
Rework the Growl preferences for Notification Center:
2012-09-11, Thijs Alkemade
Rework the Growl preferences for Notification Center:

* It is now called "Notifications"
* "Sticky" is now called "Show until dismissed"
* "Priority" is now "Growl priority" and is disabled when Growl is not running
* "Growl notification" is now "notification" everywhere

Also removed (very old?) code that Adium used to warn users about Growl updates or prompt them to install Growl, I'm pretty sure this isn't relevant anymore now GrowlWithInstaller is dead.

Fixes #16146, fixes #16117
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Trivial script to anonymize Adium debug logs. It's a hack, and was
# put together with little time or effort. I'm sure that it could be
# made better, if someone cared enough to do so.
# 29 Dec 2007: Minor updates / fixes (e.g., add libpurple into search
# strings instead of libgaim).
# 29 Apr 2007: This script works for all the data in the log that I
# need to submit; I'm quite sure that it is *not* comprehensive. I
# only anonymized AIM, Jabber, and Sametime data that I found in my
# log; there is no support for the other protocols, and I'm guessing
# that this script won't anonymize *all* data from AIM/Jabber/Sametime
# -- just the stuff that I found in my log.
use strict;
# Get the filename
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
if (! $filename) {
print "Usage: $0 <filename>\n";
# Do the work
print "Anonymizing...\n";
my $contents = read_file($filename);
write_file("$filename.anonymous", $contents);
# All done
sub read_file {
my $filename = shift;
my $contents;
open (F, $filename) || die "Cannot open $filename";
$contents .= $_
while (<F>);
sub replace_accounts {
my $contents = shift;
my $account_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/connecting to account (.+)$/im) {
my $account_name = $1;
my $replace_str = "ACCOUNT_#$account_index";
print "Found account: $account_name -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/connecting to account $account_name$/$temp $replace_str/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized string everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/$account_name/$replace_str/gm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/$temp/connecting to account/gm;
sub replace_uids {
my $contents = shift;
my $uid_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/created PurpleAccount 0x[0-9a-f]+ with uid (.+),/im) {
my $uid = $1;
if ($uid !~ /^ACCOUNT_#/) {
my $replace_str = "UID_#$uid_index";
print "Found UID: $uid -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/with uid $uid/$temp $replace_str/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized string everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/$uid/$replace_str/gm;
} else {
$$contents =~ s/with uid $uid/$temp $uid/igm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/$temp/with UID/gm;
sub replace_dns {
my $contents = shift;
my $dns_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/dns query for '(.+)' queued$/im) {
my $ip_name = $1;
my $name_replace_str = "IP_NAME_#$dns_index";
my $addr_replace_str = "IP_ADDRESS_#$dns_index";
print "Found DNS name: $ip_name -> $name_replace_str\n";
# Is the name an IP address already?
my $ip_address;
if ($ip_name =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/) {
$ip_address = $ip_name;
print "DNS name already resolved: $ip_address\n";
# Nope, not already resolved. Find the corresponding resolved
# IP address
else {
if ($$contents =~ m/ip resolved for $ip_name\n\d\d:\d\d:\d\d: \(libpurple: proxy\) attempting connection to (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/i ||
$$contents =~ m/ip resolved for $ip_name\n\d\d:\d\d:\d\d: \(lbigaim: proxy\) attempting connection to (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/i) {
$ip_address = $1;
print "Found corresponding IP address: $ip_name -> $ip_address -> $addr_replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/dns query for '$ip_name' queued$/$temp '$name_replace_str' queued/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized strings everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/$ip_name/$name_replace_str/gm;
$$contents =~ s/$ip_address/$addr_replace_str/gm
if ($ip_address);
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/$temp/DNS query for/gm;
sub replace_email {
my $contents = shift;
my $email_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/ E-mail: (.+)$/im) {
my $email = $1;
my $replace_str = "EMAIL_#$email_index";
print "Found Email: $email -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/ E-mail: $email$/ $temp $replace_str/gm;
while ($$contents =~ m/ Email: (.+)$/im) {
my $email = $1;
my $replace_str = "EMAIL_#$email_index";
print "Found Email: $email -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/ Email: $email$/ $temp $replace_str/gm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/$temp/E-mail:/gm;
sub replace_aim_names {
my $contents = shift;
my $aim_name_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/ AIM\.(\w+)/im) {
my $aim_name = $1;
my $replace_str = "AIM_ID_#$aim_name_index";
print "Found AIM ID: $aim_name -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/ AIM\.$aim_name/ $temp.$replace_str/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized strings everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/(\W)$aim_name(\W)/\1$replace_str\2/igm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/$temp/AIM/gm;
sub replace_sametime_names {
my $contents = shift;
my $st_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/ Sametime\.uid=(.+?)>/im) {
my $st_name = $1;
my $replace_str = "SAMETIME_ID_#$st_index";
print "Found Sametime ID: $st_name -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/ Sametime\.uid=$st_name/ $temp$replace_str/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized strings everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/(\W)uid=$st_name(\W)/\1$replace_str\2/igm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/ $temp/ Sametime.uid=/gm;
sub replace_jabber_names {
my $contents = shift;
my $jabber_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/ jabber\.(.+?)>/im) {
my $jabber_name = $1;
my $replace_str = "JABBER_ID_#$jabber_index";
print "Found Jabber ID: $jabber_name -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/ Jabber\.$jabber_name/ $temp$replace_str/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized strings everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/(\W)$jabber_name(\W)/\1$replace_str\2/igm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/ $temp/ Jabber./gm;
sub replace_group_names {
my $contents = shift;
my $group_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/ Group\.(.+?)>/im) {
my $group_name = $1;
my $replace_str = "GROUP_ID_#$group_index";
print "Found Group ID: $group_name -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/ Group\.$group_name/ $temp$replace_str/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized strings everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/(\W)$group_name(\W)/\1$replace_str\2/igm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/ $temp/ Group./gm;
sub write_file {
my ($filename, $contents) = @_;
open (F, ">$filename") || die("Cannot open output file $filename");
print F $$contents;