
Updated change log for 1.5.3 and update Credits.rtf.
2012-08-01, Robert Vehse
Updated change log for 1.5.3 and update Credits.rtf.

Stephen is no longer allowed to be active, Patrick went off Objective-C (for the moment, hopefully), Robby and Alan haven't been active for a long time.

Shawn Khan has been contributing (patches, support, testing) for a while now.
global HandyAdiumScripts
on run
tell application "Adium"
set b to (get bounds of window 1) -- for later restoration
set bounds of window 1 to {0, 0, 40, 40}
if (get bounds of window 1) is not {0, 0, 40, 40} then
--It's possible that by calling set, I've done some kind of
--undefined behavior, so that I can't reliably call it again
--to restore the window bounds
--However, it's more likely that the setBounds method is simply
--not implemented, so no harm was done. No need to restore, then.
--however, if I'm here, then I do need to restore
set the bounds of window 1 to b
end tell
end run