
Fix oops.
adium- tip
2017-04-25, Robert Vehse
Fix oops.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AIDualWindowInterfacePlugin.h"
#import <Adium/AIInterfaceControllerProtocol.h>
#import "AIMessageTabViewItem.h"
#import "AIMessageViewController.h"
#import "AIMessageWindowController.h"
#import <Adium/AIChatControllerProtocol.h>
#import "ESDualWindowMessageAdvancedPreferences.h"
#import <AIUtilities/AIDictionaryAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIChat.h>
@implementation AIDualWindowInterfacePlugin
- (void)installPlugin
[adium.interfaceController registerInterfaceController:self];
//Open the interface
- (void)openInterface
containers = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
delayedContainerShowArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
uniqueContainerNumber = 0;
applicationIsHidden = NO;
//XXX - move to separate plugin
[adium.preferenceController registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryNamed:DUAL_INTERFACE_DEFAULT_PREFS forClass:[self class]]
preferenceMessageAdvController = [(ESDualWindowMessageAdvancedPreferences *)[ESDualWindowMessageAdvancedPreferences preferencePane] retain];
//Watch Adium hide and unhide (Used for better window opening behavior)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
//Close the interface
- (void)closeInterface
//Close and unload our windows
[[containers allValues] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(closeWindow:) withObject:nil];
//Stop observing
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
[preferenceMessageAdvController release]; preferenceMessageAdvController = nil;
[containers release]; containers = nil;
[delayedContainerShowArray release]; delayedContainerShowArray = nil;
//Interface: Chat Control ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Interface: Chat Control
//Open a new chat window
- (id)openChat:(AIChat *)chat inContainerWithID:(NSString *)containerID withName:(NSString *)containerName atIndex:(NSUInteger)idx
AIMessageTabViewItem *messageTab = (AIMessageTabViewItem *)[chat chatContainer];
AIMessageWindowController *container = nil;
AIMessageViewController *messageView = nil;
//Create the message tab (if necessary)
if (!messageTab) {
container = [self openContainerWithID:containerID name:containerName];
messageView = [AIMessageViewController messageDisplayControllerForChat:chat];
//Add chat to container
messageTab = [AIMessageTabViewItem messageTabWithView:messageView];
[chat setValue:messageTab
[container addTabViewItem:messageTab atIndex:idx silent:NO];
//Display the account selector if necessary
[[messageTab messageViewController] setAccountSelectionMenuVisibleIfNeeded:YES];
//Open the container window. We wait until after the chat has been added to the container
//before making it visible so window opening looks cleaner.
if (container && !applicationIsHidden && ![[container window] isMiniaturized] && ![[container window] isVisible]) {
[container showWindowInFrontIfAllowed:!(adium.interfaceController.activeChat)];
return messageTab;
* @brief Close a chat
* First, tell the chatController to close the chat. If it returns YES, remove our interface to the chat.
* Take no action if it returns NO; this indicates that the chat shouldn't close, probably because it's about
* to receive another message.
- (void)closeChat:(AIChat *)chat
AIMessageTabViewItem *messageTab = (AIMessageTabViewItem *)chat.chatContainer;
AIMessageWindowController *container = messageTab.windowController;
//Close the chat
[container removeTabViewItem:messageTab silent:NO];
[chat setValue:nil
//Make a chat active
- (void)setActiveChat:(AIChat *)inChat
AIMessageTabViewItem *messageTab = (AIMessageTabViewItem *)[inChat chatContainer];
if (messageTab) [messageTab makeActive:nil];
//Move a chat
- (void)moveChat:(AIChat *)chat toContainerWithID:(NSString *)containerID index:(NSUInteger)idx
AIMessageTabViewItem *messageTab = (AIMessageTabViewItem *)[chat chatContainer];
AIMessageWindowController *windowController = [containers objectForKey:containerID];
if ([messageTab windowController] == windowController) {
[windowController moveTabViewItem:messageTab toIndex:idx];
} else {
[messageTab retain];
[[messageTab windowController] removeTabViewItem:messageTab silent:YES];
//Create the container if necessary
if (!windowController) {
windowController = [self openContainerWithID:containerID name:containerID];
[windowController addTabViewItem:messageTab atIndex:idx silent:YES];
[messageTab release];
//Interface: Chat Access -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Interface: Chat Access
* @brief Return an array of NSDictionary objects for all open containers with associated information
* The returned array has zero or more NSDictionary objects with the following information for each container
* Key Value
* @"ID" NSString of the containerID
* @"Frame" NSString of the window's [NSWindow frame]
* @"Content" NSArray of the AIChat objects within that container
* @"ActiveChat" AIChat that is currently active
* @"Name" NSString of the container's name
- (NSArray *)openContainersAndChats
NSMutableArray *openContainersAndChats = [NSMutableArray array];
for (AIMessageWindowController *container in [containers objectEnumerator]) {
[openContainersAndChats addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
container.containerID, @"ID",
NSStringFromRect(container.window.frame), @"Frame",
container.containedChats, @"Content",
container.activeChat, @"ActiveChat",, @"Name",
return openContainersAndChats;
//Returns an array of open container IDs
- (NSArray *)openContainerIDs
return [containers allKeys];
//Returns an array of open chats
- (NSArray *)openChats
NSMutableArray *openContainersAndChats = [NSMutableArray array];
for (AIMessageWindowController *container in [containers objectEnumerator]) {
[openContainersAndChats addObjectsFromArray:container.containedChats];
return openContainersAndChats;
//Returns the ID of the container containing the chat
- (NSString *)containerIDForChat:(AIChat *)chat
return [[(AIMessageTabViewItem *)[chat chatContainer] windowController] containerID];
//Returns an array of all the chats in a container
- (NSArray *)openChatsInContainerWithID:(NSString *)containerID
return [[containers objectForKey:containerID] containedChats];
* @brief Find the window currently displaying a chat
* If the chat is not in any window, or is not visible in any window, returns nil
- (NSWindow *)windowForChat:(AIChat *)chat
AIMessageWindowController *windowController = [(AIMessageTabViewItem *)[chat chatContainer] windowController];
return (([windowController activeChat] == chat) ?
[windowController window] :
* @brief Find the chat active in a window
* If the window does not have an active chat, nil is returned
- (AIChat *)activeChatInWindow:(NSWindow *)window
AIChat *chat = nil;
NSWindowController *windowController = [window windowController];
if ([windowController isKindOfClass:[AIMessageWindowController class]]) {
chat = [(AIMessageWindowController *)windowController activeChat];
return chat;
//Containers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Containers
//Open a new container
- (AIMessageWindowController *)openContainerWithID:(NSString *)containerID name:(NSString *)containerName
if (!containerID) {
while (!containerID || [containers objectForKey:containerID]) {
containerID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%ld", ADIUM_UNIQUE_CONTAINER, (long)uniqueContainerNumber++];
AIMessageWindowController *windowController = [containers objectForKey:containerID];
if (!windowController) {
windowController = [AIMessageWindowController messageWindowControllerForInterface:self withID:containerID name:containerName];
[containers setObject:windowController forKey:containerID];
//If Adium is hidden, remember to open this container later
if (applicationIsHidden) [delayedContainerShowArray addObject:windowController];
return windowController;
//Close a continer
- (void)closeContainer:(AIMessageWindowController *)container
[container closeWindow:nil];
//A container did close
- (void)containerDidClose:(AIMessageWindowController *)container
NSString *key = [[containers allKeysForObject:container] lastObject];
if (key) [containers removeObjectForKey:key];
//Adium hid
- (void)applicationDidHide:(NSNotification *)notification
applicationIsHidden = YES;
//Adium unhid
- (void)applicationDidUnhide:(NSNotification *)notification
AIMessageWindowController *container;
//Open any containers that should have opened while we were hidden
for (container in delayedContainerShowArray) [container showWindowInFrontIfAllowed:YES];
[delayedContainerShowArray removeAllObjects];
applicationIsHidden = NO;
//Custom Tab Management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Custom Tab Management
//Transfer a tab from one window to another (or to its own window)
- (void)transferMessageTab:(AIMessageTabViewItem *)tabViewItem
AIMessageWindowController *oldMessageWindowController = [tabViewItem windowController];
if (oldMessageWindowController != newMessageWindowController) {
//Get the frame of the source window (We must do this before removing the tab, since removing a tab may
//destroy the source window)
NSRect oldMessageWindowFrame = [[oldMessageWindowController window] frame];
//Remove the tab, which will close the containiner if it becomes empty
[tabViewItem retain];
[oldMessageWindowController removeTabViewItem:tabViewItem silent:YES];
//Spawn a new window (if necessary)
if (!newMessageWindowController) {
NSRect newFrame;
//Default to the width of the source container, and the drop point
newFrame.size.width = oldMessageWindowFrame.size.width;
newFrame.size.height = oldMessageWindowFrame.size.height;
newFrame.origin = screenPoint;
//Create a new unique container, set the frame
newMessageWindowController = [self openNewContainer];
//If we weren't given an origin, find one from the window's frame
if (newFrame.origin.x == -1 && newFrame.origin.y == -1) {
NSRect curFrame = [[newMessageWindowController window] frame];
newFrame.origin = curFrame.origin;
newFrame.origin.x += 20;
newFrame.origin.y -= 20;
[[newMessageWindowController window] setFrame:newFrame display:NO];
[(AIMessageWindowController *)newMessageWindowController addTabViewItem:tabViewItem atIndex:idx silent:YES];
[adium.interfaceController chatOrderDidChange];
[tabViewItem makeActive:nil];
[tabViewItem release];
- (id)openNewContainer
AIMessageWindowController *controller = [self openContainerWithID:nil name:nil];
return controller;
- (void)moveChatToNewContainer:(AIChat *)inChat
[self transferMessageTab:(AIMessageTabViewItem *)[inChat chatContainer]
withTabBarAtPoint:NSMakePoint(-1, -1)];