
Update to find the 10.6 SDK with Xcode 4.3. However, hardcode CC to gcc (from MacPorts).

Building at least GLib with clang never worked right for me.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AdiumAccounts.h"
#import <Adium/AIAccountControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccount.h>
#import <Adium/AIService.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIArrayAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIAttributedStringAdditions.h>
//Preference keys
#define TOP_ACCOUNT_ID @"TopAccountID" //Highest account object ID
#define ACCOUNT_LIST @"Accounts" //Array of accounts
#define ACCOUNT_TYPE @"Type" //Account type
#define ACCOUNT_SERVICE @"Service" //Account service
#define ACCOUNT_UID @"UID" //Account UID
#define ACCOUNT_OBJECT_ID @"ObjectID" //Account object ID
@interface AdiumAccounts ()
- (void)_loadAccounts;
- (void)_saveAccounts;
- (NSString *)_generateUniqueInternalObjectID;
- (NSString *)_upgradeServiceUniqueID:(NSString *)serviceUniqueID forAccountDict:(NSDictionary *)accountDict;
- (void)upgradeAccounts;
@interface AIAccount (SekretsIKnow)
@property (nonatomic, assign) AIService *service;
* @class AdiumAccounts
* @brief Class to handle AIAccount access and creation
* This is a private class used by AIAccountController, its public interface.
@implementation AdiumAccounts
- (id)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
accounts = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
unloadableAccounts = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[accounts release];
[unloadableAccounts release];
[super dealloc];
* @brief Finish Initing
* Requires the all AIServices have registered
- (void)controllerDidLoad
[self _loadAccounts];
[self upgradeAccounts];
//Accounts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Accounts
* @brief Returns an array of all available accounts
* @return NSArray of AIAccount instances
- (NSArray *)accounts
return accounts;
* @brief Returns an array of accounts compatible with a service
* @param service AIService for compatible accounts
* @result NSArray of AIAccount instances
- (NSArray *)accountsCompatibleWithService:(AIService *)service
NSMutableArray *matchingAccounts = [NSMutableArray array];
AIAccount *account;
NSString *serviceClass = [service serviceClass];
for (account in accounts) {
if (account.enabled &&
[[account.service serviceClass] isEqualToString:serviceClass]) {
[matchingAccounts addObject:account];
return matchingAccounts;
- (AIAccount *)accountWithInternalObjectID:(NSString *)objectID
AIAccount *account = nil;
//Some ancient preferences have NSNumbers instead of NSStrings. Work properly, silently.
if ([objectID isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) objectID = [(NSNumber *)objectID stringValue];
for (account in accounts) {
if ([objectID isEqualToString:account.internalObjectID]) break;
return account;
//Editing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Editing
* @brief Create an account
* The account is not added to Adium's list of accounts, this must be done separately with addAccount:
* @param service AIService for the account
* @param inUID NSString userID for the account
* @return AIAccount instance that was created
- (AIAccount *)createAccountWithService:(AIService *)service UID:(NSString *)inUID
return [service accountWithUID:inUID internalObjectID:[self _generateUniqueInternalObjectID]];
* @brief Add an account
* @param inAccount AIAccount to add
- (void)addAccount:(AIAccount *)inAccount
[accounts addObject:inAccount];
[self _saveAccounts];
* @brief Delete an account
* @param inAccount AIAccount to delete
- (void)deleteAccount:(AIAccount *)inAccount
//Shut down the account in preparation for release
//XXX - Is this sufficient? Don't some accounts take a while to disconnect and all? -ai
[inAccount willBeDeleted];
[adium.accountController forgetPasswordForAccount:inAccount];
//Remove from our array
[accounts removeObject:inAccount];
[self _saveAccounts];
* @brief Move an account
* @param account AIAccount to move
* @param destIndex Index to place the account
* @return new index of the account
- (NSUInteger)moveAccount:(AIAccount *)account toIndex:(NSUInteger)destIndex
[accounts moveObject:account toIndex:destIndex];
[self _saveAccounts];
return [accounts indexOfObject:account];
* @brief An account's UID changed
* Save our account array, which stores the account's UID permanently
- (void)accountDidChangeUID:(AIAccount *)account
[self _saveAccounts];
- (void)moveAccount:(AIAccount *)account toService:(AIService *)service
account.service = service;
[self _saveAccounts];
* @brief Generate a unique account InternalObjectID
* @return NSString unique InternalObjectID
//XXX - This setup leaves the possibility that mangled preferences files would create multiple accounts with the same ID -ai
- (NSString *)_generateUniqueInternalObjectID
NSInteger topAccountID = [[adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:TOP_ACCOUNT_ID group:PREF_GROUP_ACCOUNTS] integerValue];
NSString *internalObjectID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld",topAccountID];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:topAccountID + 1]
return internalObjectID;
//Storage --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Storage
* @brief Load accounts from disk
- (void)_loadAccounts
NSArray *accountList = [adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:ACCOUNT_LIST group:PREF_GROUP_ACCOUNTS];
NSDictionary *accountDict;
//Create an instance of every saved account
for (accountDict in accountList) {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSString *serviceUniqueID = [self _upgradeServiceUniqueID:[accountDict objectForKey:ACCOUNT_TYPE]
AIAccount *newAccount;
//Fetch the account service, UID, and ID
AIService *service = [adium.accountController serviceWithUniqueID:serviceUniqueID];
NSString *accountUID = [accountDict objectForKey:ACCOUNT_UID];
NSString *internalObjectID = [accountDict objectForKey:ACCOUNT_OBJECT_ID];
//Create the account and add it to our array
if (service && accountUID && [accountUID length]) {
if ((newAccount = [service accountWithUID:accountUID internalObjectID:internalObjectID])) {
[accounts addObject:newAccount];
} else {
NSLog(@"Could not load account %@",accountDict);
[unloadableAccounts addObject:accountDict];
} else {
if ([accountUID length]) {
AILog(@"Available services are %@: could not load account %@ on service %@ (service %@)",, accountDict, serviceUniqueID, service);
[unloadableAccounts addObject:accountDict];
} else {
AILog(@"Ignored an account with a 0 length accountUID: %@", accountDict);
[pool release];
//Broadcast an account list changed notification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:Account_ListChanged object:nil userInfo:nil];
* @brief ServiceID upgrade code (v0.63 -> v0.70 for libpurple, v0.70 -> v0.80 for bonjour, v1.0 -> v1.1 for libpurple)
* The changed name will only be saved if some other account change, such as adding an account, occurs,
* so this code should remain indefinitely to provide an upgrade path to people whose service IDs are in an
* old style.
* @param serviceID NSString service unique ID (old or new)
* @param accountDict Dictionary of the saved account
* @return NSString service ID (new), or nil if unable to upgrade
- (NSString *)_upgradeServiceUniqueID:(NSString *)serviceID forAccountDict:(NSDictionary *)accountDict
if ([serviceID hasPrefix:@"libgaim"]) {
NSMutableString *newServiceID = [serviceID mutableCopy];
[newServiceID replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"libgaim"
options:(NSLiteralSearch | NSAnchoredSearch)
range:NSMakeRange(0, [newServiceID length])];
serviceID = [newServiceID autorelease];
} else if ([serviceID hasSuffix:@"LIBGAIM"]) {
if ([serviceID isEqualToString:@"AIM-LIBGAIM"]) {
NSString *uid = [accountDict objectForKey:ACCOUNT_UID];
if (uid && [uid length]) {
const char firstCharacter = [uid characterAtIndex:0];
if ([uid hasSuffix:@""]) {
serviceID = @"libpurple-oscar-Mac";
} else if (firstCharacter >= '0' && firstCharacter <= '9') {
serviceID = @"libpurple-oscar-ICQ";
} else {
serviceID = @"libpurple-oscar-AIM";
} else if ([serviceID isEqualToString:@"GaduGadu-LIBGAIM"]) {
serviceID = @"libpurple-Gadu-Gadu";
} else if ([serviceID isEqualToString:@"Jabber-LIBGAIM"]) {
serviceID = @"libpurple-Jabber";
} else if ([serviceID isEqualToString:@"MSN-LIBGAIM"]) {
serviceID = @"libpurple-MSN";
} else if ([serviceID isEqualToString:@"Napster-LIBGAIM"]) {
serviceID = @"libpurple-Napster";
} else if ([serviceID isEqualToString:@"Novell-LIBGAIM"]) {
serviceID = @"libpurple-GroupWise";
} else if ([serviceID isEqualToString:@"Sametime-LIBGAIM"]) {
serviceID = @"libpurple-Sametime";
} else if ([serviceID isEqualToString:@"Yahoo-LIBGAIM"]) {
serviceID = @"libpurple-Yahoo!";
} else if ([serviceID isEqualToString:@"Yahoo-Japan-LIBGAIM"]) {
serviceID = @"libpurple-Yahoo!-Japan";
} else if ([serviceID isEqualToString:@"rvous-libezv"])
serviceID = @"bonjour-libezv";
else if ([serviceID isEqualToString:@"joscar-OSCAR-AIM"])
serviceID = @"libpurple-oscar-AIM";
else if ([serviceID isEqualToString:@"joscar-OSCAR-dotMac"])
serviceID = @"libpurple-oscar-Mac";
return serviceID;
* @brief Save accounts to disk
- (void)_saveAccounts
NSMutableArray *flatAccounts = [NSMutableArray array];
AIAccount *account;
//Build a flattened array of the accounts
for (account in accounts) {
if (![account isTemporary]) {
NSMutableDictionary *flatAccount = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
AIService *service = account.service;
[flatAccount setObject:service.serviceCodeUniqueID forKey:ACCOUNT_TYPE]; //Unique plugin ID
[flatAccount setObject:service.serviceID forKey:ACCOUNT_SERVICE]; //Shared service ID
[flatAccount setObject:account.UID forKey:ACCOUNT_UID]; //Account UID
[flatAccount setObject:account.internalObjectID forKey:ACCOUNT_OBJECT_ID]; //Account Object ID
[flatAccounts addObject:flatAccount];
//Add any unloadable accounts so they're not lost
[flatAccounts addObjectsFromArray:unloadableAccounts];
//Save and broadcast an account list changed notification
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:flatAccounts forKey:ACCOUNT_LIST group:PREF_GROUP_ACCOUNTS];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:Account_ListChanged object:nil userInfo:nil];
* @brief Perform upgrades for a new version
* 1.0: KEY_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_NAME and @"textProfile" cleared if @"" and moved to global if identical on all accounts
- (void)upgradeAccounts
NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSNumber *upgradedAccounts = [userDefaults objectForKey:@"Adium:Account Prefs Upgraded for 1.0"];
if (!upgradedAccounts || ![upgradedAccounts boolValue]) {
[userDefaults setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:@"Adium:Account Prefs Upgraded for 1.0"];
//Adium 0.8x would store @"" in preferences which we now want to be able to inherit global values if they don't have a value.
NSSet *keysWeNowUseGlobally = [NSSet setWithObjects:KEY_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_NAME, @"textProfile", nil];
NSCharacterSet *whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet];
for (NSString *key in keysWeNowUseGlobally) {
NSAttributedString *firstAttributedString = nil;
BOOL allOnThisKeyAreTheSame = YES;
for (AIAccount *account in self.accounts) {
NSAttributedString *attributedString = [[account preferenceForKey:key
group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] attributedString];
if (attributedString && ![attributedString length]) {
[account setPreference:nil
attributedString = nil;
if (attributedString) {
if (firstAttributedString) {
/* If this string is not the same as the first one we found, all are not the same.
* Only need to check if thus far they all have been the same
if (allOnThisKeyAreTheSame &&
![[[attributedString string] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet] isEqualToString:
[[firstAttributedString string] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]) {
allOnThisKeyAreTheSame = NO;
} else {
//Note the first one we find, which will be our reference
firstAttributedString = attributedString;
if (allOnThisKeyAreTheSame && firstAttributedString) {
//All strings on this key are the same. Set the preference globally...
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[firstAttributedString dataRepresentation]
//And remove it from all accounts
for (AIAccount *account in self.accounts) {
[account setPreference:nil
[userDefaults synchronize];