
Fix oops.
adium- tip
2017-04-25, Robert Vehse
Fix oops.
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<h1>OTR encryption</h1>
<p><a href="">Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging</a> enables you to have private conversations over instant messaging. According to the OTR Development Team, it aims to provide the following:</p>
<li>"Encryption: No one else can read your instant messages."</li>
<li>"Authentication: You are assured the correspondent is who you think it is."</li>
<li>"Deniability: The messages you send do not have digital signatures that are checkable by a third party. Anyone can forge messages after a conversation to make them look like they came from you. However, during a conversation, your correspondent is assured the messages he sees are authentic and unmodified."</li>
<li>"Perfect forward secrecy: If you lose control of your private keys, no previous conversation is compromised."</li>
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<li>Generate an OTR fingerprint:</li>
<li>Open the preferences, accessible via the <strong>Adium</strong> menu in the menu bar, and select the <strong>Encryption</strong> pane.</li>
<li>Click the <strong>Generate</strong> button. This fingerprint is unique for the account selected in the dropdown.</li>
<li>Make sure you have the "Encryption" (lock) item in the chat window's toolbar. If not, click "Customise Toolbar..." from the <strong>View</strong> menu and add it.</li>
<p align="center"> <img src="../gfx/Chat window-Encryption.png" alt="" width="" height="" /></p>
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<h3>Initiating an OTR-encrypted chat</h3>
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<li>Open a chat with the contact with whom you want to have a private conversation. Notice the "Encryption" item in the toolbar appears unlocked. It signifies the chat currently is not encrypted.</li>
<li>Click the icon and select "Initiate Encrypted OTR Chat". Notice the previously unlocked icon is now locked.</li>
<li>You will be prompted to verify the fingerprint of your contact. If you are certain of its trustworthy origin click "Accept".</li>
<p>Next time you start an OTR chat with the same contact, Adium will remember you verified their fingerprint so you will not have to do so again.</p>
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<h3>Encryption settings</h3>
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<p>There are four different settings which can be adjusted on a per-account and on a per-contact basis: "Disable chat encryption", "Encrypt chats as requested", "Encrypt chats automatically" and "Force encryption and refuse plaintext".</p>
<li>Open preferences, select the <strong>Accounts</strong> pane and double-click the account.</li>
<li>Click the "Privacy" tab and choose your option for this account from the dropdown.</li>
<li>In the chat window/tab you have open with the contact in question, click the lock in the toolbar and choose your option via "Encryption Settings".</li>
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<h3>Disabling chat logging on your computer</h3>
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<p>By default, Adium stores all of your chats locally. You might want to disable logging of chats on your computer entirely or just for OTR-encrypted chats or specific accounts.</p>
<li>Open preferences, select the <strong>General</strong> pane.</li>
<li>Tick the appropriate checkboxes.</li>
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