
Update version number in Info.plist. Add a ticket number to Changes.txt.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "glib.h"
#import "xmlnode.h"
enum AMPurpleJabberFormType {
form = 0,
@interface AMPurpleJabberFormField : NSObject {
BOOL required;
NSString *label;
NSString *var;
NSString *desc;
/* use -init for creating an empty field */
+ (AMPurpleJabberFormField*)fieldForXML:(xmlnode*)xml;
- (void)setRequired:(BOOL)_required;
- (BOOL)required;
- (void)setLabel:(NSString*)_label;
- (NSString*)label;
- (void)setVariable:(NSString*)_var;
- (NSString*)var;
- (void)setDescription:(NSString*)_desc;
- (NSString*)desc;
- (xmlnode*)xml;
@interface AMPurpleJabberFormFieldBoolean : AMPurpleJabberFormField {
BOOL value;
- (void)setBoolValue:(BOOL)_value;
- (BOOL)boolValue;
@interface AMPurpleJabberFormFieldFixed : AMPurpleJabberFormField {
NSString *value;
- (void)setStringValue:(NSString*)_value;
- (NSString*)stringValue;
@interface AMPurpleJabberFormFieldHidden : AMPurpleJabberFormField {
NSString *value;
- (void)setStringValue:(NSString*)_value;
- (NSString*)stringValue;
@interface AMPurpleJabberFormFieldJidMulti : AMPurpleJabberFormField {
NSArray *jids;
- (void)setJIDs:(NSArray*)_jids; // array of NSString*
- (NSArray*)jids;
@interface AMPurpleJabberFormFieldJidSingle : AMPurpleJabberFormField {
NSString *jid;
- (void)setJID:(NSString*)_jid;
- (NSString*)jid;
@interface AMPurpleJabberFormFieldListMulti : AMPurpleJabberFormField {
NSArray *options; // array of NSDictionary with Keys @"label" and @"value"
NSArray *values;
- (void)setOptions:(NSArray*)_options; // array of NSString*
- (NSArray*)options;
- (void)setStringValues:(NSArray*)_values;
- (NSArray*)stringValues;
@interface AMPurpleJabberFormFieldListSingle : AMPurpleJabberFormField {
NSArray *options;
NSString *value;
- (void)setOptions:(NSArray*)_options; // array of NSString*
- (NSArray*)options;
- (void)setStringValue:(NSString*)_value;
- (NSString*)stringValue;
@interface AMPurpleJabberFormFieldTextMulti : AMPurpleJabberFormField {
NSString *value;
- (void)setStringValue:(NSString*)_value;
- (NSString*)stringValue;
@interface AMPurpleJabberFormFieldTextPrivate : AMPurpleJabberFormField {
NSString *value;
- (void)setStringValue:(NSString*)_value;
- (NSString*)stringValue;
@interface AMPurpleJabberFormFieldTextSingle : AMPurpleJabberFormField {
NSString *value;
- (void)setStringValue:(NSString*)_value;
- (NSString*)stringValue;
@interface AMPurpleJabberFormGenerator : NSObject {
NSString *title;
NSString *instructions;
enum AMPurpleJabberFormType type;
NSMutableArray *fields;
- (id)initWithType:(enum AMPurpleJabberFormType)_type;
- (id)initWithXML:(xmlnode*)xml;
- (void)setTitle:(NSString*)_title;
- (void)setInstructions:(NSString*)_instructions;
- (NSString*)title;
- (NSString*)instructions;
- (enum AMPurpleJabberFormType)type;
- (void)addField:(AMPurpleJabberFormField*)field;
- (void)removeField:(AMPurpleJabberFormField*)field;
- (NSArray*)fields;
- (xmlnode*)xml;