
Updated change log for 1.5.3 and update Credits.rtf.
2012-08-01, Robert Vehse
Updated change log for 1.5.3 and update Credits.rtf.

Stephen is no longer allowed to be active, Patrick went off Objective-C (for the moment, hopefully), Robby and Alan haven't been active for a long time.

Shawn Khan has been contributing (patches, support, testing) for a while now.
4151ac3a3b1f9847b8d958f1c7d57a345d442266 1.5
64b4f46272118a2d4d721123fbcb9f485913ff35 1.5.1
8d4ed0d28f89a09c3deb3b4b1952e21cd4a5e563 1.5.2