2017-03-23, Evan D. Schoenberg, M.D.
// NSMutableArrayAdditions.m
// Growl
// Created by Mac-arena the Bored Zo on 2005-09-12.
// Copyright 2005 The Growl Project. All rights reserved.
// This file is under the BSD License, refer to License.txt for details
#import "NSMutableArrayAdditions.h"
#include <objc/objc-runtime.h>
static inline NSComparisonResult compareObjectsWithSelector(id a, id b, SEL cmd);
@implementation NSMutableArray (NSMutableArrayAdditions)
- (unsigned) indexForInsortingObject:(id)obj usingSelector:(SEL)compareCmd {
unsigned count = [self count];
if (!count) {
//bail now so we can assume a non-empty array later
return 0U;
} else if (count == 1U) {
//bail now so we can assume an array with more than one object later
return compareObjectsWithSelector(obj, [self objectAtIndex:0U], compareCmd) == NSOrderedDescending;
unsigned i = count / 2U;
NSComparisonResult initialComparison = compareObjectsWithSelector(obj, [self objectAtIndex:i], compareCmd);
if (initialComparison == NSOrderedSame) {
/*the object to be inserted is equal to the pivot, so we can just insert it
* right here.
return i;
signed movementDirection = initialComparison;
i += movementDirection;
while ((i > 0U)
&& (i < count)
&& compareObjectsWithSelector(obj, [self objectAtIndex:i], compareCmd) == initialComparison
) {
i += movementDirection;
return i;
static inline NSComparisonResult compareObjectsWithSelector(id a, id b, SEL cmd) {
return (NSComparisonResult)objc_msgSend(a, cmd, b);