
Fix oops.
adium- tip
2017-04-25, Robert Vehse
Fix oops.
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<p>Starting with version 1.4 Adium features Twitter support.</p>
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<h3>Allowing Adium access to your Twitter account</h3>
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<p>To configure Adium to connect to your twitter account</p>
<li>Select 'Twitter' from the dropdown in the accounts pane.</li>
<li>Click the button labeled 'Allow Adium access'. You will be taken to to authorize Adium.</li>
<li>You will be prompted to log into Twitter. Verify that you do indeed wish to allow Adium to access your account.</li>
<li>Return to Adium and you'll see that the button changes to read 'I've allowed Adium access'. Click the button and you're done.</li>
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<h3>Showing your followers in the contact list</h3>
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<p>By default, your followers are shown in your contact list. This setting can be edited in the <strong>Options</strong> tab of your Twitter account's preferences.</p>
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<p><strong>Replying to a tweet in your timeline</strong></p>
<p>To reply to tweet in your timeline, simply click the "@" you find in the brackets following the tweet.
<p><strong>Replying to any other tweet</strong><p>
<p>To reply to any other tweet either</p>
<li>right-click the timeline tab/window and choose "Reply to a Tweet" from the context menu</li>
<li>select "Reply to a Tweet" from the <strong>Contact</strong> menu with the timeline tab/window focused.</li>
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<p>To favorite a tweet in your timeline, simply click the "☆" you find in the brackets following the tweet.</p>
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<h3>Updating the Timeline</h3>
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<p>By default, Adium updates the timeline every 10 minutes. You can change this setting in the <strong>Options</strong> tab of your Twitter account's preferences.</p>
<p>It is possible to manually update the timeline by either</p>
<li>right-clicking the timeline tab/window and choosing "Update Tweets" from the context menu</li>
<li>selecting "Update Tweets" from the <strong>Contact</strong> menu with the timeline tab/window focused.</li>
<p>By default, Adium updates the timeline after sending a tweet. You can turn this off in the <strong>Options</strong> tab of your Twitter account's preferences.
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