAttributedString stringWithData:statusMessageData]];
//It has an auto reply.
[statusState setHasAutoReply:YES];
if (autoReplyMessageData) {
//Use the custom auto reply if it was set.
[statusState setAutoReply:[NSAttributedString stringWithData:autoReplyMessageData]];
} else {
//If no autoReplyMesssage, use the status message.
[statusState setAutoReplyIsStatusMessage:YES];
if (title) [statusState setTitle:title];
//Add the updated state to our state array.
[self addStatusState:statusState];
AILog(@"*** Finished upgrading old saved statuses");
//Save these changes and delete the old aways so we don't need to do this again.
[self setDelayStatusMenuRebuilding:NO];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:nil