adium/adium, emergency release for Sparkle vulnerability.
2016-01-29, Thijs Alkemade
90f001b0bbe9, emergency release for Sparkle vulnerability.
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<h1>Support for Windows, Linux and Mac OS 9</h1>
<p>Adium is only available on <a class="ext_link" href="">Mac OS X</a>.</p>
<p>Adium is written with very Mac specific code—mostly, but not entirely, Cocoa. Porting it to another platform would require rewriting the entire application.</p>
<p>Read below which alternatives we suggest for each operating system.</p>
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<p>Several multi-protocol IM clients already exist for Windows. We recommended <a class="ext_link" href="">Pidgin for Windows</a>; it is open-source and free and Adium uses Pidgin's core (libpurple) for most protocols. Other options include:</p>
<li><a class="ext_link" href="">Trillian</a> (commercial; free 'lite' version available)</li>
<li><a class="ext_link" href="">Miranda</a> (open source; free).</li>
<p>There are some skins available for Trillian and Miranda which modify them to look like Adium in some ways.</p>
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<p>Several multi-protocol IM clients already exist for Linux operating systems.</p>
<p>If you're using <a class="ext_link" href="">GTK+</a>, we recommend <a class="ext_link" href="">Pidgin</a>. Adium uses Pidgin's core (libpurple) for most protocols.</p>
<p>If you're using <a class="ext_link" href="">KDE</a>, we recommend <a class="ext_link" href="">Kopete</a>. Kopete even works with <a href=";cat_id=5">Adium message view styles</a>.</p>
<p><b>But couldn't you use <a class="ext_link" href="">GNUStep</a>?</b></p>
<p>We use Cocoa Bindings, Carbon, Quartz, Core Foundation, and Search Kit, among other APIs. These features are not available in GNUStep.</p>
<p>There was a GNUStep implementation very long ago, but it fell out of date and was missing features.</p>
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<h3>Mac OS 9</h3>
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<p>Look on <a class="ext_link" href="">MacUpdate</a> to see if there are any clients that may work for you. Otherwise you may want to start looking at moving to OS X.</p>
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