
Update version number in Info.plist. Add a ticket number to Changes.txt.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "CBPurpleAccount.h"
#import "PurpleService.h"
#import <libpurple/notify.h>
#import <libpurple/cmds.h>
#import <AdiumLibpurple/SLPurpleCocoaAdapter.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccount.h>
#import <Adium/AIChat.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentMessage.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentTopic.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentEvent.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentContext.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentNotification.h>
#import <Adium/AIHTMLDecoder.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIListGroup.h>
#import <Adium/AIListObject.h>
#import <Adium/AIMetaContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIService.h>
#import <Adium/AIServiceIcons.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatus.h>
#import <Adium/ESFileTransfer.h>
#import <Adium/AIWindowController.h>
#import <Adium/AIEmoticon.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccountControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIChatControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactObserverManager.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIInterfaceControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatusControllerProtocol.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIAttributedStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIDictionaryAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIMenuAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIMutableOwnerArray.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIObjectAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIImageAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIImageDrawingAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIMutableStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AISystemNetworkDefaults.h>
#import <Adium/AdiumAuthorization.h>
#import <Adium/AIMediaControllerProtocol.h>
#import "ESiTunesPlugin.h"
#import "AMPurpleTuneTooltip.h"
#import "adiumPurpleRequest.h"
#import "adiumPurpleMedia.h"
#import "AIDualWindowInterfacePlugin.h"
#ifdef HAVE_CDSA
#import "AIPurpleCertificateViewer.h"
#define NO_GROUP @"__NoGroup__"
#define PREF_GROUP_ALIASES @"Aliases" //Preference group to store aliases in
#define NEW_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_TEXT AILocalizedString(@"<New Account>", "Placeholder displayed as the name of a new account")
#define KEY_PRIVACY_OPTION @"Privacy Option"
@interface CBPurpleAccount ()
- (NSString *)_mapIncomingGroupName:(NSString *)name;
- (NSString *)_mapOutgoingGroupName:(NSString *)name;
- (void)setTypingFlagOfChat:(AIChat *)inChat to:(NSNumber *)typingState;
- (void)_receivedMessage:(NSAttributedString *)attributedMessage inChat:(AIChat *)chat fromListContact:(AIListContact *)sourceContact flags:(PurpleMessageFlags)flags date:(NSDate *)date;
- (NSNumber *)shouldCheckMail;
- (void)configurePurpleAccountNotifyingTarget:(id)target selector:(SEL)selector;
- (void)continueConnectWithConfiguredProxy;
- (void)continueRegisterWithConfiguredPurpleAccount;
- (void)promptForHostBeforeConnecting;
- (void)setAccountProfileTo:(NSAttributedString *)profile configurePurpleAccountContext:(NSInvocation *)inInvocation;
- (void)performAccountMenuAction:(NSMenuItem *)sender;
- (void)showServerCertificate;
- (void)retrievedProxyConfiguration:(NSDictionary *)proxyConfig context:(NSInvocation *)invocation;
- (void)iTunesDidUpdate:(NSNotification *)notification;
@implementation CBPurpleAccount
static SLPurpleCocoaAdapter *purpleAdapter = nil;
// The PurpleAccount currently associated with this Adium account
- (PurpleAccount*)purpleAccount
//Create a purple account if one does not already exist
if (!account) {
[self createNewPurpleAccount];
AILog(@"Created PurpleAccount 0x%x with UID %@, protocolPlugin %s", account, self.UID, [self protocolPlugin]);
return account;
- (SLPurpleCocoaAdapter *)purpleAdapter
if (!purpleAdapter) {
purpleAdapter = [[SLPurpleCocoaAdapter sharedInstance] retain];
return purpleAdapter;
// Subclasses must override this
- (const char*)protocolPlugin { return NULL; }
- (PurplePluginProtocolInfo *)protocolInfo
PurplePlugin *prpl;
if ((prpl = purple_find_prpl(purple_account_get_protocol_id(self.purpleAccount)))) {
return NULL;
// Contacts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Contacts
- (void)newContact:(AIListContact *)theContact withName:(NSString *)inName
- (void)addContact:(AIListContact *)theContact toGroupName:(NSString *)groupName contactName:(NSString *)contactName
//When a new contact is created, if we aren't already silent and delayed, set it a second to cover our initial
//status updates
if (!silentAndDelayed) {
[self silenceAllContactUpdatesForInterval:2.0];
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] delayListObjectNotificationsUntilInactivity];
//If the name we were passed differs from the current formatted UID of the contact, it's itself a formatted UID
//This is important since we may get an alias ("Evan Schoenberg") from the server but also want the formatted name
if (![contactName isEqualToString:theContact.formattedUID] && ![contactName isEqualToString:theContact.UID]) {
[theContact setFormattedUID:contactName notify:NotifyLater];
if (groupName && [groupName isEqualToString:@PURPLE_ORPHANS_GROUP_NAME]) {
[theContact addRemoteGroupName:AILocalizedString(@"Orphans","Name for the orphans group")];
} else if (groupName && [groupName length] != 0) {
[theContact addRemoteGroupName:[self _mapIncomingGroupName:groupName]];
} else {
AILog(@"Got a nil group for %@",theContact);
[self gotGroupForContact:theContact];
- (void)removeContact:(AIListContact *)theContact fromGroupName:(NSString *)groupName
NSParameterAssert(groupName != nil); //is this always true?
NSParameterAssert(theContact != nil);
[theContact removeRemoteGroupName:[self _mapIncomingGroupName:groupName]];
* @brief Change the UID of a contact
* If we're just passed a formatted version of the current UID, don't change the UID but instead use the information
* as the FormattedUID. For example, we get sent this when an AIM contact's name formatting changes; we always want
* to use a lowercase and space-free version for the UID, however.
- (void)renameContact:(AIListContact *)theContact toUID:(NSString *)newUID
//If the name we were passed differs from the current formatted UID of the contact, it's itself a formatted UID
//This is important since we may get an alias ("Evan Schoenberg") from the server but also want the formatted name
NSString *normalizedUID = [self.service normalizeUID:newUID removeIgnoredCharacters:YES];
if ([normalizedUID isEqualToString:theContact.UID]) {
[theContact setFormattedUID:newUID notify:NotifyLater];
} else {
[theContact setUID:newUID];
- (void)updateContact:(AIListContact *)theContact toAlias:(NSString *)purpleAlias
if (![[purpleAlias compactedString] isEqualToString:[theContact.UID compactedString]]) {
//Store this alias as the serverside display name so long as it isn't identical when unformatted to the UID
[theContact setServersideAlias:purpleAlias
} else {
//If it's the same characters as the UID, apply it as a formatted UID
if (![purpleAlias isEqualToString:theContact.formattedUID] &&
![purpleAlias isEqualToString:theContact.UID]) {
[theContact setFormattedUID:purpleAlias
//Apply any changes
[theContact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silentAndDelayed];
- (void)updateContact:(AIListContact *)theContact forEvent:(NSNumber *)event
//Signed online
- (void)updateSignon:(AIListContact *)theContact withData:(void *)data
[theContact setOnline:YES
[theContact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silentAndDelayed];
//Signed offline
- (void)updateSignoff:(AIListContact *)theContact withData:(void *)data
[theContact setOnline:NO
[theContact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silentAndDelayed];
//Signon Time
- (void)updateSignonTime:(AIListContact *)theContact withData:(NSDate *)signonDate
[theContact setSignonDate:signonDate
//Apply any changes
[theContact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silentAndDelayed];
* @brief Status name to use for a Purple buddy
- (NSString *)statusNameForPurpleBuddy:(PurpleBuddy *)buddy
return nil;
* @brief Status message for a contact
- (NSAttributedString *)statusMessageForPurpleBuddy:(PurpleBuddy *)buddy
PurplePresence *presence = purple_buddy_get_presence(buddy);
PurpleStatus *status = (presence ? purple_presence_get_active_status(presence) : NULL);
const char *message = (status ? purple_status_get_attr_string(status, "message") : NULL);
NSString *buddyStatusMessage = nil;
// Get the plugin's status message for this buddy if they don't have a status message
if (!message) {
PurplePluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info = self.protocolInfo;
if (prpl_info && prpl_info->status_text) {
char *status_text = (prpl_info->status_text)(buddy);
// Don't display "Offline" as a status message.
if (status_text && strcmp(status_text, _("Offline")) != 0) {
buddyStatusMessage = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:status_text];
} else {
buddyStatusMessage = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:message];
return buddyStatusMessage ? [AIHTMLDecoder decodeHTML:buddyStatusMessage] : nil;
* @brief Update the status message and away state of the contact
- (void)updateStatusForContact:(AIListContact *)theContact toStatusType:(NSNumber *)statusTypeNumber statusName:(NSString *)statusName statusMessage:(NSAttributedString *)inStatusMessage isMobile:(BOOL)isMobile
[theContact setStatusWithName:statusName
statusType:[statusTypeNumber intValue]
[theContact setStatusMessage:inStatusMessage
[theContact setIsMobile:isMobile notify:NotifyLater];
//Apply the change
[theContact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silentAndDelayed];
//Idle time
- (void)updateWentIdle:(AIListContact *)theContact withData:(NSDate *)idleSinceDate
[theContact setIdle:YES sinceDate:idleSinceDate notify:NotifyLater];
//Apply any changes
[theContact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silentAndDelayed];
- (void)updateIdleReturn:(AIListContact *)theContact withData:(void *)data
[theContact setIdle:NO
//Apply any changes
[theContact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silentAndDelayed];
//Evil level (warning level)
- (void)updateEvil:(AIListContact *)theContact withData:(NSNumber *)evilNumber
[theContact setWarningLevel:[evilNumber integerValue]
//Apply any changes
[theContact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silentAndDelayed];
- (void)clearIconForContact:(AIListContact *)theContact
[theContact setServersideIconData:nil
//Apply any changes
[theContact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silentAndDelayed];
//Buddy Icon
- (void)updateIcon:(AIListContact *)theContact withData:(NSData *)userIconData
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self
if (userIconData) {
[theContact setServersideIconData:userIconData
//Apply any changes
[theContact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silentAndDelayed];
} else {
/* We may receive an empty icon update just before an actual change. We don't want to flicker through no-icon.
* We therefore cancel empty icon updates when we receive a new icon, and we do the actual clearing on a delay in case
* this is what is about to happen.
[self performSelector:@selector(clearIconForContact:)
- (NSString *)processedIncomingUserInfo:(NSString *)inString
NSMutableString *returnString = nil;
if ([inString rangeOfString:@"Purple could not find any information in the user's profile. The user most likely does not exist."].location != NSNotFound) {
returnString = [[inString mutableCopy] autorelease];
[returnString replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"Purple could not find any information in the user's profile. The user most likely does not exist."
withString:AILocalizedString(@"Adium could not find any information in the user's profile. This may not be a registered name.", "Message shown when a contact's profile can't be found")
range:NSMakeRange(0, [returnString length])];
return (returnString ? returnString : inString);
- (NSString *)webProfileStringForContact:(AIListContact *)contact
return [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"View %@'s %@ web profile", nil),
contact.formattedUID, [contact.service shortDescription]];
- (NSMutableArray *)arrayOfDictionariesFromPurpleNotifyUserInfo:(PurpleNotifyUserInfo *)user_info forContact:(AIListContact *)contact
GList *l;
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
for (l = purple_notify_user_info_get_entries(user_info); l != NULL; l = l->next) {
PurpleNotifyUserInfoEntry *user_info_entry = l->data;
switch (purple_notify_user_info_entry_get_type(user_info_entry)) {
[array addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSString stringWithUTF8String:purple_notify_user_info_entry_get_label(user_info_entry)], KEY_KEY,
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:AIUserInfoSectionHeader], KEY_TYPE,
[array addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:AIUserInfoSectionBreak], KEY_TYPE,
if (purple_notify_user_info_entry_get_label(user_info_entry) && purple_notify_user_info_entry_get_value(user_info_entry)) {
[array addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSString stringWithUTF8String:purple_notify_user_info_entry_get_label(user_info_entry)], KEY_KEY,
processPurpleImages([NSString stringWithUTF8String:purple_notify_user_info_entry_get_value(user_info_entry)], self), KEY_VALUE,
} else if (purple_notify_user_info_entry_get_label(user_info_entry)) {
[array addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:
[NSString stringWithUTF8String:purple_notify_user_info_entry_get_label(user_info_entry)]
} else if (purple_notify_user_info_entry_get_value(user_info_entry)) {
NSMutableString *value = [processPurpleImages([NSString stringWithUTF8String:purple_notify_user_info_entry_get_value(user_info_entry)],
self) mutableCopy];
[value replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"<br>" withString:@"<br/>" options:(NSCaseInsensitiveSearch | NSLiteralSearch)];
[value replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"<br />" withString:@"<br/>" options:(NSCaseInsensitiveSearch | NSLiteralSearch)];
[value replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"<B>" withString:@"<b>" options:NSLiteralSearch];
for (NSString *valuePair in [value componentsSeparatedByString:@"<br/><b>"]) {
NSRange firstStartBold = [valuePair rangeOfString:@"<b>"];
NSRange firstEndBold = [valuePair rangeOfString:@"</b>"];
if (firstEndBold.length > 0) {
// Chop off <b> from the beginning and :</b> from the end. The extra -1 is for the colon.
[array addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[valuePair substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(firstStartBold.length, firstEndBold.location-firstStartBold.length-1)], KEY_KEY,
[valuePair substringFromIndex:NSMaxRange(firstEndBold)], KEY_VALUE,
} else {
[array addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:valuePair
[value release];
NSString *webProfileValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s</a>", _("View web profile")];
NSInteger i;
NSUInteger count = [array count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
NSDictionary *dict = [array objectAtIndex:i];
NSString *value = [dict objectForKey:KEY_VALUE];
if (value &&
[value rangeOfString:webProfileValue options:(NSBackwardsSearch | NSAnchoredSearch | NSLiteralSearch)].location != NSNotFound) {
NSMutableString *newValue = [[value mutableCopy] autorelease];
[newValue replaceOccurrencesOfString:webProfileValue
withString:[self webProfileStringForContact:contact]
options:(NSBackwardsSearch | NSAnchoredSearch | NSLiteralSearch)];
NSMutableDictionary *replacementDict = [dict mutableCopy];
[replacementDict setObject:newValue forKey:KEY_VALUE];
[array replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:replacementDict];
[replacementDict release];
/* There will only be 1 (at most) web profile link */
return array;
- (void)updateUserInfo:(AIListContact *)theContact withData:(PurpleNotifyUserInfo *)user_info
NSArray *profileContents = [self arrayOfDictionariesFromPurpleNotifyUserInfo:user_info forContact:theContact];
[theContact setProfileArray:profileContents
[self openInspectorForContactInfo:theContact];
//Apply any changes
[theContact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silentAndDelayed];
* @brief Open the info inspector when getting info
- (void)openInspectorForContactInfo:(AIListContact *)theContact
* @brief Purple removed a contact from the local blist
* This can happen in many situations:
* - For every contact on an account when the account signs off
* - For a contact as it is deleted by the user
* - For a contact as it is deleted by Purple (e.g. when Sametime refuses an addition because it is known to be invalid)
* - In the middle of the move process as a contact moves from one group to another
* We need not take any action; we'll be notified of changes by Purple as necessary.
- (void)removeContact:(AIListContact *)theContact
//To allow root level buddies on protocols which don't support them, we map any buddies in a group
//named after this account's UID to the root group. These functions handle the mapping. Group names should
//be filtered through incoming before being sent to Adium - and group names from Adium should be filtered through
//outgoing before being used.
- (NSString *)_mapIncomingGroupName:(NSString *)name
if (!name || ([[name compactedString] caseInsensitiveCompare:self.UID] == NSOrderedSame)) {
} else {
return name;
- (NSString *)_mapOutgoingGroupName:(NSString *)name
if ([[name compactedString] caseInsensitiveCompare:ADIUM_ROOT_GROUP_NAME] == NSOrderedSame) {
return self.UID;
} else {
return name;
//Update the status of a contact (Request their profile)
- (void)delayedUpdateContactStatus:(AIListContact *)inContact
//Request profile
[purpleAdapter getInfoFor:inContact.UID onAccount:self];
- (void)requestAddContactWithUID:(NSString *)contactUID
[adium.contactController requestAddContactWithUID:contactUID
service:[self _serviceForUID:contactUID]
- (AIService *)_serviceForUID:(NSString *)contactUID
return self.service;
- (void)gotGroupForContact:(AIListContact *)listContact {};
* @brief Return the serverside icon for a contact
- (NSData *)serversideIconDataForContact:(AIListContact *)contact
PurpleBuddy *buddy;
NSData *data = nil;
if (self.purpleAccount &&
(buddy = purple_find_buddy(account, [contact.UID UTF8String]))) {
PurpleBuddyIcon *buddyIcon;
BOOL shouldUnref = NO;
/* First, try to get a current buddy icon from the PurpleBuddy */
buddyIcon = purple_buddy_get_icon(buddy);
if (!buddyIcon) {
/* Failing that, load one from the cache. We'll need to unreference the returned PurpleBuddyIcon
* when we're done.
buddyIcon = purple_buddy_icons_find(account, [contact.UID UTF8String]);
shouldUnref = YES;
if (buddyIcon) {
const guchar *iconData;
size_t len;
iconData = purple_buddy_icon_get_data(buddyIcon, &len);
if (iconData && len) {
data = [NSData dataWithBytes:iconData length:len];
if (shouldUnref)
} else {
AILogWithSignature(@"Could not get serverside icon data for %@. account is %p", contact, account);
return data;
* @brief Libpurple manages a contact icon cache; we don't need to duplicate it.
- (BOOL)managesOwnContactIconCache
return YES;
/* AIAccount_Handles */
#pragma mark Contact List Editing
- (void)removeContacts:(NSArray *)objects fromGroups:(NSArray *)groups
for (AIListGroup *group in groups) {
NSString *groupName = [self _mapOutgoingGroupName:group.UID];
for (AIListContact *object in objects) {
//Have the purple thread perform the serverside actions
[purpleAdapter removeUID:object.UID onAccount:self fromGroup:groupName];
//Remove it from Adium's list
[object removeRemoteGroupName:groupName];
- (void)addContact:(AIListContact *)contact toGroup:(AIListGroup *)group
NSString *groupName = [self _mapOutgoingGroupName:group.UID];
if(![group containsObject:contact]) {
AILogWithSignature(@"%@ adding %@ to %@", self, [self _UIDForAddingObject:contact], groupName);
NSString *alias = [contact.parentContact preferenceForKey:@"Alias"
[purpleAdapter addUID:[self _UIDForAddingObject:contact] onAccount:self toGroup:groupName withAlias:alias];
//Add it to Adium's list
[contact addRemoteGroupName:group.UID]; //Use the non-mapped group name locally
- (NSString *)_UIDForAddingObject:(AIListContact *)object
return object.UID;
- (NSSet *)mappedGroupNamesFromGroups:(NSSet *)groups
NSMutableSet *mappedNames = [NSMutableSet set];
for (AIListGroup *group in groups) {
[mappedNames addObject:[self _mapOutgoingGroupName:group.UID]];
return mappedNames;
- (void)moveListObjects:(NSArray *)objects fromGroups:(NSSet *)oldGroups toGroups:(NSSet *)groups
NSSet *sourceMappedNames = [self mappedGroupNamesFromGroups:oldGroups];
NSSet *destinationMappedNames = [self mappedGroupNamesFromGroups:groups];
//Move the objects to it
for (AIListContact *contact in objects) {
if (![contact.remoteGroups intersectsSet:oldGroups] && oldGroups.count) {
NSString *alias = [contact.parentContact preferenceForKey:@"Alias"
//Tell the purple thread to perform the serverside operation
[purpleAdapter moveUID:contact.UID onAccount:self fromGroups:sourceMappedNames toGroups:destinationMappedNames withAlias:alias];
for (AIListGroup *group in oldGroups) {
[contact removeRemoteGroupName:group.UID];
for (AIListGroup *group in groups) {
[contact addRemoteGroupName:group.UID];
- (void)renameGroup:(AIListGroup *)inGroup to:(NSString *)newName
NSString *groupName = [self _mapOutgoingGroupName:inGroup.UID];
//Tell the purple thread to perform the serverside operation
[purpleAdapter renameGroup:groupName onAccount:self to:newName];
//We must also update the remote grouping of all our contacts in that group
for (AIListContact *contact in [adium.contactController allContactsInObject:inGroup onAccount:self]) {
[contact removeRemoteGroupName:groupName];
//Evan: should we use groupName or newName here?
[contact addRemoteGroupName:newName];
- (void)deleteGroup:(AIListGroup *)inGroup
NSString *groupName = [self _mapOutgoingGroupName:inGroup.UID];
[purpleAdapter deleteGroup:groupName onAccount:self];
// Return YES if the contact list is editable
- (BOOL)contactListEditable
- (id)authorizationRequestWithDict:(NSDictionary*)dict
// We retain this in case libpurple wants to close the request early. It is freed below.
return [[AdiumAuthorization showAuthorizationRequestWithDict:dict forAccount:self] retain];
- (void)authorizationWithDict:(NSDictionary *)infoDict response:(AIAuthorizationResponse)authorizationResponse
if (account) {
NSValue *callback = nil;
switch (authorizationResponse) {
case AIAuthorizationAllowed:
callback = [[[infoDict objectForKey:@"authorizeCB"] retain] autorelease];
case AIAuthorizationDenied:
callback = [[[infoDict objectForKey:@"denyCB"] retain] autorelease];
case AIAuthorizationNoResponse:
callback = nil;
//libpurple will remove its reference to the handle for this request, which is inDict, in response to this callback invocation
if (callback) {
[purpleAdapter doAuthRequestCbValue:callback withUserDataValue:[[[infoDict objectForKey:@"userData"] retain] autorelease]];
/* Retained in -[self authorizationRequestWithDict:]. We kept it around before now in case libpurle wanted us to close it early, such as because the
* account disconnected.
[infoDict release];
} else {
[purpleAdapter closeAuthRequestWithHandle:infoDict];
#pragma mark Group chat ignore
- (BOOL)accountManagesGroupChatIgnore
return YES;
- (BOOL)contact:(AIListContact *)inContact isIgnoredInChat:(AIChat *)chat
if ( && chat.isGroupChat) {
return [purpleAdapter contact:inContact isIgnoredInChat:chat];
} else {
return NO;
- (void)setContact:(AIListContact *)inContact ignored:(BOOL)inIgnored inChat:(AIChat *)chat
if ( && chat.isGroupChat) {
[purpleAdapter setContact:inContact ignored:inIgnored inChat:chat];
//Chats ------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Chats
- (void)removeUser:(NSString *)contactName fromChat:(AIChat *)chat
if (!chat)
AIListContact *contact = [self contactWithUID:contactName];
[chat removeObject:contact];
if (contact.isStranger &&
![adium.chatController allGroupChatsContainingContact:contact.parentContact].count &&
[adium.chatController existingChatWithContact:contact.parentContact]) {
// The contact is a stranger, not in any more group chats, but we have a message with them open.
// Set their status to unknown.
[contact setStatusWithName:nil
[contact setValue:nil
[contact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:NO];
- (void)removeUsersArray:(NSArray *)usersArray fromChat:(AIChat *)chat
for (NSString *contactName in usersArray) {
[self removeUser:contactName fromChat:chat];
- (void)updateUserListForChat:(AIChat *)chat users:(NSArray *)users newlyAdded:(BOOL)newlyAdded
NSMutableArray *newListObjects = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSDictionary *user in users) {
AIListContact *contact = [self contactWithUID:[user objectForKey:@"UID"]];
AILogWithSignature(@"%@ join %@", chat, contact);
[contact setOnline:YES notify:NotifyNever silently:YES];
[newListObjects addObject:contact];
[chat addParticipatingListObjects:newListObjects notify:newlyAdded];
for (NSDictionary *user in users) {
AIListContact *contact = [self contactWithUID:[user objectForKey:@"UID"]];
[chat setFlags:(AIGroupChatFlags)[[user objectForKey:@"Flags"] integerValue] forContact:contact];
if ([user objectForKey:@"Alias"]) {
[chat setAlias:[user objectForKey:@"Alias"] forContact:contact];
if (contact.isStranger) {
[contact setServersideAlias:[user objectForKey:@"Alias"] silently:NO];
// Post an update notification now that we've modified the flags and names.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:Chat_ParticipatingListObjectsChanged
AIGroupChatFlags groupChatFlagsFromPurpleConvChatBuddyFlags(PurpleConvChatBuddyFlags flags)
AIGroupChatFlags groupChatFlags = AIGroupChatNone;
groupChatFlags |= AIGroupChatVoice;
groupChatFlags |= AIGroupChatHalfOp;
if (flags & PURPLE_CBFLAGS_OP)
groupChatFlags |= AIGroupChatOp;
groupChatFlags |= AIGroupChatFounder;
groupChatFlags |= AIGroupChatTyping;
groupChatFlags |= AIGroupChatAway;
return groupChatFlags;
- (void)renameParticipant:(NSString *)oldUID newName:(NSString *)newUID newAlias:(NSString *)newAlias flags:(PurpleConvChatBuddyFlags)flags inChat:(AIChat *)chat
[chat removeSavedValuesForContactUID:oldUID];
AIListContact *contact = [adium.contactController existingContactWithService:self.service account:self UID:oldUID];
if (contact) {
[adium.contactController setUID:newUID forContact:contact];
} else {
contact = [self contactWithUID:newUID];
[chat setFlags:groupChatFlagsFromPurpleConvChatBuddyFlags(flags) forContact:contact];
[chat setAlias:newAlias forContact:contact];
if (contact.isStranger) {
[contact setServersideAlias:newAlias silently:NO];
// Post an update notification since we modified the user entirely.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:Chat_ParticipatingListObjectsChanged
- (void)setAttribute:(NSString *)name value:(NSString *)value forContact:(AIListContact *)contact
NSString *property = nil;
if ([name isEqualToString:@"userhost"]) {
property = @"User Host";
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"realname"]) {
property = @"Real Name";
} else {
AILog(@"Unknown attribute: %@ value %@", name, value);
if (property) {
// Callsite should notify.
[contact setValue:value forProperty:property notify:NotifyLater];
- (void)updateUser:(NSString *)user
forChat:(AIChat *)chat
alias:(NSString *)alias
attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes
BOOL triggerUserlistUpdate = NO;
AIListContact *contact = [self contactWithUID:user];
AIGroupChatFlags oldFlags = [chat flagsForContact:contact];
AIGroupChatFlags newFlags = groupChatFlagsFromPurpleConvChatBuddyFlags(flags);
NSString *oldAlias = [chat aliasForContact:contact];
// Trigger an update if the alias or flags (ignoring away state) changes.
if ((alias && !oldAlias)
|| (!alias && oldAlias)
|| ![[chat aliasForContact:contact] isEqualToString:alias]
|| (newFlags & ~AIGroupChatAway) != (oldFlags & ~AIGroupChatAway)) {
triggerUserlistUpdate = YES;
[chat setAlias:alias forContact:contact];
[chat setFlags:newFlags forContact:contact];
// Away changes only come in after the initial one, so we're safe in only updating it here.
if (contact.isStranger) {
[contact setStatusWithName:nil
statusType:((newFlags & AIGroupChatAway) == AIGroupChatAway) ? AIAwayStatusType : AIAvailableStatusType
for (NSString *key in attributes.allKeys) {
[self setAttribute:key value:[attributes objectForKey:key] forContact:contact];
[contact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:YES];
// Post an update notification if we modified the flags; don't resort for away changes.
if (triggerUserlistUpdate) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:Chat_ParticipatingListObjectsChanged
* @brief Called by Purple code when a chat should be opened by the interface
* If the user sent an initial message, this will be triggered and have no effect.
* If a remote user sent an initial message, however, a chat will be created without being opened. This call is our
* cue to actually open chat.
* Another situation in which this is relevant is when we request joining a group chat; the chat should only be actually
* opened once the server notifies us that we are in the room.
* This will ultimately call -[CBPurpleAccount openChat:] below if the chat was not previously open.
- (void)addChat:(AIChat *)chat
//Open the chat
if ([chat isOpen]) {
if ([chat boolValueForProperty:@"Rejoining Chat"]) {
[self displayYouHaveConnectedInChat:chat];
[chat setValue:nil forProperty:@"Rejoining Chat" notify:NotifyNever];
[adium.interfaceController openChat:chat];
[chat setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forProperty:@"accountJoined" notify:NotifyNow];
//Open a chat for Adium
- (BOOL)openChat:(AIChat *)chat
/* The #if 0'd block below causes crashes in msn_tooltip_text() on MSN */
#if 0
AIListContact *listContact;
//Obtain the contact's information if it's a stranger
if ((listContact = chat.listObject) && (listContact.isStranger)) {
[self delayedUpdateContactStatus:listContact];
AILog(@"purple openChat:%@ for %@",chat,chat.uniqueChatID);
//Inform purple that we have opened this chat
[purpleAdapter openChat:chat onAccount:self];
//Created the chat successfully
return YES;
- (BOOL)closeChat:(AIChat*)chat
[purpleAdapter closeChat:chat];
if (!chat.isGroupChat) {
//Be sure any remaining typing flag is cleared as the chat closes
[self setTypingFlagOfChat:chat to:nil];
AILog(@"purple closeChat:%@",chat.uniqueChatID);
return YES;
- (void)chatWasDestroyed:(AIChat *)chat
[adium.chatController accountDidCloseChat:chat];
- (void)chatJoinDidFail:(AIChat *)chat
[adium.chatController accountDidCloseChat:chat];
* @brief Rejoin a chat
- (BOOL)rejoinChat:(AIChat *)chat
[chat retain];
PurpleConversation *conv = [[chat identifier] pointerValue];
if (conv && conv->ui_data) {
[(AIChat *)(conv->ui_data) release];
conv->ui_data = NULL;
/* The identifier is how we associate a PurpleConversation with an AIChat.
* Clear the identifier so a new PurpleConversation will be made. The ChatCreationInfo for the chat is still around, so it can join.
[chat setIdentifier:nil];
[chat setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forProperty:@"Rejoining Chat" notify:NotifyNever];
[purpleAdapter openChat:chat onAccount:self];
[chat autorelease];
//We don't get any immediate feedback as to our success; just return YES.
return YES;
* @brief A chat will be joined
* This gives the account a chance to update any information in the chat's creation dictionary if desired.
* @result The final chat creation dictionary to use.
- (NSDictionary *)willJoinChatUsingDictionary:(NSDictionary *)chatCreationDictionary
return chatCreationDictionary;
- (BOOL)chatCreationDictionary:(NSDictionary *)chatCreationDict isEqualToDictionary:(NSDictionary *)baseDict
return [chatCreationDict isEqualToDictionary:baseDict];
- (NSDictionary *)extractChatCreationDictionaryFromConversation:(PurpleConversation *)conv
AILog(@"%@ needs an implementation of extractChatCreationDictionaryFromConversation to handle rejoins, bookmarks, and invitations properly", NSStringFromClass([self class]));
return nil;
- (AIChat *)chatWithContact:(AIListContact *)contact identifier:(id)identifier
AIChat *chat = [adium.chatController chatWithContact:contact];
[chat setIdentifier:identifier];
return chat;
- (AIChat *)chatWithName:(NSString *)name identifier:(id)identifier
return [adium.chatController chatWithName:name identifier:identifier onAccount:self chatCreationInfo:nil];
- (BOOL)joiningGroupChatRequiresCreationDictionary
return YES;
//Typing update in an IM
- (void)typingUpdateForIMChat:(AIChat *)chat typing:(NSNumber *)typingState
[self setTypingFlagOfChat:chat
//Multiuser chat update
- (void)convUpdateForChat:(AIChat *)chat type:(NSNumber *)type
* @brief Called when we are informed that we left a multiuser chat
- (void)leftChat:(AIChat *)chat
[chat setValue:nil forProperty:@"accountJoined" notify:NotifyNow];
- (void)updateTopic:(NSString *)inTopic forChat:(AIChat *)chat withSource:(NSString *)source
// Update (not set) the chat's topic
[chat updateTopic:inTopic withSource:[self contactWithUID:source]];
* @brief Set a chat's topic
* This only has an effect on group chats.
- (void)setTopic:(NSString *)topic forChat:(AIChat *)chat
if (!chat.isGroupChat) {
PurplePluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info = self.protocolInfo;
if (prpl_info && prpl_info->set_chat_topic) {
purple_conv_chat_get_id(purple_conversation_get_chat_data(convLookupFromChat(chat, self))),
[topic UTF8String]);
- (void)updateTitle:(NSString *)inTitle forChat:(AIChat *)chat
[[chat displayArrayForKey:@"Display Name"] setObject:inTitle
- (void)updateForChat:(AIChat *)chat type:(NSNumber *)type
AIChatUpdateType updateType = [type intValue];
NSString *key = nil;
switch (updateType) {
case AIChatTimedOut:
case AIChatClosedWindow:
if (key) {
[chat setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forProperty:key notify:NotifyNow];
[chat setValue:nil forProperty:key notify:NotifyNever];
- (void)errorForChat:(AIChat *)chat type:(NSNumber *)type
[chat receivedError:type];
- (void)receivedIMChatMessage:(NSDictionary *)messageDict inChat:(AIChat *)chat
PurpleMessageFlags flags = [(NSNumber*)[messageDict objectForKey:@"PurpleMessageFlags"] intValue];
NSAttributedString *attributedMessage;
AIListContact *listContact;
listContact = chat.listObject;
attributedMessage = [adium.contentController decodedIncomingMessage:[messageDict objectForKey:@"Message"]
//Clear the typing flag of the chat since a message was just received
[self setTypingFlagOfChat:chat to:nil];
[self _receivedMessage:attributedMessage
date:[messageDict objectForKey:@"Date"]];
- (void)receivedEventForChat:(AIChat *)chat
message:(NSString *)message
date:(NSDate *)date
flags:(NSNumber *)flagsNumber
PurpleMessageFlags flags = [flagsNumber intValue];
AIContentEvent *event = [AIContentEvent eventInChat:chat
message:[AIHTMLDecoder decodeHTML:message]
[adium.contentController receiveContentObject:event];
- (void)receivedMultiChatMessage:(NSDictionary *)messageDict inChat:(AIChat *)chat
PurpleMessageFlags flags = [(NSNumber*)[messageDict objectForKey:@"PurpleMessageFlags"] intValue];
if ((![self shouldDisplayOutgoingMUCMessages] && ((flags & PURPLE_MESSAGE_SEND) || (flags & PURPLE_MESSAGE_DELAYED))) ||
NSAttributedString *attributedMessage = [messageDict objectForKey:@"AttributedMessage"];;
NSString *source = [messageDict objectForKey:@"Source"];
[self _receivedMessage:attributedMessage
fromListContact:[self contactWithUID:source]
date:[messageDict objectForKey:@"Date"]];
- (void)_receivedMessage:(NSAttributedString *)attributedMessage inChat:(AIChat *)chat fromListContact:(AIListContact *)sourceContact flags:(PurpleMessageFlags)flags date:(NSDate *)date
AILogWithSignature(@"Message: %@ inChat: %@ fromListContact: %@ flags: %d date: %@", attributedMessage, chat, sourceContact, flags, date);
// Display delayed messages as context.
AIContentContext *messageObject = [AIContentContext messageInChat:chat
withSource:[sourceContact.UID isEqualToString:self.UID]? (AIListObject *)self : (AIListObject *)sourceContact
autoreply:(flags & PURPLE_MESSAGE_AUTO_RESP) != 0];
messageObject.trackContent = NO;
[adium.contentController receiveContentObject:messageObject];
} else {
AIContentMessage *messageObject = [AIContentMessage messageInChat:chat
withSource:[sourceContact.UID isEqualToString:self.UID]? (AIListObject *)self : (AIListObject *)sourceContact
autoreply:(flags & PURPLE_MESSAGE_AUTO_RESP) != 0];
[adium.contentController receiveContentObject:messageObject];
/* AIAccount_Content */
#pragma mark Content
- (void)sendTypingObject:(AIContentTyping *)inContentTyping
AIChat *chat =;
if (!chat.isGroupChat) {
[purpleAdapter sendTyping:inContentTyping.typingState inChat:chat];
- (BOOL)sendMessageObject:(AIContentMessage *)inContentMessage
PurpleMessageFlags flags = PURPLE_MESSAGE_RAW;
if ([inContentMessage isAutoreply]) {
if (![self shouldDisplayOutgoingMUCMessages] && [ isGroupChat]) {
inContentMessage.displayContent = NO;
[purpleAdapter sendEncodedMessage:[inContentMessage encodedMessage]
return YES;
- (BOOL)supportsSendingNotifications
return (account ? ((PURPLE_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_INFO(purple_find_prpl(purple_account_get_protocol_id(account)))->send_attention) != NULL) : NO);
- (BOOL)sendNotificationObject:(AIContentNotification *)inContentNotification
[purpleAdapter sendNotificationOfType:[inContentNotification notificationType]
return YES;
* @brief Return the string encoded for sending to a remote contact
* We return nil if the string turns out to have been a / command.
- (NSString *)encodedAttributedStringForSendingContentMessage:(AIContentMessage *)inContentMessage
BOOL didCommand = [purpleAdapter attemptPurpleCommandOnMessage:[inContentMessage.message string]
fromAccount:(AIAccount *)[inContentMessage source]];
return (didCommand ? nil : [super encodedAttributedStringForSendingContentMessage:inContentMessage]);
* @brief Libpurple prints file transfer messages to the chat window. The Adium core therefore shouldn't.
- (BOOL)accountDisplaysFileTransferMessages
return YES;
* @brief Available for sending content
* Returns YES if the contact is available for receiving content of the specified type. If contact is nil, instead
* check for the availiability to send any content of the given type.
* We override the default implementation to check -[self allowFileTransferWithListObject:] for file transfers
* @param inType A string content type
* @param inContact The destination contact, or nil to check global availability
- (BOOL)availableForSendingContentType:(NSString *)inType toContact:(AIListContact *)inContact
if ( && [inType isEqualToString:CONTENT_FILE_TRANSFER_TYPE]) {
if (inContact) {
return ([self conformsToProtocol:@protocol(AIAccount_Files)] &&
(( || inContact.isStranger) && [self allowFileTransferWithListObject:inContact]));
} else {
return [self conformsToProtocol:@protocol(AIAccount_Files)];
return [super availableForSendingContentType:inType toContact:inContact];
- (BOOL)allowFileTransferWithListObject:(AIListObject *)inListObject
PurplePluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info = self.protocolInfo;
if (prpl_info && prpl_info->send_file)
return (!prpl_info->can_receive_file || prpl_info->can_receive_file(purple_account_get_connection(account), [inListObject.UID UTF8String]));
return NO;
- (BOOL)supportsAutoReplies
if (account && purple_account_get_connection(account)) {
return ((purple_account_get_connection(account)->flags & PURPLE_CONNECTION_AUTO_RESP) != 0);
return NO;
- (BOOL)canSendOfflineMessageToContact:(AIListContact *)inContact
PurplePluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info = self.protocolInfo;
if (prpl_info && prpl_info->offline_message) {
return (prpl_info->offline_message(purple_find_buddy(account, [inContact.UID UTF8String])));
} else
return NO;
#pragma mark Custom emoticons
- (void)chat:(AIChat *)inChat isWaitingOnCustomEmoticon:(NSString *)emoticonEquivalent
AIEmoticon *emoticon;
//Look for an existing emoticon with this equivalent
for (emoticon in inChat.customEmoticons) {
if ([[emoticon textEquivalents] containsObject:emoticonEquivalent]) break;
if (!emoticon) {
emoticon = [AIEmoticon emoticonWithIconPath:nil
equivalents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:emoticonEquivalent]
[inChat addCustomEmoticon:emoticon];
if (![emoticon path]) {
[emoticon setPath:[[NSBundle bundleForClass:[CBPurpleAccount class]] pathForResource:@"missing_image"
* @brief Return the path at which to save an emoticon
- (NSString *)_emoticonCachePathForEmoticon:(NSString *)emoticonEquivalent type:(AIBitmapImageFileType)fileType inChat:(AIChat *)inChat
static unsigned long long emoticonID = 0;
NSString *filename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"TEMP-CustomEmoticon_%@_%@_%qu.%@",
[inChat uniqueChatID], emoticonEquivalent, emoticonID++, [NSImage extensionForBitmapImageFileType:fileType]];
return [[adium cachesPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:[filename safeFilenameString]];
- (void)chat:(AIChat *)inChat setCustomEmoticon:(NSString *)emoticonEquivalent withImageData:(NSData *)inImageData
/* XXX Note: If we can set outgoing emoticons, this method needs to be updated to mark emoticons as incoming
* and AIEmoticonController needs to be able to handle that.
AIEmoticon *emoticon;
//Look for an existing emoticon with this equivalent
for (emoticon in inChat.customEmoticons) {
if ([[emoticon textEquivalents] containsObject:emoticonEquivalent]) break;
//Write out our image
NSString *path = [self _emoticonCachePathForEmoticon:emoticonEquivalent
type:[NSImage fileTypeOfData:inImageData]
[inImageData writeToFile:path
if (emoticon) {
//If we already have an emoticon, just update its path
[emoticon setPath:path];
} else {
emoticon = [AIEmoticon emoticonWithIconPath:path
equivalents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:emoticonEquivalent]
[inChat addCustomEmoticon:emoticon];
- (void)chat:(AIChat *)inChat closedCustomEmoticon:(NSString *)emoticonEquivalent
AIEmoticon *emoticon;
//Look for an existing emoticon with this equivalent
for (emoticon in inChat.customEmoticons) {
if ([[emoticon textEquivalents] containsObject:emoticonEquivalent]) break;
if (emoticon) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"AICustomEmoticonUpdated"
userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:emoticon
} else {
//This shouldn't happen; chat:setCustomEmoticon:withImageData: should have already been called.
emoticon = [AIEmoticon emoticonWithIconPath:nil
equivalents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:emoticonEquivalent]
NSLog(@"Warning: closed custom emoticon %@ without adding it to the chat", emoticon);
AILog(@"Warning: closed custom emoticon %@ without adding it to the chat", emoticon);
/* AIAccount_Privacy */
#pragma mark Privacy
- (BOOL)addListObject:(AIListObject *)inObject toPrivacyList:(AIPrivacyType)type
if (type == AIPrivacyTypePermit)
return (purple_privacy_permit_add(account,[inObject.UID UTF8String],FALSE));
return (purple_privacy_deny_add(account,[inObject.UID UTF8String],FALSE));
- (BOOL)removeListObject:(AIListObject *)inObject fromPrivacyList:(AIPrivacyType)type
if (type == AIPrivacyTypePermit)
return (purple_privacy_permit_remove(account,[inObject.UID UTF8String],FALSE));
return (purple_privacy_deny_remove(account,[inObject.UID UTF8String],FALSE));
- (NSArray *)listObjectsOnPrivacyList:(AIPrivacyType)type
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
if (account) {
GSList *list;
GSList *sourceList = ((type == AIPrivacyTypePermit) ? account->permit : account->deny);
for (list = sourceList; (list != NULL); list=list->next) {
[array addObject:[self contactWithUID:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char *)list->data]]];
return array;
- (void)accountPrivacyList:(AIPrivacyType)type added:(NSString *)sourceUID
//Can't really trust sourceUID to not be @"" or something silly like that
if ([sourceUID length]) {
//Get our contact
AIListContact *contact = [self contactWithUID:sourceUID];
//Update Adium's knowledge of it
[contact setIsBlocked:((type == AIPrivacyTypeDeny) ? YES : NO) updateList:NO];
- (void)privacyPermitListAdded:(NSString *)sourceUID
[self accountPrivacyList:AIPrivacyTypePermit added:sourceUID];
- (void)privacyDenyListAdded:(NSString *)sourceUID
[self accountPrivacyList:AIPrivacyTypeDeny added:sourceUID];
- (void)accountPrivacyList:(AIPrivacyType)type removed:(NSString *)sourceUID
//Can't really trust sourceUID to not be @"" or something silly like that
if ([sourceUID length]) {
if (!namesAreCaseSensitive) {
sourceUID = [sourceUID compactedString];
//Get our contact, which must already exist for us to care about its removal
AIListContact *contact = [adium.contactController existingContactWithService:service
if (contact) {
//Update Adium's knowledge of it
[contact setIsBlocked:((type == AIPrivacyTypeDeny) ? NO : YES) updateList:NO];
- (void)privacyPermitListRemoved:(NSString *)sourceUID
[self accountPrivacyList:AIPrivacyTypePermit removed:sourceUID];
- (void)privacyDenyListRemoved:(NSString *)sourceUID
[self accountPrivacyList:AIPrivacyTypeDeny removed:sourceUID];
- (void)setPrivacyOptions:(AIPrivacyOption)option
if (account && purple_account_get_connection(account)) {
PurplePrivacyType privacyType;
switch (option) {
case AIPrivacyOptionAllowAll:
case AIPrivacyOptionDenyAll:
case AIPrivacyOptionAllowUsers:
case AIPrivacyOptionDenyUsers:
case AIPrivacyOptionAllowContactList:
if (account->perm_deny != privacyType) {
account->perm_deny = privacyType;
AILog(@"Set privacy options for %@ (%x %x) to %i",
[self setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:option]
} else {
AILog(@"Couldn't set privacy options for %@ (%x %x)",self,account,purple_account_get_connection(account));
- (AIPrivacyOption)privacyOptions
AIPrivacyOption privacyOption = -1;
if (account) {
PurplePrivacyType privacyType = account->perm_deny;
switch (privacyType) {
privacyOption = AIPrivacyOptionAllowAll;
privacyOption = AIPrivacyOptionDenyAll;
privacyOption = AIPrivacyOptionAllowUsers;
privacyOption = AIPrivacyOptionDenyUsers;
privacyOption = AIPrivacyOptionAllowContactList;
AILog(@"%@: privacyOptions are %i",self,privacyOption);
return privacyOption;
/* File transfer / AIAccount_Files inherited methods */
#pragma mark File Transfer
- (BOOL)canSendFolders
return NO;
//Create a protocol-specific xfer object, set it up as requested, and begin sending
- (void)_beginSendOfFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
PurpleXfer *xfer = [self newOutgoingXferForFileTransfer:fileTransfer];
if (xfer) {
//Associate the fileTransfer and the xfer with each other
[fileTransfer setAccountData:[NSValue valueWithPointer:xfer]];
xfer->ui_data = [fileTransfer retain];
//Set the filename
purple_xfer_set_local_filename(xfer, [[fileTransfer localFilename] UTF8String]);
purple_xfer_set_filename(xfer, [[[fileTransfer localFilename] lastPathComponent] UTF8String]);
Request that the transfer begins.
We will be asked to accept it via:
- (void)acceptFileTransferRequest:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
[purpleAdapter xferRequest:xfer];
[fileTransfer setStatus: Waiting_on_Remote_User_FileTransfer];
//By default, protocols can not create PurpleXfer objects
- (PurpleXfer *)newOutgoingXferForFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
PurpleXfer *newPurpleXfer = NULL;
if (account && purple_account_get_connection(account)) {
PurplePluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info = self.protocolInfo;
if (prpl_info && prpl_info->new_xfer) {
char *destsn = (char *)[[[fileTransfer contact] UID] UTF8String];
newPurpleXfer = (prpl_info->new_xfer)(purple_account_get_connection(account), destsn);
return newPurpleXfer;
* @brief The account requested that we received a file.
* Set up the ESFileTransfer and query the fileTransferController for a save location.
- (void)requestReceiveOfFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
AILog(@"File transfer request received: %@",fileTransfer);
[adium.fileTransferController receiveRequestForFileTransfer:fileTransfer];
//Create an ESFileTransfer object from an xfer
- (ESFileTransfer *)newFileTransferObjectWith:(NSString *)destinationUID
size:(unsigned long long)inSize
remoteFilename:(NSString *)remoteFilename
AIListContact *contact = [self contactWithUID:destinationUID];
ESFileTransfer *fileTransfer;
fileTransfer = [adium.fileTransferController newFileTransferWithContact:contact
[fileTransfer setSize:inSize];
[fileTransfer setRemoteFilename:remoteFilename];
return fileTransfer;
//Update an ESFileTransfer object progress
- (void)updateProgressForFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer percent:(NSNumber *)percent bytesSent:(NSNumber *)bytesSent
CGFloat percentDone = (CGFloat)[percent doubleValue];
[fileTransfer setPercentDone:percentDone bytesSent:[bytesSent unsignedLongValue]];
//The local side cancelled the transfer. We probably already have this status set, but set it just in case.
- (void)fileTransferCancelledLocally:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
if (![fileTransfer isStopped]) {
[fileTransfer setStatus:Cancelled_Local_FileTransfer];
//The remote side cancelled the transfer, the fool. Update our status.
- (void)fileTransferCancelledRemotely:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
if (![fileTransfer isStopped]) {
[fileTransfer setStatus:Cancelled_Remote_FileTransfer];
- (void)destroyFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
AILog(@"Destroy file transfer %@",fileTransfer);
[fileTransfer release];
//Accept a send or receive ESFileTransfer object, beginning the transfer.
//Subsequently inform the fileTransferController that the fun has begun.
- (void)acceptFileTransferRequest:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
AILog(@"Accepted file transfer %@",fileTransfer);
PurpleXfer *xfer;
PurpleXferType xferType;
xfer = [[fileTransfer accountData] pointerValue];
xferType = purple_xfer_get_type(xfer);
if (xferType == PURPLE_XFER_SEND) {
[fileTransfer setFileTransferType:Outgoing_FileTransfer];
} else if (xferType == PURPLE_XFER_RECEIVE) {
[fileTransfer setFileTransferType:Incoming_FileTransfer];
[fileTransfer setSize:purple_xfer_get_size(xfer)];
//accept the request
[purpleAdapter xferRequestAccepted:xfer withFileName:[fileTransfer localFilename]];
[fileTransfer setStatus:Accepted_FileTransfer];
//User refused a receive request. Tell purple; we don't release the ESFileTransfer object
//since that will happen when the xfer is destroyed. This will end up calling back on
//- (void)fileTransfercancelledLocally:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
- (void)rejectFileReceiveRequest:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
PurpleXfer *xfer = [[fileTransfer accountData] pointerValue];
if (xfer) {
[purpleAdapter xferRequestRejected:xfer];
//Cancel a file transfer in progress. Tell purple; we don't release the ESFileTransfer object
//since that will happen when the xfer is destroyed. This will end up calling back on
//- (void)fileTransfercancelledLocally:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
- (void)cancelFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
PurpleXfer *xfer = [[fileTransfer accountData] pointerValue];
if (xfer) {
[purpleAdapter xferCancel:xfer];
//Account Connectivity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Connect
//Connect this account (Our password should be in the instance variable 'password' all ready for us)
- (void)connect
finishedConnectProcess = NO;
// When we *start* to connect, ensure there is no previous error. Waiting until connection succeeds
// could lead to looping.
[self setLastDisconnectionError:nil];
[super connect];
//Ensure we have a purple account if one does not already exist
[self purpleAccount];
//Make sure our settings are correct
if ([self connectivityBasedOnNetworkReachability] &&
![ length]) {
//If we use the network for connectivity, and we don't have a host, we need to get ourselves one. Prompt for it!
[self promptForHostBeforeConnecting];
} else {
[self configurePurpleAccountNotifyingTarget:self selector:@selector(continueConnectWithConfiguredPurpleAccount)];
- (void)unregister
finishedConnectProcess = NO;
[purpleAdapter unregisterAccount:self];
static void prompt_host_cancel_cb(CBPurpleAccount *self) {
[self disconnect];
static void prompt_host_ok_cb(CBPurpleAccount *self, const char *host) {
if(host && *host) {
[self setPreference:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:host]
[self configurePurpleAccountNotifyingTarget:self selector:@selector(continueConnectWithConfiguredPurpleAccount)];
} else {
- (void)promptForHostBeforeConnecting
purple_request_input(NULL, [[NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"%@ (%@) Setup", "first %@ is an account name; second is a service. This is a title for a window"),
self.formattedUID, [self.service shortDescription]] UTF8String],
[AILocalizedString(@"No Server Specified", nil) UTF8String],
[[NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"No server has been configured for the %@ account %@. Please enter one below to connect", nil),
[self.service longDescription], self.formattedUID] UTF8String],
/* default value */ "", /* multiline */ FALSE, /* masked */ FALSE, /* hint */ NULL,
[AILocalizedString(@"Connect", "Button title to connect; this is a verb") UTF8String], G_CALLBACK(prompt_host_ok_cb),
[AILocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil) UTF8String], G_CALLBACK(prompt_host_cancel_cb),
/* account */ NULL, /* who */ NULL, /* conv */ NULL,
- (void)continueConnectWithConfiguredPurpleAccount
//Configure libpurple's proxy settings; continueConnectWithConfiguredProxy will be called once we are ready
[self configureAccountProxyNotifyingTarget:self selector:@selector(continueConnectWithConfiguredProxy)];
- (void)continueConnectWithConfiguredProxy
//Set password and connect
purple_account_set_password(account, ([password length] ? [password UTF8String] : NULL));
//Set our current status state after filtering its statusMessage as appropriate. This will take us online in the process.
AIStatus *statusState = [self valueForProperty:@"accountStatus"];
if (!statusState || (statusState.statusType == AIOfflineStatusType)) {
statusState = [adium.statusController defaultInitialStatusState];
AILog(@"Adium: Connect: %@ initiating connection using status state %@ (%@).",self.UID,statusState,
[statusState statusMessageString]);
[self autoRefreshingOutgoingContentForStatusKey:@"accountStatus"
//Make sure our settings are correct; notify target/selector when we're finished
- (void)configurePurpleAccountNotifyingTarget:(id)target selector:(SEL)selector
NSInvocation *contextInvocation;
//Perform the synchronous configuration activities (subclasses may want to take action in this function)
[self configurePurpleAccount];
contextInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[target methodSignatureForSelector:selector]];
[contextInvocation setTarget:target];
[contextInvocation setSelector:selector];
[contextInvocation retainArguments];
//Set the text profile BEFORE beginning the connect process, to avoid problems with setting it while the
//connect occurs. Once that's done, contextInvocation will be invoked, continuing the configurePurpleAccount process.
[self autoRefreshingOutgoingContentForStatusKey:@"textProfile"
* @brief The server name to be passed to libpurple
* By default, this is the host as seen by the rest of Adium. Subclasses may choose to override this if
* some trickery is desired between what is told to libpurple and what the rest of Adium sees.
- (NSString *)hostForPurple
//Synchronous purple account configuration activites, always performed after an account is created.
//This is a definite subclassing point so prpls can apply their own account settings.
- (void)configurePurpleAccount
NSString *hostName;
int portNumber;
//Host (server)
hostName = [self hostForPurple];
if (hostName && [hostName length]) {
purple_account_set_string(account, "server", [hostName UTF8String]);
portNumber = [self port];
if (portNumber) {
purple_account_set_int(account, "port", portNumber);
//E-mail checking
purple_account_set_check_mail(account, [[self shouldCheckMail] boolValue]);
//Custom Emoticons
BOOL customEmoticons = [[self preferenceForKey:KEY_DISPLAY_CUSTOM_EMOTICONS group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] boolValue];
purple_account_set_bool(account, "custom_smileys", customEmoticons);
//Update a few properties before we begin connecting. Libpurple will send these automatically
[self updateStatusForKey:KEY_USER_ICON];
* @brief Configure libpurple's proxy settings using the current system values
* target/selector are used rather than a hardcoded callback (or getProxyConfigurationNotifyingTarget: directly) because this allows code reuse
* between the connect and register processes, which are similar in their need for proxy configuration
- (void)configureAccountProxyNotifyingTarget:(id)target selector:(SEL)selector
NSInvocation *invocation;
//Configure the invocation we will use when we are done configuring
invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[target methodSignatureForSelector:selector]];
[invocation setSelector:selector];
[invocation setTarget:target];
[self getProxyConfigurationNotifyingTarget:self
* @brief Callback for -[self getProxyConfigurationNotifyingTarget:selector:context:]
- (void)retrievedProxyConfiguration:(NSDictionary *)proxyConfig context:(NSInvocation *)invocation
PurpleProxyInfo *proxy_info;
AdiumProxyType proxyType = [(NSNumber*)[proxyConfig objectForKey:@"AdiumProxyType"] intValue];
proxy_info = purple_proxy_info_new();
purple_account_set_proxy_info(account, proxy_info);
PurpleProxyType purpleAccountProxyType;
switch (proxyType) {
case Adium_Proxy_HTTP:
case Adium_Proxy_Default_HTTP:
purpleAccountProxyType = PURPLE_PROXY_HTTP;
case Adium_Proxy_SOCKS4:
case Adium_Proxy_Default_SOCKS4:
purpleAccountProxyType = PURPLE_PROXY_SOCKS4;
case Adium_Proxy_SOCKS5:
case Adium_Proxy_Default_SOCKS5:
purpleAccountProxyType = PURPLE_PROXY_SOCKS5;
case Adium_Proxy_None:
purpleAccountProxyType = PURPLE_PROXY_NONE;
purple_proxy_info_set_type(proxy_info, purpleAccountProxyType);
if (proxyType != Adium_Proxy_None) {
purple_proxy_info_set_host(proxy_info, (char *)[[proxyConfig objectForKey:@"Host"] UTF8String]);
purple_proxy_info_set_port(proxy_info, [(NSNumber*)[proxyConfig objectForKey:@"Port"] intValue]);
purple_proxy_info_set_username(proxy_info, (char *)[[proxyConfig objectForKey:@"Username"] UTF8String]);
purple_proxy_info_set_password(proxy_info, (char *)[[proxyConfig objectForKey:@"Password"] UTF8String]);
AILog(@"Connecting with proxy type %i and proxy host %@",proxyType, [proxyConfig objectForKey:@"Host"]);
[invocation invoke];
//Sublcasses should override to provide a string for each progress step
- (NSString *)connectionStringForStep:(NSInteger)step { return nil; };
* @brief Should the account's status be updated as soon as it is connected?
* If YES, the StatusState and IdleSince properties will be told to update as soon as the account connects.
* This will allow the account to send its status information to the server upon connecting.
* If this information is already known by the account at the time it connects and further prompting to send it is
* not desired, return NO.
* libpurple should already have been told of our status before connecting began.
- (BOOL)updateStatusImmediatelyAfterConnecting
return NO;
- (void)didConnect
finishedConnectProcess = YES;
[super didConnect];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(iTunesDidUpdate:) name:Adium_iTunesTrackChangedNotification object:nil];
//Silence updates
[self silenceAllContactUpdatesForInterval:18.0];
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] delayListObjectNotificationsUntilInactivity];
//Clear any previous disconnection error
[self setLastDisconnectionError:nil];
if (unregisterAfterConnecting)
[self unregister];
//Our account has connected
- (void)accountConnectionConnected
AILog(@"************ %@ CONNECTED ***********",self.UID);
[self didConnect];
- (void)accountConnectionProgressStep:(NSNumber *)step percentDone:(NSNumber *)connectionProgressPrecent
NSString *progressString = [self connectionStringForStep:[step integerValue]];
[self setValue:progressString forProperty:@"connectionProgressString" notify:NO];
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[connectionProgressPrecent doubleValue] * 100] forProperty:@"connectionProgressPercent" notify:NO];
//Apply any changes
[self notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:NO];
AILog(@"************ %@ --step-- %i",self.UID,[step integerValue]);
* @brief Name to use when creating a PurpleAccount for this CBPurpleAccount
* By default, we just use the formattedUID. Subclasses can override this to provide other handling,
* such as appending \ if necessary for dotMac accounts.
- (const char *)purpleAccountName
return [self.formattedUID UTF8String];
- (void)setPurpleAccount:(PurpleAccount *)inAccount
account = inAccount;
- (void)createNewPurpleAccount
//Ensure libpurple is loaded and initialized
[self purpleAdapter];
//If loading libpurple didn't set an account for us, tell it to create one
if (!account)
[[self purpleAdapter] addAdiumAccount:self];
//-[SLPurpleCocoaAdapter addAdiumAccount:] should have immediately called back on setPurpleAccount. It's bad if it didn't.
if (account) {
AILog(@"Created PurpleAccount 0x%x with UID %@ and protocolPlugin %s", account, self.UID, [self protocolPlugin]);
} else {
AILog(@"Unable to create Libpurple account with name %s and protocol plugin %s",
self.purpleAccountName, [self protocolPlugin]);
NSLog(@"Unable to create Libpurple account with name %s and protocol plugin %s",
self.purpleAccountName, [self protocolPlugin]);
* @brief Returns a PurpleSslConnection for a given account.
- (PurpleSslConnection *)secureConnection
return NULL;
#pragma mark Disconnect
* @brief Disconnect this account
- (void)disconnect
if ( || [self boolValueForProperty:@"isConnecting"]) {
//As per AIAccount's documentation, call super's implementation
[super disconnect];
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] delayListObjectNotificationsUntilInactivity];
//Tell libpurple to disconnect
[purpleAdapter disconnectAccount:self];
- (void)setLastDisconnectionReason:(PurpleConnectionError)reason
// Libpurple now calls this twice, once with the real error, and once when we're disconnected.
// Discard the second call.
// BE CAREFUL to always call setLastDisconnectionReason BEFORE setLastDisconnectionError
// for this to work.
if (!lastDisconnectionError)
lastDisconnectionReason = reason;
- (PurpleConnectionError)lastDisconnectionReason
return lastDisconnectionReason;
* @brief Our account was unexpectedly disconnected with an error message
- (void)accountConnectionReportDisconnect:(NSString *)text withReason:(PurpleConnectionError)reason
[self setLastDisconnectionReason:reason];
[self setLastDisconnectionError:text];
[self serverReportedInvalidPassword];
//We are disconnecting
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forProperty:@"isDisconnecting" notify:NotifyNow];
AILog(@"%@ accountConnectionReportDisconnect: %@",self,lastDisconnectionError);
- (void)accountConnectionNotice:(NSString *)connectionNotice
[adium.interfaceController handleErrorMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"%@ (%@) : Connection Notice",nil),self.formattedUID,[service description]]
- (void)didDisconnect
//Clear properties which don't make sense for a disconnected account
[self setValue:nil forProperty:@"textProfile" notify:NO];
//Apply any changes
[self notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:NO];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self
[tuneinfo release];
tuneinfo = nil;
if (deletePurpleAccountAfterDisconnecting) {
deletePurpleAccountAfterDisconnecting = FALSE;
[[self purpleAdapter] removeAdiumAccount:self];
[super didDisconnect];
* @brief Our account has disconnected
* This is called after the account disconnects for any reason
- (void)accountConnectionDisconnected
//Report that we disconnected
AILog(@"%@: Telling the core we disconnected", self);
[self didDisconnect];
- (AIReconnectDelayType)shouldAttemptReconnectAfterDisconnectionError:(NSString **)disconnectionError
AIReconnectDelayType reconnectDelayType;
if ([self lastDisconnectionReason] == PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED) {
[self setLastDisconnectionError:AILocalizedString(@"Incorrect username or password","Error message displayed when the server reports username or password as being incorrect.")];
reconnectDelayType = AIReconnectImmediately;
} else if ([self lastDisconnectionReason] == PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME) {
[self setLastDisconnectionError:AILocalizedString(@"The name you entered is not registered. Check to ensure you typed it correctly.", nil)];
reconnectDelayType = AIReconnectNever;
} else if (disconnectionError && ([*disconnectionError isEqualToString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("SSL Handshake Failed")]] ||
[*disconnectionError isEqualToString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("SSL Connection Failed")]])) {
/* This particular message comes with PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, which is a 'fatal' error according to libpurple. Other problems
* with that message may be fatal, but this one isn't.
reconnectDelayType = AIReconnectNormally;
} else if (purple_connection_error_is_fatal([self lastDisconnectionReason])) {
reconnectDelayType = AIReconnectNever;
} else {
reconnectDelayType = AIReconnectNormally;
return reconnectDelayType;
#pragma mark Registering
- (void)performRegisterWithPassword:(NSString *)inPassword
//Save the new password
if (inPassword && ![password isEqualToString:inPassword]) {
[password release]; password = [inPassword retain];
//Ensure we have a purple account if one does not already exist
[self purpleAccount];
//We are connecting
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forProperty:@"isConnecting" notify:NotifyNow];
//Make sure our settings are correct
[self configurePurpleAccountNotifyingTarget:self selector:@selector(continueRegisterWithConfiguredPurpleAccount)];
- (void)continueRegisterWithConfiguredProxy
//Set password and connect
purple_account_set_password(account, [password UTF8String]);
AILog(@"Adium: Register: %@ initiating connection.",self.UID);
[purpleAdapter registerAccount:self];
- (void)continueRegisterWithConfiguredPurpleAccount
//Configure libpurple's proxy settings; continueConnectWithConfiguredProxy will be called once we are ready
[self configureAccountProxyNotifyingTarget:self selector:@selector(continueRegisterWithConfiguredProxy)];
- (void)purpleAccountRegistered:(BOOL)success
if (success && [self.service accountViewController]) {
NSString *username = (purple_account_get_username(account) ? [NSString stringWithUTF8String:purple_account_get_username(account)] : [NSNull null]);
NSString *pw = (purple_account_get_password(account) ? [NSString stringWithUTF8String:purple_account_get_password(account)] : [NSNull null]);
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:AIAccountUsernameAndPasswordRegisteredNotification
userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
username, @"username",
pw, @"password",
//Account Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Account Status
//Properties this account supports
- (NSSet *)supportedPropertyKeys
static NSMutableSet *supportedPropertyKeys = nil;
if (!supportedPropertyKeys) {
supportedPropertyKeys = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithObjects:
[supportedPropertyKeys unionSet:[super supportedPropertyKeys]];
return supportedPropertyKeys;
//Update our status
- (void)updateStatusForKey:(NSString *)key
[super updateStatusForKey:key];
//Now look at keys which only make sense if we have an account
if (account) {
AILog(@"%@: Updating status for key: %@",self, key);
if ([key isEqualToString:@"idleSince"]) {
NSDate *idleSince = [self preferenceForKey:@"idleSince" group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
if (!idleSince) {
idleSince = [adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:@"idleSince" group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
[self setAccountIdleSinceTo:idleSince];
} else if ([key isEqualToString:@"textProfile"]) {
[self autoRefreshingOutgoingContentForStatusKey:key selector:@selector(setAccountProfileTo:) context:nil];
} else if ([key isEqualToString:KEY_ACCOUNT_CHECK_MAIL]) {
//Update the mail checking setting if the account is already made (if it isn't, we'll set it when it is made)
if (account) {
[purpleAdapter setCheckMail:[self shouldCheckMail]
* @brief Return the purple status type to be used for a status
* Most subclasses should override this method; these generic values may be appropriate for others.
* Active services provided nonlocalized status names. An AIStatus is passed to this method along with a pointer
* to the status message. This method should handle any status whose statusNname this service set as well as any statusName
* defined in AIStatusController.h (which will correspond to the services handled by Adium by default).
* It should also handle a status name not specified in either of these places with a sane default, most likely by loooking at
* statusState.statusType for a general idea of the status's type.
* @param statusState The status for which to find the purple status ID
* @param arguments Prpl-specific arguments which will be passed with the state. Message is handled automatically.
* @result The purple status ID
- (const char *)purpleStatusIDForStatus:(AIStatus *)statusState
arguments:(NSMutableDictionary *)arguments
char *statusID = NULL;
switch (statusState.statusType) {
case AIAvailableStatusType:
statusID = "available";
case AIAwayStatusType:
statusID = "away";
case AIInvisibleStatusType:
statusID = "invisible";
case AIOfflineStatusType:
statusID = "offline";
return statusID;
- (BOOL)shouldAddMusicalNoteToNowPlayingStatus
return YES;
- (BOOL)shouldSetITMSLinkForNowPlayingStatus
return NO;
- (NSDictionary *)purpleSongInfoDictionary
NSMutableDictionary *arguments = nil;
if (tuneinfo && [[tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_PLAYER_STATE] isEqualToString:@"Playing"]) {
arguments = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSString *artist = [tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_ARTIST];
NSString *name = [tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_NAME];
[arguments setObject:(artist ? artist : @"") forKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:PURPLE_TUNE_ARTIST]];
[arguments setObject:(name ? name : @"") forKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:PURPLE_TUNE_TITLE]];
[arguments setObject:([tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_ALBUM] ? [tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_ALBUM] : @"") forKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:PURPLE_TUNE_ALBUM]];
[arguments setObject:([tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_GENRE] ? [tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_GENRE] : @"") forKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:PURPLE_TUNE_GENRE]];
[arguments setObject:([tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_TOTAL_TIME] ? [tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_TOTAL_TIME]:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:-1]) forKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:PURPLE_TUNE_TIME]];
[arguments setObject:([tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_YEAR] ? [tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_YEAR]:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:-1]) forKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:PURPLE_TUNE_YEAR]];
[arguments setObject:([tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_STORE_URL] ? [tuneinfo objectForKey:KEY_ITUNES_STORE_URL] : @"") forKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:PURPLE_TUNE_URL]];
[arguments setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@", (name ? name : @""), (name && artist ? @" - " : @""), (artist ? artist : @"")]
forKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:PURPLE_TUNE_FULL]];
return arguments;
- (void)iTunesDidUpdate:(NSNotification*)notification {
[tuneinfo release];
tuneinfo = [[notification object] retain];
/* Only if we're including the information in all statuses do we need to do an update;
* if we just have a 'now playing' status, the dynamic stats update will call
* -[self setStatusState:usingStatusMessage:] in a moment.
/* XXX Need to rate limit this on MSN, at least */
[purpleAdapter setSongInformation:(shouldIncludeNowPlayingInformationInAllStatuses ? [self purpleSongInfoDictionary] : nil) onAccount:self];
* @brief Should a status message be set when using the default "Away" state?
- (BOOL)shouldSetStatusMessageForDefaultAwayState
return YES;
* @brief Perform the setting of a status state
* Sets the account to a passed status state. The account should set itself to best possible status given the return
* values of statusState's accessors. The passed statusMessage has been filtered; it should be used rather than
* statusState.statusMessage, which returns an unfiltered statusMessage.
* @param statusState The state to enter
* @param statusMessage The filtered status message to use.
- (void)setStatusState:(AIStatus *)statusState usingStatusMessage:(NSAttributedString *)inStatusMessage
NSString *encodedStatusMessage;
NSMutableDictionary *arguments = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
//Get the purple status type from this class or subclasses, which may also potentially modify or nullify our statusMessage
const char *statusID = [self purpleStatusIDForStatus:statusState
if (![inStatusMessage length] &&
(statusState.statusType == AIAwayStatusType) &&
statusState.statusName &&
(!statusID || ((strcmp(statusID, "away") == 0) && [self shouldSetStatusMessageForDefaultAwayState]))) {
/* If we don't have a status message, and the status type is away for a non-default away such as "Do Not Disturb", and we're only setting
* a default away state becuse we don't know a better one for this service, get a default
* description of this away state. This allows, for example, an AIM user to set the "Do Not Disturb" type provided by her ICQ account
* and have the away message be set appropriately.
inStatusMessage = [NSAttributedString stringWithString:[adium.statusController descriptionForStateOfStatus:statusState]];
BOOL isNowPlayingStatus = ([statusState specialStatusType] == AINowPlayingSpecialStatusType);
if (isNowPlayingStatus && [inStatusMessage length]) {
if ([self shouldAddMusicalNoteToNowPlayingStatus]) {
#define MUSICAL_NOTE_AND_SPACE [NSString stringWithUTF8String:"\xe2\x99\xab "]
NSMutableAttributedString *temporaryStatusMessage;
temporaryStatusMessage = [[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:MUSICAL_NOTE_AND_SPACE] autorelease];
[temporaryStatusMessage appendAttributedString:inStatusMessage];
inStatusMessage = temporaryStatusMessage;
if ([self shouldSetITMSLinkForNowPlayingStatus]) {
//Grab the message's subtext, which is the song link if we're using the Current iTunes Track status
NSString *itmsStoreLink = [inStatusMessage attribute:@"AIMessageSubtext" atIndex:0 effectiveRange:NULL];
if (itmsStoreLink) {
[arguments setObject:itmsStoreLink
NSDictionary *purpleSongInfoDictionary = [self purpleSongInfoDictionary];
if (purpleSongInfoDictionary)
[arguments addEntriesFromDictionary:purpleSongInfoDictionary];
//Encode the status message if we have one
encodedStatusMessage = (inStatusMessage ?
[self encodedAttributedString:inStatusMessage
forStatusState:statusState] :
if (encodedStatusMessage) {
[arguments setObject:encodedStatusMessage
[self setStatusState:statusState
isActive:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] /* We're only using exclusive states for now... I hope. */
[arguments release];
* @brief Perform the actual setting of a state
* This is called by setStatusState. It allows subclasses to perform any other behaviors, such as modifying a display
* name, which are called for by the setting of the state; most of the processing has already been done, however, so
* most subclasses will not need to implement this.
* @param statusState The AIStatus which is being set
* @param statusID The Purple-sepcific statusID we are setting
* @param isActive An NSNumber with a bool YES if we are activating (going to) the passed state, NO if we are deactivating (going away from) the passed state.
* @param arguments Purple-specific arguments specified by the account. It must contain only NSString objects and keys.
- (void)setStatusState:(AIStatus *)statusState statusID:(const char *)statusID isActive:(NSNumber *)isActive arguments:(NSMutableDictionary *)arguments
[purpleAdapter setStatusID:statusID
//Set our idle (Pass nil for no idle)
- (void)setAccountIdleSinceTo:(NSDate *)idleSince
[purpleAdapter setIdleSinceTo:idleSince onAccount:self];
//We now should update our idle property
[self setValue:([idleSince timeIntervalSinceNow] ? idleSince : nil)
//Set the profile, then invoke the passed invocation to return control to the target/selector specified
//by a configurePurpleAccountNotifyingTarget:selector: call.
- (void)setAccountProfileTo:(NSAttributedString *)profile configurePurpleAccountContext:(NSInvocation *)inInvocation
[self setAccountProfileTo:profile];
[inInvocation invoke];
//Set our profile immediately on the purpleAdapter
- (void)setAccountProfileTo:(NSAttributedString *)profile
if (!profile || ![[profile string] isEqualToString:[[self valueForProperty:@"textProfile"] string]]) {
NSString *profileHTML = nil;
//Convert the profile to HTML, and pass it to libpurple
if (profile) {
profileHTML = [self encodedAttributedString:profile forListObject:nil];
[purpleAdapter setInfo:profileHTML onAccount:self];
//We now have a profile
[self setValue:profile forProperty:@"textProfile" notify:NotifyNow];
* @brief Set our user image
* Pass nil for no image. This resizes and converts the image as needed for our protocol.
* After setting it with purple, it sets it within Adium; if this is not called, the image will
* show up neither locally nor remotely.
- (void)setAccountUserImage:(NSImage *)image withData:(NSData *)originalData;
if (account) {
NSData *imageData = originalData;
NSSize imageSize = (image ? [image size] : NSZeroSize);
NSData *buddyIconData = nil;
/* Now pass libpurple the new icon. Check to be sure our image doesn't have an NSZeroSize size,
* which would indicate currupt data */
if (image && !NSEqualSizes(NSZeroSize, imageSize)) {
PurplePluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info = self.protocolInfo;
AILog(@"%@: Original image of size %f %f", self, imageSize.width, imageSize.height);
if (prpl_info && (prpl_info->icon_spec.format)) {
BOOL smallEnough, prplScales;
NSUInteger i;
/* We need to scale it down if:
* 1) The prpl needs to scale before it sends to the server or other buddies AND
* 2) The image is larger than the maximum size allowed by the protocol
* We ignore the minimum required size, as scaling up just leads to pixellated images.
smallEnough = (prpl_info->icon_spec.max_width >= imageSize.width &&
prpl_info->icon_spec.max_height >= imageSize.height);
prplScales = (prpl_info->icon_spec.scale_rules & PURPLE_ICON_SCALE_SEND) || (prpl_info->icon_spec.scale_rules & PURPLE_ICON_SCALE_DISPLAY);
if (prplScales && !smallEnough) {
gint width = (gint)imageSize.width;
gint height = (gint)imageSize.height;
purple_buddy_icon_get_scale_size(&prpl_info->icon_spec, &width, &height);
// Determine the scaled size. If it's too big, scale to the largest permissable size
image = [image imageByScalingToSize:NSMakeSize(width, height) DPI:72.0];
// Our original data is no longer valid, since we had to scale to a different size
imageData = nil;
AILog(@"%@: Scaled image to size %@", self, NSStringFromSize([image size]));
if (!buddyIconData) {
char **prpl_formats = g_strsplit(prpl_info->icon_spec.format,",",0);
// Look for gif first if the image is animated
NSImageRep *imageRep = [image bestRepresentationForRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, imageSize.width, imageSize.height) context:nil hints:nil];
if ([imageRep isKindOfClass:[NSBitmapImageRep class]] &&
[[(NSBitmapImageRep *)imageRep valueForProperty:NSImageFrameCount] integerValue] > 1) {
for (i = 0; prpl_formats[i]; i++) {
if (strcmp(prpl_formats[i],"gif") == 0) {
/* Try to use our original data. If we had to scale, imageData will have been set
* to nil and we'll continue below to convert the image. */
buddyIconData = imageData;
AILog(@"%@: Trying to use original GIF data, %i bytes", self, [buddyIconData length]);
if (!buddyIconData) {
AILog(@"%@: Failed to use original GIF", self);
buddyIconData = [image GIFRepresentation];
size_t maxFileSize = prpl_info->icon_spec.max_filesize;
// GIF's tend to be larger, we will resize or return a still image
NSSize newSize = [image size];
while ([buddyIconData length] > maxFileSize && (newSize.width > 42.0f && newSize.height > 42.0f)) {
newSize = NSMakeSize(newSize.width - 10.0f, newSize.height - 10.0f);
buddyIconData = [[image imageByScalingToSize:newSize] GIFRepresentation];
// GIF not small enough
if ([buddyIconData length] > maxFileSize) {
buddyIconData = [image JPEGRepresentationWithMaximumByteSize:maxFileSize];
AILog(@"%@: GIF too large, use a still JPEG of %i bytes", self, [buddyIconData length]);
} else {
AILog(@"%@: Resized GIF, new file size %i!", self, [buddyIconData length]);
if (buddyIconData)
if (!buddyIconData) {
for (i = 0; prpl_formats[i]; i++) {
if (strcmp(prpl_formats[i],"png") == 0) {
buddyIconData = [image PNGRepresentation];
if (buddyIconData)
} else if ((strcmp(prpl_formats[i],"jpeg") == 0) || (strcmp(prpl_formats[i],"jpg") == 0)) {
buddyIconData = [image JPEGRepresentationWithCompressionFactor:1.0f];
if (buddyIconData)
} else if ((strcmp(prpl_formats[i],"tiff") == 0) || (strcmp(prpl_formats[i],"tif") == 0)) {
buddyIconData = [image TIFFRepresentation];
if (buddyIconData)
} else if (strcmp(prpl_formats[i],"gif") == 0) {
buddyIconData = [image GIFRepresentation];
AILog(@"%@: Using GIF for User Picture", self);
if (buddyIconData)
} else if (strcmp(prpl_formats[i],"bmp") == 0) {
buddyIconData = [image BMPRepresentation];
if (buddyIconData)
size_t maxFileSize = prpl_info->icon_spec.max_filesize;
if (maxFileSize > 0 && ([buddyIconData length] > maxFileSize)) {
AILog(@"%@: Image %i is larger than %i!", self, [buddyIconData length], maxFileSize);
for (i = 0; prpl_formats[i]; i++) {
if ((strcmp(prpl_formats[i],"jpeg") == 0) || (strcmp(prpl_formats[i],"jpg") == 0)) {
buddyIconData = [image JPEGRepresentationWithMaximumByteSize:maxFileSize];
AILogWithSignature(@"%@: Setting icon data of length %i", self, [buddyIconData length]);
[purpleAdapter setBuddyIcon:buddyIconData onAccount:self];
[super setAccountUserImage:image withData:originalData];
#pragma mark Group Chat
- (BOOL)inviteContact:(AIListContact *)inContact toChat:(AIChat *)inChat withMessage:(NSString *)inviteMessage
[purpleAdapter inviteContact:inContact toChat:inChat withMessage:inviteMessage];
return YES;
#pragma mark Buddy Menu Items
//Action of a dynamically-generated contact menu item
- (void)performContactMenuAction:(NSMenuItem *)sender
NSDictionary *dict = [sender representedObject];
[purpleAdapter performContactMenuActionFromDict:dict forAccount:self];
* @brief Utility method when generating buddy-specific menu items
* Adds the menu item for act to a growing array of NSMenuItems. If act has children (a submenu), this method is used recursively
* to generate the submenu containing each child menu item.
- (void)addMenuItemForMenuAction:(PurpleMenuAction *)act forListContact:(AIListContact *)inContact purpleBuddy:(PurpleBuddy *)buddy toArray:(NSMutableArray *)menuItemArray withServiceIcon:(NSImage *)serviceIcon
NSDictionary *dict;
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
NSString *title;
//If titleForContactMenuLabel:forContact: returns nil, we don't add the menuItem
if (act &&
act->label &&
(title = [self titleForContactMenuLabel:act->label
forContact:inContact])) {
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem allocWithZone:[NSMenu menuZone]] initWithTitle:title
[menuItem setImage:serviceIcon];
if (act->data) {
dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSValue valueWithPointer:act->callback],@"PurpleMenuActionCallback",
/* act->data may be freed by purple_menu_action_free() before we use it, I'm afraid... */
[NSValue valueWithPointer:act->data],@"PurpleMenuActionData",
[NSValue valueWithPointer:buddy],@"PurpleBuddy",
} else {
dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSValue valueWithPointer:act->callback],@"PurpleMenuActionCallback",
[NSValue valueWithPointer:buddy],@"PurpleBuddy",
[menuItem setRepresentedObject:dict];
//If there is a submenu, generate and set it
if (act->children) {
NSMutableArray *childrenArray = [NSMutableArray array];
GList *l, *ll;
//Add a NSMenuItem for each child
for (l = ll = act->children; l; l = l->next) {
[self addMenuItemForMenuAction:(PurpleMenuAction *)l->data
if ([childrenArray count]) {
NSMenu *submenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
for (NSMenuItem *childMenuItem in childrenArray) {
[submenu addItem:childMenuItem];
[menuItem setSubmenu:submenu];
[submenu release];
[menuItemArray addObject:menuItem];
[menuItem release];
//Returns an array of menuItems specific for this contact based on its account and potentially status
- (NSArray *)menuItemsForContact:(AIListContact *)inContact
NSMutableArray *menuItemArray = nil;
if (account && purple_account_is_connected(account)) {
PurplePluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info = self.protocolInfo;
GList *l, *ll;
PurpleBuddy *buddy;
//Find the PurpleBuddy
buddy = purple_find_buddy(account, [inContact.UID UTF8String]);
if (prpl_info && prpl_info->blist_node_menu && buddy) {
NSImage *serviceIcon = [AIServiceIcons serviceIconForService:self.service
menuItemArray = [NSMutableArray array];
//Add a NSMenuItem for each node action specified by the prpl
for (l = ll = prpl_info->blist_node_menu((PurpleBlistNode *)buddy); l; l = l->next) {
[self addMenuItemForMenuAction:(PurpleMenuAction *)l->data
//Don't return an empty array
if (![menuItemArray count]) menuItemArray = nil;
return menuItemArray;
//Subclasses may override to provide a localized label and/or prevent a specified label from being shown
- (NSString *)titleForContactMenuLabel:(const char *)label forContact:(AIListContact *)inContact
if ((strcmp(label, _("Initiate Chat")) == 0) || (strcmp(label, _("Initiate _Chat")) == 0)) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Initiate Multiuser Chat with %@",nil), inContact.formattedUID];
} else {
/* Remove the underscore 'hints' which libpurple includes for gtk usage */
return [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:label] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"_" withString:@""];
* @brief Menu items for the account's actions
* Returns an array of menu items for account-specific actions. This is the best place to add protocol-specific
* actions that aren't otherwise supported by Adium. It will only be queried if the account is online.
* @return NSArray of NSMenuItem instances for this account
- (NSArray *)accountActionMenuItems
NSMutableArray *menuItemArray = nil;
if (account && purple_account_is_connected(account)) {
PurplePlugin *plugin = purple_account_get_connection(account)->prpl;
GList *l, *actions;
actions = PURPLE_PLUGIN_ACTIONS(plugin, purple_account_get_connection(account));
//Avoid adding separators between nonexistant items (i.e. items which Purple shows but we don't)
BOOL addedAnAction = NO;
for (l = actions; l; l = l->next) {
if (l->data) {
PurplePluginAction *action;
NSDictionary *dict;
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
NSString *title;
action = (PurplePluginAction *) l->data;
//If titleForAccountActionMenuLabel: returns nil, we don't add the menuItem
if (action &&
action->label &&
(title = [self titleForAccountActionMenuLabel:action->label])) {
action->plugin = plugin;
action->context = purple_account_get_connection(account);
menuItem = [[[NSMenuItem allocWithZone:[NSMenu menuZone]] initWithTitle:title
keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSValue valueWithPointer:action->callback], @"PurplePluginActionCallback",
[NSValue valueWithPointer:action->user_data], @"PurplePluginActionCallbackUserData",
[menuItem setRepresentedObject:dict];
if (!menuItemArray) menuItemArray = [NSMutableArray array];
[menuItemArray addObject:menuItem];
addedAnAction = YES;
} else {
if (addedAnAction) {
[menuItemArray addObject:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
addedAnAction = NO;
} /* end for */
#ifdef HAVE_CDSA
if([self encrypted] && [self secureConnection]) {
if (menuItemArray.count) {
[menuItemArray addObject:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
NSMenuItem *showCertificateMenuItem = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Show Server Certificate",nil)
keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
[menuItemArray addObject:showCertificateMenuItem];
return menuItemArray;
#ifdef HAVE_CDSA
* @brief Shows the SSL certificate for the connection.
- (void)showServerCertificate
CFArrayRef certificates = [[self purpleAdapter] copyServerCertificates:[self secureConnection]];
[AIPurpleCertificateViewer displayCertificateChain:certificates forAccount:self];
//Action of a dynamically-generated contact menu item
- (void)performAccountMenuAction:(NSMenuItem *)sender
NSDictionary *dict = [sender representedObject];
[purpleAdapter performAccountMenuActionFromDict:dict forAccount:self];
//Subclasses may override to provide a localized label and/or prevent a specified label from being shown
- (NSString *)titleForAccountActionMenuLabel:(const char *)label
if ((strcmp(label, _("Change Password...")) == 0) || (strcmp(label, _("Change Password")) == 0)) {
return [AILocalizedString(@"Change Password", "Menu item title for changing the password of an account") stringByAppendingEllipsis];
} else {
return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:label];
/* AIAccount subclassed methods */
#pragma mark AIAccount Subclassed Methods
- (void)initAccount
NSDictionary *defaults = [NSDictionary dictionaryNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"PurpleDefaults%@",self.service.serviceID]
forClass:[self class]];
if (defaults) {
[adium.preferenceController registerDefaults:defaults
} else {
AILog(@"Failed to load defaults for %@",[NSString stringWithFormat:@"PurpleDefaults%@",self.service.serviceID]);
[self setLastDisconnectionError:nil];
permittedContactsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
deniedContactsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
//We will create a purpleAccount the first time we attempt to connect
account = NULL;
//Observe preferences changes
[adium.preferenceController registerPreferenceObserver:self forGroup:PREF_GROUP_ALIASES];
[adium.preferenceController registerPreferenceObserver:self forGroup:PREF_GROUP_DUAL_WINDOW_INTERFACE];
- (BOOL)allowAccountUnregistrationIfSupportedByLibpurple
return YES;
* @brief The account will be deleted, we should ask the user for confirmation. If the prpl supports it, we can also remove
* the account from the server (if the user wants us to do that)
- (NSAlert*)alertForAccountDeletion
PurplePluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info;
//Ensure libpurple has been loaded, since we need to know whether we can unregister this account
[self purpleAdapter];
prpl_info = self.protocolInfo;
if (prpl_info &&
prpl_info->unregister_user &&
[self allowAccountUnregistrationIfSupportedByLibpurple]) {
return [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:AILocalizedString(@"Delete Account",nil)
otherButton:AILocalizedString(@"Delete & Unregister",nil)
informativeTextWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Delete the account %@? You can also optionally unregister the account on the server if possible.",nil), ([self.formattedUID length] ? self.formattedUID : NEW_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_TEXT)];
} else {
return [super alertForAccountDeletion];
- (void)alertForAccountDeletion:(id<AIAccountControllerRemoveConfirmationDialog>)dialog didReturn:(NSInteger)returnCode
PurplePluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info = self.protocolInfo;
if (prpl_info &&
prpl_info->unregister_user) {
switch (returnCode) {
case NSAlertOtherReturn:
// delete & unregister
if (NSRunAlertPanel(AILocalizedString(@"Delete Account from Server", nil),
AILocalizedString(@"WARNING! This will delete the account %@ from the Jabber server, and can not be undone.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?", nil),
AILocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil), AILocalizedString(@"Delete & Unregister", nil), nil, ([self.formattedUID length] ? self.formattedUID : NEW_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_TEXT))
== NSAlertFirstButtonReturn) {
if ({
[self unregister];
}else {
unregisterAfterConnecting = YES;
[self setShouldBeOnline:YES];
// further progress happens in -unregisteredAccount:
case NSAlertDefaultReturn:
// delete without unregistering
[self performDelete];
// cancel
} else {
switch(returnCode) {
case NSAlertDefaultReturn:
[self performDelete];
// cancel
//Release dialog as required by AIAccount's documentation since we didn't call super's implementation.
[dialog release];
- (void)unregisteredAccount:(BOOL)success {
if (success) {
/* We're not going to be online, but we *must* not disconnect within this run loop,
* as libpurple may still have Things To Do with the connection and it has no concept of reference
* counting with which to survive the disconnection. Performing a deletion would set us offline,
* so wait until the next run loop.
[self performSelector:@selector(performDelete)
* @brief The account's UID changed
- (void)didChangeUID
//Only need to take action if we have a created PurpleAccount already
if (account != NULL) {
//Remove our current account
[[self purpleAdapter] removeAdiumAccount:self];
//Clear the reference to the PurpleAccount... it'll be created when needed
account = NULL;
* @brief The account will be deleted; it has already been told to disconnect
- (void)willBeDeleted
if ( {
//Wait until we are finished disconnecting before removing ourselves from libpurple.
deletePurpleAccountAfterDisconnecting = TRUE;
} else {
[[self purpleAdapter] removeAdiumAccount:self];
[super willBeDeleted];
- (void)dealloc
[adium.preferenceController unregisterPreferenceObserver:self];
[permittedContactsArray release];
[deniedContactsArray release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSString *)unknownGroupName {
return (@"Unknown");
- (NSDictionary *)defaultProperties { return [NSDictionary dictionary]; }
- (NSString *)encodedAttributedString:(NSAttributedString *)inAttributedString forStatusState:(AIStatus *)statusState
return [self encodedAttributedString:inAttributedString forListObject:nil];
- (void)preferencesChangedForGroup:(NSString *)group key:(NSString *)key
object:(AIListObject *)object preferenceDict:(NSDictionary *)prefDict firstTime:(BOOL)firstTime
[super preferencesChangedForGroup:group key:key object:object preferenceDict:prefDict firstTime:firstTime];
if ([group isEqualToString:PREF_GROUP_ALIASES]) {
//If the notification object is a listContact belonging to this account, update the serverside information
if ((account != nil) &&
([self shouldSetAliasesServerside]) &&
([key isEqualToString:@"Alias"])) {
NSString *alias = [object preferenceForKey:@"Alias"
if ([object isKindOfClass:[AIMetaContact class]]) {
for(AIListContact *containedListContact in (AIMetaContact *)object) {
if (containedListContact.account == self) {
[purpleAdapter setAlias:alias forUID:containedListContact.UID onAccount:self];
} else if ([object isKindOfClass:[AIListContact class]]) {
if ([(AIListContact *)object account] == self) {
[purpleAdapter setAlias:alias forUID:object.UID onAccount:self];
} else if ([group isEqualToString:PREF_GROUP_DUAL_WINDOW_INTERFACE]) {
openPsychicChats = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_PSYCHIC] boolValue];
} else if ([group isEqualToString:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS]) {
BOOL oldNowPlaying = shouldIncludeNowPlayingInformationInAllStatuses;
shouldIncludeNowPlayingInformationInAllStatuses = [[self preferenceForKey:KEY_BROADCAST_MUSIC_INFO group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] boolValue];
if (oldNowPlaying && !shouldIncludeNowPlayingInformationInAllStatuses) {
/* Clear any existing song info immediately if we're no longer supposed to broadcast it */
[purpleAdapter setSongInformation:nil onAccount:self];
* @brief When the account is edited, update our libpurple preferences.
- (void)accountEdited
// We only need to re-configure if we're online or connecting. If we're offline, our next connect will do this.
if ( || [self boolValueForProperty:@"isConnecting"]) {
AILog(@"Re-configuring purple account due to preference changes.");
[self configurePurpleAccount];
#pragma mark Actions for chats
/* Account private methods */
#pragma mark Private
- (void)setTypingFlagOfChat:(AIChat *)chat to:(NSNumber *)typingStateNumber
NSAssert(!chat.isGroupChat, @"Chat cannot be a group chat for typing.");
AITypingState currentTypingState = (AITypingState)[chat intValueForProperty:KEY_TYPING];
AITypingState newTypingState = [typingStateNumber intValue];
if (currentTypingState != newTypingState) {
if (newTypingState == AITyping && openPsychicChats && ![chat isOpen]) {
[adium.interfaceController openChat:chat];
* Use the Libpurple "psychic" tagline. If this is found to be confusing, we should switch to your own version.
* The upside of using theirs is that clever gimmicky translations already exist.
NSMutableString *forceString = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("You feel a disturbance in the force...")] mutableCopy];
[forceString replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"..."
withString:[NSString ellipsis]
AIContentEvent *newStatusMessage = [AIContentEvent eventInChat:chat
date:[NSDate date]
message:[NSAttributedString stringWithString:forceString]
// Don't log the psychic message.
newStatusMessage.postProcessContent = NO;
[forceString release];
[adium.contentController receiveContentObject:newStatusMessage];
[chat setValue:(newTypingState ? typingStateNumber : nil)
- (NSNumber *)shouldCheckMail
return [self preferenceForKey:KEY_ACCOUNT_CHECK_MAIL group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
- (BOOL)shouldSetAliasesServerside
return NO;