
Fix oops.
adium- tip
2017-04-25, Robert Vehse
Fix oops.
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<h1>Registering an XMPP ("Jabber") account</h1>
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<h3>Setting up an account via Adium</h3>
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<p>On most <a href="Accounts-XMPP.html">XMPP</a> servers, Adium can register your account with the server for you. Just set up your account as if you were already registered by following the steps described in <a href="Accounts-CreatingAccounts.html">Creating Accounts</a>, including your desired Jabber ID and password. When the account attempts to connect, Adium will notify you that the account is not yet registered and will offer to register it.</p>
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<h3>Choosing an XMPP server</h3>
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<p>Unlike traditional and proprietary instant messaging services, with XMPP there is no central server. Similar to email, users can choose a server and communicate with users connected to a different XMPP server.</p>
<p>There are many public XMPP servers to choose from, <a class="ext_link" href=""> has a list</a>. We recommend selecting a server which</p>
<li>has an A/A security rating (according to,</li>
<li>has a trusted certificate (according to,</li>
<li>is reliable, has a high uptime percentage,</li>
<li>is in a country near you.</li>
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<h3>Jabber IDs: username and server</h3>
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<p>Jabber IDs are in the form <i>username@server</i>. The name <i>adiumuser</i> on <i></i> would be <i></i>. <i>adiumuser</i> on <i></i> would be <i></i>.</p>
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<h3>Username constraints</h3>
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<li>Usernames are case-insensitive (e.g. &quot;StPeter&quot; is the same as &quot;stpeter&quot;) and are limited to 1023 Characters.</li>
<li>In addition, certain characters are not allowed in your username:
<li>@ ('at' sign)</li>
<li>: (colon)</li>
<li>' (single quote)</li>
<li>&quot; (double quote)</li>
<li>&lt; (open angle bracket)</li>
<li>&gt; (close angle bracket)</li>
<li>&amp; (ampersand)</li>
<li>space, carriage-return, line-feed, horizontal tab, and any other whitespace</li>
<li>ASCII control characters</li>
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