
libpurple @ 2.10.2, patched libotr.
2016-03-09, Thijs Alkemade
libpurple @ 2.10.2, patched libotr.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AIEventSoundsPlugin.h"
#import "AISoundController.h"
#import <Adium/AIContactAlertsControllerProtocol.h>
#import "ESEventSoundAlertDetailPane.h"
#import <Adium/AIListObject.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIImageAdditions.h>
#define EVENT_SOUNDS_ALERT_SHORT AILocalizedString(@"Play a sound",nil)
#define EVENT_SOUNDS_ALERT_LONG AILocalizedString(@"Play the sound \"%@\"",nil)
* @class AIEventSoundsPlugin
* @brief Component for the Play Sound action
@implementation AIEventSoundsPlugin
* @brief Install
- (void)installPlugin
//Install our contact alert
[adium.contactAlertsController registerActionID:SOUND_ALERT_IDENTIFIER withHandler:self];
* @brief Short description
* @result A short localized description of the action
- (NSString *)shortDescriptionForActionID:(NSString *)actionID
* @brief Long description
* @result A longer localized description of the action which should take into account the details dictionary as appropraite.
- (NSString *)longDescriptionForActionID:(NSString *)actionID withDetails:(NSDictionary *)details
NSString *fileName = [[[details objectForKey:KEY_ALERT_SOUND_PATH] lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];
if (fileName && [fileName length]) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:EVENT_SOUNDS_ALERT_LONG, fileName];
} else {
* @brief Image
- (NSImage *)imageForActionID:(NSString *)actionID
return [NSImage imageNamed:@"events-sound-alert" forClass:[self class]];
* @brief Details pane
* @result An <tt>AIActionDetailsPane</tt> to use for configuring this action, or nil if no configuration is possible.
- (AIActionDetailsPane *)detailsPaneForActionID:(NSString *)actionID
return [ESEventSoundAlertDetailPane actionDetailsPane];
* @brief Perform an action
* Play a sound
* @param actionID The ID of the action to perform
* @param listObject The listObject associated with the event triggering the action. It may be nil
* @param details If set by the details pane when the action was created, the details dictionary for this particular action
* @param eventID The eventID which triggered this action
* @param userInfo Additional information associated with the event; userInfo's type will vary with the actionID.
- (BOOL)performActionID:(NSString *)actionID forListObject:(AIListObject *)listObject withDetails:(NSDictionary *)details triggeringEventID:(NSString *)eventID userInfo:(id)userInfo
BOOL shouldPlay = ![listObject soundsAreMuted];
if (shouldPlay) {
NSString *soundPath = [[details objectForKey:KEY_ALERT_SOUND_PATH] stringByExpandingBundlePath];
[adium.soundController playSoundAtPath:soundPath];
return shouldPlay;
* @brief Allow multiple actions?
* If this method returns YES, every one of this action associated with the triggering event will be executed.
* If this method returns NO, only the first will be.
* Don't allow multiple sounds to be played for a single event.
- (BOOL)allowMultipleActionsWithID:(NSString *)actionID
return NO;
* @brief Alert was selected in the preferences
* Play the sound for this alert when the alert is selected
- (void)performPreviewForAlert:(NSDictionary *)alert
NSString *soundPath = [[[alert objectForKey:KEY_ACTION_DETAILS] objectForKey:KEY_ALERT_SOUND_PATH] stringByExpandingBundlePath];
[adium.soundController playSoundAtPath:soundPath];