
Updated Sparkle to 1.17.0, to fix a problem when copying broken symlinks.
// IconFamily.m
// IconFamily class implementation
// by Troy Stephens, Thomas Schnitzer, David Remahl, Nathan Day and Ben Haller
// version 0.5.1
// Project Home Page:
// Problems, shortcomings, and uncertainties that I'm aware of are flagged
// with "NOTE:". Please address bug reports, bug fixes, suggestions, etc.
// to me at
// This code is provided as-is, with no warranty, in the hope that it will be
// useful. However, it appears to work fine on Mac OS X 10.1.5 and 10.2. :-)
//IconFamily depends heavily upon Carbon calls and thus will only work in Mac OS X
#ifdef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0
#import "IconFamily.h"
#import "NSString+CarbonFSSpecCreation.h"
@interface IconFamily (Internals)
+ (NSImage*) resampleImage:(NSImage*)image toIconWidth:(int)width usingImageInterpolation:(NSImageInterpolation)imageInterpolation;
+ (Handle) get32BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:(NSBitmapImageRep*)bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:(int)requiredPixelSize;
+ (Handle) get8BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:(NSBitmapImageRep*)bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:(int)requiredPixelSize;
+ (Handle) get8BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:(NSBitmapImageRep*)bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:(int)requiredPixelSize;
+ (Handle) get1BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:(NSBitmapImageRep*)bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:(int)requiredPixelSize;
- (BOOL) addResourceType:(OSType)type asResID:(int)resID;
@implementation IconFamily
+ (IconFamily*) iconFamily
return [[[IconFamily alloc] init] autorelease];
+ (IconFamily*) iconFamilyWithContentsOfFile:(NSString*)path
return [[[IconFamily alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path] autorelease];
+ (IconFamily*) iconFamilyWithIconOfFile:(NSString*)path
return [[[IconFamily alloc] initWithIconOfFile:path] autorelease];
+ (IconFamily*) iconFamilyWithIconFamilyHandle:(IconFamilyHandle)hNewIconFamily
return [[[IconFamily alloc] initWithIconFamilyHandle:hNewIconFamily] autorelease];
+ (IconFamily*) iconFamilyWithSystemIcon:(int)fourByteCode
return [[[IconFamily alloc] initWithSystemIcon:fourByteCode] autorelease];
+ (IconFamily*) iconFamilyWithThumbnailsOfImage:(NSImage*)image
return [[[IconFamily alloc] initWithThumbnailsOfImage:image] autorelease];
+ (IconFamily*) iconFamilyWithThumbnailsOfImage:(NSImage*)image usingImageInterpolation:(NSImageInterpolation)imageInterpolation
return [[[IconFamily alloc] initWithThumbnailsOfImage:image usingImageInterpolation:imageInterpolation] autorelease];
// This is IconFamily's designated initializer. It creates a new IconFamily that initially has no elements.
// The proper way to do this is to simply allocate a zero-sized handle (not to be confused with an empty handle) and assign it to hIconFamily. This technique works on Mac OS X 10.2 as well as on 10.0.x and 10.1.x. Our previous technique of allocating an IconFamily struct with a resourceSize of 0 no longer works as of Mac OS X 10.2.
- init
if ((self = [super init]))
hIconFamily = (IconFamilyHandle) NewHandle( 0 );
if (hIconFamily == NULL) {
[self autorelease];
return nil;
return self;
- initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString*)path
FSSpec fsSpec;
OSErr result;
self = [self init];
if (self) {
if (hIconFamily) {
DisposeHandle( (Handle)hIconFamily );
hIconFamily = NULL;
if (![path getFSSpec:&fsSpec createFileIfNecessary:NO]) {
[self autorelease];
return nil;
result = ReadIconFile( &fsSpec, &hIconFamily );
if (result != noErr) {
[self autorelease];
return nil;
return self;
- initWithIconFamilyHandle:(IconFamilyHandle)hNewIconFamily
self = [self init];
if (self) {
if (hIconFamily) {
DisposeHandle( (Handle)hIconFamily );
hIconFamily = NULL;
// NOTE: Do we have to somehow "retain" the handle
// (increment its reference count)?
hIconFamily = hNewIconFamily;
return self;
- initWithIconOfFile:(NSString*)path
IconRef iconRef;
OSErr result;
SInt16 label;
FSSpec fileSpec;
self = [self init];
if (self)
if (hIconFamily)
DisposeHandle( (Handle)hIconFamily );
hIconFamily = NULL;
if ( ![path getFSSpec:&fileSpec createFileIfNecessary:NO] )
[self autorelease];
return nil;
result = GetIconRefFromFile(
&label );
if (result != noErr)
[self autorelease];
return nil;
result = IconRefToIconFamily(
&hIconFamily );
if (result != noErr || !hIconFamily)
[self autorelease];
return nil;
ReleaseIconRef( iconRef );
return self;
- initWithSystemIcon:(int)fourByteCode
IconRef iconRef;
OSErr result;
self = [self init];
if (self)
if (hIconFamily)
DisposeHandle( (Handle)hIconFamily );
hIconFamily = NULL;
result = GetIconRef(kOnSystemDisk, kSystemIconsCreator, fourByteCode, &iconRef);
if (result != noErr)
[self autorelease];
return nil;
result = IconRefToIconFamily(
&hIconFamily );
if (result != noErr || !hIconFamily)
[self autorelease];
return nil;
ReleaseIconRef( iconRef );
return self;
- initWithThumbnailsOfImage:(NSImage*)image
// The default is to use a high degree of antialiasing, producing a smooth image.
return [self initWithThumbnailsOfImage:image usingImageInterpolation:NSImageInterpolationHigh];
- initWithThumbnailsOfImage:(NSImage*)image usingImageInterpolation:(NSImageInterpolation)imageInterpolation
NSImage* iconImage128x128;
NSImage* iconImage32x32;
NSImage* iconImage16x16;
NSBitmapImageRep* iconBitmap128x128;
NSBitmapImageRep* iconBitmap32x32;
NSBitmapImageRep* iconBitmap16x16;
NSImage* bitmappedIconImage128x128;
// Start with a new, empty IconFamily.
self = [self init];
if (self == nil)
return nil;
// Resample the given image to create a 128x128 pixel, 32-bit RGBA
// version, and use that as our "thumbnail" (128x128) icon and mask.
// Our +resampleImage:toIconWidth:... method, in its present form,
// returns an NSImage that contains an NSCacheImageRep, rather than
// an NSBitmapImageRep. We convert to an NSBitmapImageRep, so that
// our methods can scan the image data, using initWithFocusedViewRect:.
iconImage128x128 = [IconFamily resampleImage:image toIconWidth:128 usingImageInterpolation:imageInterpolation];
[iconImage128x128 lockFocus];
iconBitmap128x128 = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithFocusedViewRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 128, 128)];
[iconImage128x128 unlockFocus];
if (iconBitmap128x128) {
[self setIconFamilyElement:kThumbnail32BitData fromBitmapImageRep:iconBitmap128x128];
[self setIconFamilyElement:kThumbnail8BitMask fromBitmapImageRep:iconBitmap128x128];
// Create an NSImage with the iconBitmap128x128 NSBitmapImageRep, that we
// can resample to create the smaller icon family elements. (This is
// most likely more efficient than resampling from the original image again,
// particularly if it is large. It produces a slightly different result, but
// the difference is minor and should not be objectionable...)
bitmappedIconImage128x128 = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:NSMakeSize(128,128)];
[bitmappedIconImage128x128 addRepresentation:iconBitmap128x128];
// Resample the 128x128 image to create a 32x32 pixel, 32-bit RGBA version,
// and use that as our "large" (32x32) icon and 8-bit mask.
iconImage32x32 = [IconFamily resampleImage:bitmappedIconImage128x128 toIconWidth:32 usingImageInterpolation:imageInterpolation];
[iconImage32x32 lockFocus];
iconBitmap32x32 = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithFocusedViewRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 32, 32)];
[iconImage32x32 unlockFocus];
if (iconBitmap32x32) {
[self setIconFamilyElement:kLarge32BitData fromBitmapImageRep:iconBitmap32x32];
[self setIconFamilyElement:kLarge8BitData fromBitmapImageRep:iconBitmap32x32];
[self setIconFamilyElement:kLarge8BitMask fromBitmapImageRep:iconBitmap32x32];
[self setIconFamilyElement:kLarge1BitMask fromBitmapImageRep:iconBitmap32x32];
// Resample the 128x128 image to create a 16x16 pixel, 32-bit RGBA version,
// and use that as our "small" (16x16) icon and 8-bit mask.
iconImage16x16 = [IconFamily resampleImage:bitmappedIconImage128x128 toIconWidth:16 usingImageInterpolation:imageInterpolation];
[iconImage16x16 lockFocus];
iconBitmap16x16 = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithFocusedViewRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 16, 16)];
[iconImage16x16 unlockFocus];
if (iconBitmap16x16) {
[self setIconFamilyElement:kSmall32BitData fromBitmapImageRep:iconBitmap16x16];
[self setIconFamilyElement:kSmall8BitData fromBitmapImageRep:iconBitmap16x16];
[self setIconFamilyElement:kSmall8BitMask fromBitmapImageRep:iconBitmap16x16];
[self setIconFamilyElement:kSmall1BitMask fromBitmapImageRep:iconBitmap16x16];
// Release all of the images that we created and no longer need.
[bitmappedIconImage128x128 release];
[iconBitmap128x128 release];
[iconBitmap32x32 release];
[iconBitmap16x16 release];
// Return the new icon family!
return self;
- (void) dealloc
DisposeHandle( (Handle)hIconFamily );
[super dealloc];
- (NSBitmapImageRep*) bitmapImageRepWithAlphaForIconFamilyElement:(OSType)elementType;
NSBitmapImageRep* bitmapImageRep;
int pixelsWide;
Handle hRawBitmapData;
Handle hRawMaskData;
OSType maskElementType;
OSErr result;
unsigned long* pRawBitmapData;
unsigned long* pRawBitmapDataEnd;
char* pRawMaskData;
unsigned char* pBitmapImageRepBitmapData;
// Make sure elementType is a valid type that we know how to handle, and
// figure out the dimensions and bit depth of the bitmap for that type.
switch (elementType) {
// 'it32' 128x128 32-bit RGB image
case kThumbnail32BitData:
maskElementType = kThumbnail8BitMask;
pixelsWide = 128;
// 'il32' 32x32 32-bit RGB image
case kLarge32BitData:
maskElementType = kLarge8BitMask;
pixelsWide = 32;
// 'is32' 16x16 32-bit RGB image
case kSmall32BitData:
maskElementType = kSmall8BitMask;
pixelsWide = 16;
return nil;
// Get the raw, uncompressed bitmap data for the requested element.
hRawBitmapData = NewHandle( pixelsWide * pixelsWide * 4 );
result = GetIconFamilyData( hIconFamily, elementType, hRawBitmapData );
if (result != noErr) {
DisposeHandle( hRawBitmapData );
return nil;
// Get the corresponding raw, uncompressed 8-bit mask data.
hRawMaskData = NewHandle( pixelsWide * pixelsWide );
result = GetIconFamilyData( hIconFamily, maskElementType, hRawMaskData );
if (result != noErr) {
DisposeHandle( hRawMaskData );
hRawMaskData = NULL;
// The retrieved raw bitmap data is stored at 32 bits per pixel: 3 bytes
// for the RGB color of each pixel, plus an extra unused byte. We can
// therefore fold the mask data into the color data in-place (though
// getting the proper byte ordering requires some bit-shifting).
HLock( hRawBitmapData );
pRawBitmapData = (unsigned long*) *hRawBitmapData;
pRawBitmapDataEnd = pRawBitmapData + pixelsWide * pixelsWide;
if (hRawMaskData) {
HLock( hRawMaskData );
pRawMaskData = *hRawMaskData;
while (pRawBitmapData < pRawBitmapDataEnd) {
*pRawBitmapData = (*pRawBitmapData << 8) | *pRawMaskData++;
HUnlock( hRawMaskData );
} else {
while (pRawBitmapData < pRawBitmapDataEnd) {
*pRawBitmapData = (*pRawBitmapData << 8) | 0xff;
// Create a new NSBitmapImageRep with the given bitmap data. Note that
// when creating the NSBitmapImageRep we pass in NULL for the "planes"
// parameter. This causes the new NSBitmapImageRep to allocate its own
// buffer for the bitmap data (which it will own and release when the
// NSBitmapImageRep is released), rather than referencing the bitmap
// data we pass in (which will soon disappear when we call
// DisposeHandle() below!). (See the NSBitmapImageRep documentation for
// the -initWithBitmapDataPlanes:... method, where this is explained.)
// Once we have the new NSBitmapImageRep, we get a pointer to its
// bitmapData and copy our bitmap data in.
bitmapImageRep = [[[NSBitmapImageRep alloc]
colorSpaceName:NSDeviceRGBColorSpace // NOTE: is this right?
bitsPerPixel:0] autorelease];
pBitmapImageRepBitmapData = [bitmapImageRep bitmapData];
if (pBitmapImageRepBitmapData) {
memcpy( pBitmapImageRepBitmapData, *hRawBitmapData,
pixelsWide * pixelsWide * 4 );
HUnlock( hRawBitmapData );
// Free the retrieved raw data.
DisposeHandle( hRawBitmapData );
if (hRawMaskData)
DisposeHandle( hRawMaskData );
// Return nil if the NSBitmapImageRep didn't give us a buffer to copy into.
if (pBitmapImageRepBitmapData == NULL)
return nil;
// Return the new NSBitmapImageRep.
return bitmapImageRep;
- (NSImage*) imageWithAllReps
NSImage* image = NULL;
image = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:*hIconFamily length:GetHandleSize((Handle)hIconFamily)]] autorelease];
return image;
//investigate optimisations (dataWithBytesNoCopy:length: for example...)
- (BOOL) setIconFamilyElement:(OSType)elementType fromBitmapImageRep:(NSBitmapImageRep*)bitmapImageRep
Handle hRawData = NULL;
OSErr result;
switch (elementType) {
// 'it32' 128x128 32-bit RGB image
case kThumbnail32BitData:
hRawData = [IconFamily get32BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:128];
// 't8mk' 128x128 8-bit alpha mask
case kThumbnail8BitMask:
hRawData = [IconFamily get8BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:128];
// 'il32' 32x32 32-bit RGB image
case kLarge32BitData:
hRawData = [IconFamily get32BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:32];
// 'l8mk' 32x32 8-bit alpha mask
case kLarge8BitMask:
hRawData = [IconFamily get8BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:32];
// 'ICN#' 32x32 1-bit alpha mask
case kLarge1BitMask:
hRawData = [IconFamily get1BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:32];
// 'icl8' 32x32 8-bit indexed image data
case kLarge8BitData:
hRawData = [IconFamily get8BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:32];
// 'is32' 16x16 32-bit RGB image
case kSmall32BitData:
hRawData = [IconFamily get32BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:16];
// 's8mk' 16x16 8-bit alpha mask
case kSmall8BitMask:
hRawData = [IconFamily get8BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:16];
// 'ics#' 16x16 1-bit alpha mask
case kSmall1BitMask:
hRawData = [IconFamily get1BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:16];
// 'ics8' 16x16 8-bit indexed image data
case kSmall8BitData:
hRawData = [IconFamily get8BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:16];
return NO;
if (hRawData == NULL)
NSLog(@"Null data returned to setIconFamilyElement:fromBitmapImageRep:");
return NO;
result = SetIconFamilyData( hIconFamily, elementType, hRawData );
DisposeHandle( hRawData );
if (result != noErr)
NSLog(@"SetIconFamilyData() returned error %d", result);
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL) setAsCustomIconForFile:(NSString*)path
return [self setAsCustomIconForFile:path withCompatibility:NO] ;
- (BOOL) setAsCustomIconForFile:(NSString*)path withCompatibility:(BOOL)compat
FSSpec targetFileFSSpec;
FSRef targetFileFSRef;
FSRef parentDirectoryFSRef;
SInt16 file;
OSErr result;
FInfo finderInfo;
Handle hExistingCustomIcon;
Handle hIconFamilyCopy;
NSDictionary *fileAttributes;
OSType existingType = kUnknownType, existingCreator = kUnknownType;
// Get an FSRef and an FSSpec for the target file, and an FSRef for its parent directory that we can use in the FNNotify() call below.
if (![path getFSRef:&targetFileFSRef createFileIfNecessary:NO])
return NO;
result = FSGetCatalogInfo( &targetFileFSRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &targetFileFSSpec, &parentDirectoryFSRef );
if (result != noErr)
return NO;
// Get the file's type and creator codes.
fileAttributes = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileAttributesAtPath:path traverseLink:NO];
if (fileAttributes)
existingType = [fileAttributes fileHFSTypeCode];
existingCreator = [fileAttributes fileHFSCreatorCode];
// Make sure the file has a resource fork that we can open. (Although
// this sounds like it would clobber an existing resource fork, the Carbon
// Resource Manager docs for this function say that's not the case. If
// the file already has a resource fork, we receive a result code of
// dupFNErr, which is not really an error per se, but just a notification
// to us that creating a new resource fork for the file was not necessary.)
FSpCreateResFile( &targetFileFSSpec, existingCreator, existingType, smRoman );
result = ResError();
if (!(result == noErr || result == dupFNErr))
return NO;
// Open the file's resource fork.
file = FSpOpenResFile( &targetFileFSSpec, fsRdWrPerm );
if (file == -1)
return NO;
// Make a copy of the icon family data to pass to AddResource().
// (AddResource() takes ownership of the handle we pass in; after the
// CloseResFile() call its master pointer will be set to 0xffffffff.
// We want to keep the icon family data, so we make a copy.)
// HandToHand() returns the handle of the copy in hIconFamily.
hIconFamilyCopy = (Handle) hIconFamily;
result = HandToHand( &hIconFamilyCopy );
if (result != noErr) {
CloseResFile( file );
return NO;
// Remove the file's existing kCustomIconResource of type kIconFamilyType
// (if any).
hExistingCustomIcon = GetResource( kIconFamilyType, kCustomIconResource );
if ( hExistingCustomIcon )
RemoveResource( hExistingCustomIcon );
// Now add our icon family as the file's new custom icon.
AddResource( (Handle)hIconFamilyCopy, kIconFamilyType,
kCustomIconResource, "\p");
if (ResError() != noErr) {
CloseResFile( file );
return NO;
if ( compat )
[self addResourceType:kLarge8BitData asResID:kCustomIconResource];
[self addResourceType:kLarge1BitMask asResID:kCustomIconResource];
[self addResourceType:kSmall8BitData asResID:kCustomIconResource];
[self addResourceType:kSmall1BitMask asResID:kCustomIconResource];
// Close the file's resource fork, flushing the resource map and new icon
// data out to disk.
CloseResFile( file );
if (ResError() != noErr)
return NO;
// Now we need to set the file's Finder info so the Finder will know that
// it has a custom icon. Start by getting the file's current finder info:
result = FSpGetFInfo( &targetFileFSSpec, &finderInfo );
if (result != noErr)
return NO;
// Set the kHasCustomIcon flag, and clear the kHasBeenInited flag.
// From Apple's "CustomIcon" code sample:
// "set bit 10 (has custom icon) and unset the inited flag
// kHasBeenInited is 0x0100 so the mask will be 0xFEFF:"
// finderInfo.fdFlags = 0xFEFF & (finderInfo.fdFlags | kHasCustomIcon ) ;
finderInfo.fdFlags = (finderInfo.fdFlags | kHasCustomIcon ) & ~kHasBeenInited;
// Now write the Finder info back.
result = FSpSetFInfo( &targetFileFSSpec, &finderInfo );
if (result != noErr)
return NO;
// Notify the system that the directory containing the file has changed, to give Finder the chance to find out about the file's new custom icon.
result = FNNotify( &parentDirectoryFSRef, kFNDirectoryModifiedMessage, kNilOptions );
if (result != noErr)
return NO;
return YES;
+ (BOOL) removeCustomIconFromFile:(NSString*)path
FSSpec targetFileFSSpec;
FSRef targetFileFSRef;
FSRef parentDirectoryFSRef;
SInt16 file;
OSErr result;
FInfo finderInfo;
Handle hExistingCustomIcon;
// Get an FSRef and an FSSpec for the target file, and an FSRef for its parent directory that we can use in the FNNotify() call below.
if (![path getFSRef:&targetFileFSRef createFileIfNecessary:NO])
return NO;
result = FSGetCatalogInfo( &targetFileFSRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &targetFileFSSpec, &parentDirectoryFSRef );
if (result != noErr)
return NO;
// Open the file's resource fork, if it has one.
file = FSpOpenResFile( &targetFileFSSpec, fsRdWrPerm );
if (file == -1)
return NO;
// Remove the file's existing kCustomIconResource of type kIconFamilyType
// (if any).
hExistingCustomIcon = GetResource( kIconFamilyType, kCustomIconResource );
if ( hExistingCustomIcon )
RemoveResource( hExistingCustomIcon );
// Close the file's resource fork, flushing the resource map out to disk.
CloseResFile( file );
if (ResError() != noErr)
return NO;
// Now we need to set the file's Finder info so the Finder will know that
// it has no custom icon. Start by getting the file's current finder info:
result = FSpGetFInfo( &targetFileFSSpec, &finderInfo );
if (result != noErr)
return NO;
// Clear the kHasCustomIcon flag and the kHasBeenInited flag.
finderInfo.fdFlags = finderInfo.fdFlags & ~(kHasCustomIcon | kHasBeenInited);
// Now write the Finder info back.
result = FSpSetFInfo( &targetFileFSSpec, &finderInfo );
if (result != noErr)
return NO;
// Notify the system that the directory containing the file has changed, to give Finder the chance to find out about the file's new custom icon.
result = FNNotify( &parentDirectoryFSRef, kFNDirectoryModifiedMessage, kNilOptions );
if (result != noErr)
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL) setAsCustomIconForDirectory:(NSString*)path
return [self setAsCustomIconForDirectory:path withCompatibility:NO];
- (BOOL) setAsCustomIconForDirectory:(NSString*)path withCompatibility:(BOOL)compat
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
BOOL isDir;
BOOL exists;
NSString *iconrPath = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Icon\r"];
FSSpec targetFileFSSpec, targetFolderFSSpec;
FSRef targetFolderFSRef;
SInt16 file;
OSErr result;
FInfo finderInfo;
FSCatalogInfo catInfo;
Handle hExistingCustomIcon;
Handle hIconFamilyCopy;
exists = [fm fileExistsAtPath:path isDirectory:&isDir];
if ( !isDir || !exists )
return NO;
if ( [fm fileExistsAtPath:iconrPath] )
if ( ![fm removeFileAtPath:iconrPath handler:nil] )
return NO;
if (![iconrPath getFSSpec:&targetFileFSSpec createFileIfNecessary:YES])
return NO;
if ( ![path getFSSpec:&targetFolderFSSpec createFileIfNecessary:YES] )
return NO;
if ( ![path getFSRef:&targetFolderFSRef createFileIfNecessary:NO] )
return NO;
// Make sure the file has a resource fork that we can open. (Although
// this sounds like it would clobber an existing resource fork, the Carbon
// Resource Manager docs for this function say that's not the case.)
FSpCreateResFile( &targetFileFSSpec, kUnknownType, kUnknownType, smRoman );
if (ResError() != noErr)
return NO;
// Open the file's resource fork.
file = FSpOpenResFile( &targetFileFSSpec, fsRdWrPerm );
if (file == -1)
return NO;
// Make a copy of the icon family data to pass to AddResource().
// (AddResource() takes ownership of the handle we pass in; after the
// CloseResFile() call its master pointer will be set to 0xffffffff.
// We want to keep the icon family data, so we make a copy.)
// HandToHand() returns the handle of the copy in hIconFamily.
hIconFamilyCopy = (Handle) hIconFamily;
result = HandToHand( &hIconFamilyCopy );
if (result != noErr) {
CloseResFile( file );
return NO;
// Remove the file's existing kCustomIconResource of type kIconFamilyType
// (if any).
hExistingCustomIcon = GetResource( kIconFamilyType, kCustomIconResource );
if ( hExistingCustomIcon )
RemoveResource( hExistingCustomIcon );
// Now add our icon family as the file's new custom icon.
AddResource( (Handle)hIconFamilyCopy, kIconFamilyType,
kCustomIconResource, "\p");
if (ResError() != noErr) {
CloseResFile( file );
return NO;
if ( compat )
[self addResourceType:kLarge8BitData asResID:kCustomIconResource];
[self addResourceType:kLarge1BitMask asResID:kCustomIconResource];
[self addResourceType:kSmall8BitData asResID:kCustomIconResource];
[self addResourceType:kSmall1BitMask asResID:kCustomIconResource];
// Close the file's resource fork, flushing the resource map and new icon
// data out to disk.
CloseResFile( file );
if (ResError() != noErr)
return NO;
// Make folder icon file invisible
result = FSpGetFInfo( &targetFileFSSpec, &finderInfo );
if (result != noErr)
return NO;
finderInfo.fdFlags = (finderInfo.fdFlags | kIsInvisible ) & ~kHasBeenInited;
// And write info back
result = FSpSetFInfo( &targetFileFSSpec, &finderInfo );
if (result != noErr)
return NO;
result = FSGetCatalogInfo( &targetFolderFSRef,
&catInfo, nil, nil, nil);
if ( result != noErr )
return NO;
((DInfo*)catInfo.finderInfo)->frFlags = ( ((DInfo*)catInfo.finderInfo)->frFlags | kHasCustomIcon ) & ~kHasBeenInited;
FSSetCatalogInfo( &targetFolderFSRef,
if ( result != noErr )
return NO;
// Notify the system that the target directory has changed, to give Finder the chance to find out about its new custom icon.
result = FNNotify( &targetFolderFSRef, kFNDirectoryModifiedMessage, kNilOptions );
if (result != noErr)
return NO;
return YES;
/*- (BOOL) writeToFile:(NSString*)path
FSSpec fsSpec;
OSErr result;
if (![path getFSSpec:&fsSpec createFileIfNecessary:YES])
return NO;
result = WriteIconFile( hIconFamily, &fsSpec );
if (result != noErr)
return NO;
return YES;
} This method has a problem with files not representable as an FSSpec.*/
- (BOOL) writeToFile:(NSString*)path
NSData* iconData = NULL;
iconData = [NSData dataWithBytes:*hIconFamily length:GetHandleSize((Handle)hIconFamily)];
[iconData writeToFile:path atomically:NO];
return YES;
@implementation IconFamily (Internals)
+ (NSImage*) resampleImage:(NSImage*)image toIconWidth:(int)iconWidth usingImageInterpolation:(NSImageInterpolation)imageInterpolation
NSGraphicsContext* graphicsContext;
BOOL wasAntialiasing;
NSImageInterpolation previousImageInterpolation;
NSImage* newImage = nil;
// NSBitmapImageRep* newBitmapImageRep;
// unsigned char* bitmapData;
// NSImageRep* originalImageRep;
NSImage* workingImage;
NSImageRep* workingImageRep;
NSSize size, pixelSize, newSize;
NSRect iconRect;
NSRect targetRect;
// Create a working copy of the image and scale its size down to fit in
// the square area of the icon.
// It seems like there should be a more memory-efficient alternative to
// first duplicating the entire original image, but I don't know what it
// is. We need to change some properties ("size" and "scalesWhenResized")
// of the original image, but we shouldn't change the original, so a copy
// is necessary.
workingImage = [image copyWithZone:[image zone]];
[workingImage setScalesWhenResized:YES];
size = [workingImage size];
workingImageRep = [workingImage bestRepresentationForDevice:nil];
if ([workingImageRep isKindOfClass:[NSBitmapImageRep class]]) {
pixelSize.width = [workingImageRep pixelsWide];
pixelSize.height = [workingImageRep pixelsHigh];
if (!NSEqualSizes( size, pixelSize )) {
[workingImage setSize:pixelSize];
[workingImageRep setSize:pixelSize];
size = pixelSize;
if (size.width >= size.height) {
newSize.width = iconWidth;
newSize.height = floor( (float) iconWidth * size.height / size.width + 0.5 );
} else {
newSize.height = iconWidth;
newSize.width = floor( (float) iconWidth * size.width / size.height + 0.5 );
[workingImage setSize:newSize];
#if 1 // This is the way that works. It gives the newImage an NSCachedImageRep.
if (iconWidth != 0) {
// Create a new image the size of the icon, and clear it to transparent.
newImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:NSMakeSize(iconWidth,iconWidth)];
[newImage lockFocus];
iconRect.origin.x = iconRect.origin.y = 0;
iconRect.size.width = iconRect.size.height = iconWidth;
[[NSColor clearColor] set];
NSRectFill( iconRect );
// Set current graphics context to use antialiasing and high-quality
// image scaling.
graphicsContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
wasAntialiasing = [graphicsContext shouldAntialias];
previousImageInterpolation = [graphicsContext imageInterpolation];
[graphicsContext setShouldAntialias:YES];
[graphicsContext setImageInterpolation:imageInterpolation];
// Composite the working image into the icon bitmap, centered.
targetRect.origin.x = ((float)iconWidth - newSize.width ) / 2.0;
targetRect.origin.y = ((float)iconWidth - newSize.height) / 2.0;
targetRect.size.width = newSize.width;
targetRect.size.height = newSize.height;
[workingImageRep drawInRect:targetRect];
// Restore previous graphics context settings.
[graphicsContext setShouldAntialias:wasAntialiasing];
[graphicsContext setImageInterpolation:previousImageInterpolation];
[newImage unlockFocus];
[workingImage release];
#else // This was an attempt at explicitly giving the NSImage an NSBitmapImageRep
// and drawing to that NSBitmapImageRep. It doesn't work. (See comments
// in -initWithThumbnailsOfImage:)
// // Create a new 32-bit RGBA bitmap that is width x width pixels.
originalImageRep = [image bestRepresentationForDevice:nil];
newImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:NSMakeSize(iconWidth,iconWidth)];
[newImage setDataRetained:YES];
// [newImage setCachedSeparately:YES];
newBitmapImageRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithBitmapDataPlanes:NULL
// bitsPerSample:8
// samplesPerPixel:4
bitsPerSample:[originalImageRep bitsPerSample]
samplesPerPixel:[(NSBitmapImageRep*)originalImageRep samplesPerPixel]
hasAlpha:[originalImageRep hasAlpha]
colorSpaceName:[originalImageRep colorSpaceName]
[newImage addRepresentation:newBitmapImageRep];
[newImage setScalesWhenResized:YES];
[newBitmapImageRep release];
// bitmapData = [newBitmapImageRep bitmapData];
// if (bitmapData)
// memset( bitmapData, 128, iconWidth * iconWidth * 4 );
// Copy the original image into the new bitmap, rescaling it to fit.
// [newImage lockFocus];
[newImage lockFocusOnRepresentation:newBitmapImageRep];
// [image compositeToPoint:NSZeroPoint operation:NSCompositeSourceOver];
// iconRect.origin.x = iconRect.origin.y = 0;
// iconRect.size.width = iconRect.size.height = iconWidth;
// [[NSColor clearColor] set];
// NSRectFill( iconRect );
[workingImage compositeToPoint:NSZeroPoint operation:NSCompositeSourceOver];
[newImage unlockFocus];
[workingImage release];
// Return the new image!
return [newImage autorelease];
+ (Handle) get32BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:(NSBitmapImageRep*)bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:(int)requiredPixelSize
Handle hRawData;
char* pRawData;
Size rawDataSize;
unsigned char* pSrc;
char* pDest;
int x, y;
unsigned char alphaByte;
float oneOverAlpha;
// Get information about the bitmapImageRep.
int pixelsWide = [bitmapImageRep pixelsWide];
int pixelsHigh = [bitmapImageRep pixelsHigh];
int bitsPerSample = [bitmapImageRep bitsPerSample];
int samplesPerPixel = [bitmapImageRep samplesPerPixel];
int bitsPerPixel = [bitmapImageRep bitsPerPixel];
// BOOL hasAlpha = [bitmapImageRep hasAlpha];
BOOL isPlanar = [bitmapImageRep isPlanar];
// int numberOfPlanes = [bitmapImageRep numberOfPlanes];
int bytesPerRow = [bitmapImageRep bytesPerRow];
// int bytesPerPlane = [bitmapImageRep bytesPerPlane];
unsigned char* bitmapData = [bitmapImageRep bitmapData];
// Make sure bitmap has the required dimensions.
if (pixelsWide != requiredPixelSize || pixelsHigh != requiredPixelSize)
return NULL;
// So far, this code only handles non-planar 32-bit RGBA and 24-bit RGB source bitmaps.
// This could be made more flexible with some additional programming to accommodate other possible
// formats...
if (isPlanar)
NSLog(@"get32BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:requiredPixelSize: returning NULL due to isPlanar == YES");
return NULL;
if (bitsPerSample != 8)
NSLog(@"get32BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:requiredPixelSize: returning NULL due to bitsPerSample == %d", bitsPerSample);
return NULL;
if (((samplesPerPixel == 3) && (bitsPerPixel == 24)) || ((samplesPerPixel == 4) && (bitsPerPixel == 32)))
rawDataSize = pixelsWide * pixelsHigh * 4;
hRawData = NewHandle( rawDataSize );
if (hRawData == NULL)
return NULL;
pRawData = *hRawData;
pSrc = bitmapData;
pDest = pRawData;
if (bitsPerPixel == 32) {
for (y = 0; y < pixelsHigh; y++) {
pSrc = bitmapData + y * bytesPerRow;
for (x = 0; x < pixelsWide; x++) {
// Each pixel is 3 bytes of RGB data, followed by 1 byte of
// alpha. The RGB values are premultiplied by the alpha (so
// that Quartz can save time when compositing the bitmap to a
// destination), and we undo this premultiplication (with some
// lossiness unfortunately) when retrieving the bitmap data.
*pDest++ = alphaByte = *(pSrc+3);
if (alphaByte) {
oneOverAlpha = 255.0f / (float)alphaByte;
*pDest++ = *(pSrc+0) * oneOverAlpha;
*pDest++ = *(pSrc+1) * oneOverAlpha;
*pDest++ = *(pSrc+2) * oneOverAlpha;
} else {
*pDest++ = 0;
*pDest++ = 0;
*pDest++ = 0;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 24) {
for (y = 0; y < pixelsHigh; y++) {
pSrc = bitmapData + y * bytesPerRow;
for (x = 0; x < pixelsWide; x++) {
*pDest++ = 0;
*pDest++ = *pSrc++;
*pDest++ = *pSrc++;
*pDest++ = *pSrc++;
NSLog(@"get32BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:requiredPixelSize: returning NULL due to samplesPerPixel == %d, bitsPerPixel == %", samplesPerPixel, bitsPerPixel);
return NULL;
return hRawData;
+ (Handle) get8BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:(NSBitmapImageRep*)bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:(int)requiredPixelSize
Handle hRawData;
char* pRawData;
Size rawDataSize;
unsigned char* pSrc;
char* pDest;
int x, y;
// Get information about the bitmapImageRep.
int pixelsWide = [bitmapImageRep pixelsWide];
int pixelsHigh = [bitmapImageRep pixelsHigh];
int bitsPerSample = [bitmapImageRep bitsPerSample];
int samplesPerPixel = [bitmapImageRep samplesPerPixel];
int bitsPerPixel = [bitmapImageRep bitsPerPixel];
BOOL isPlanar = [bitmapImageRep isPlanar];
int bytesPerRow = [bitmapImageRep bytesPerRow];
unsigned char* bitmapData = [bitmapImageRep bitmapData];
// Make sure bitmap has the required dimensions.
if (pixelsWide != requiredPixelSize || pixelsHigh != requiredPixelSize)
return NULL;
// So far, this code only handles non-planar 32-bit RGBA and 24-bit RGB source bitmaps.
// This could be made more flexible with some additional programming...
if (isPlanar)
NSLog(@"get8BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:requiredPixelSize: returning NULL due to isPlanar == YES");
return NULL;
if (bitsPerSample != 8)
NSLog(@"get8BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:requiredPixelSize: returning NULL due to bitsPerSample == %d", bitsPerSample);
return NULL;
if (((samplesPerPixel == 3) && (bitsPerPixel == 24)) || ((samplesPerPixel == 4) && (bitsPerPixel == 32)))
CGDirectPaletteRef cgPal;
CGDeviceColor cgCol;
rawDataSize = pixelsWide * pixelsHigh;
hRawData = NewHandle( rawDataSize );
if (hRawData == NULL)
return NULL;
pRawData = *hRawData;
cgPal = CGPaletteCreateDefaultColorPalette();
pSrc = bitmapData;
pDest = pRawData;
if (bitsPerPixel == 32) {
for (y = 0; y < pixelsHigh; y++) {
pSrc = bitmapData + y * bytesPerRow;
for (x = 0; x < pixelsWide; x++) { = ((float)*(pSrc)) / 255; = ((float)*(pSrc+1)) / 255; = ((float)*(pSrc+2)) / 255;
*pDest++ = CGPaletteGetIndexForColor(cgPal, cgCol);
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 24) {
for (y = 0; y < pixelsHigh; y++) {
pSrc = bitmapData + y * bytesPerRow;
for (x = 0; x < pixelsWide; x++) { = ((float)*(pSrc)) / 255; = ((float)*(pSrc+1)) / 255; = ((float)*(pSrc+2)) / 255;
*pDest++ = CGPaletteGetIndexForColor(cgPal, cgCol);
NSLog(@"get8BitDataFromBitmapImageRep:requiredPixelSize: returning NULL due to samplesPerPixel == %d, bitsPerPixel == %", samplesPerPixel, bitsPerPixel);
return NULL;
return hRawData;
+ (Handle) get8BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:(NSBitmapImageRep*)bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:(int)requiredPixelSize
Handle hRawData;
char* pRawData;
Size rawDataSize;
unsigned char* pSrc;
char* pDest;
int x, y;
// Get information about the bitmapImageRep.
int pixelsWide = [bitmapImageRep pixelsWide];
int pixelsHigh = [bitmapImageRep pixelsHigh];
int bitsPerSample = [bitmapImageRep bitsPerSample];
int samplesPerPixel = [bitmapImageRep samplesPerPixel];
int bitsPerPixel = [bitmapImageRep bitsPerPixel];
// BOOL hasAlpha = [bitmapImageRep hasAlpha];
BOOL isPlanar = [bitmapImageRep isPlanar];
// int numberOfPlanes = [bitmapImageRep numberOfPlanes];
int bytesPerRow = [bitmapImageRep bytesPerRow];
// int bytesPerPlane = [bitmapImageRep bytesPerPlane];
unsigned char* bitmapData = [bitmapImageRep bitmapData];
// Make sure bitmap has the required dimensions.
if (pixelsWide != requiredPixelSize || pixelsHigh != requiredPixelSize)
return NULL;
// So far, this code only handles non-planar 32-bit RGBA, 24-bit RGB and 8-bit grayscale source bitmaps.
// This could be made more flexible with some additional programming...
if (isPlanar)
NSLog(@"get8BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:requiredPixelSize: returning NULL due to isPlanar == YES");
return NULL;
if (bitsPerSample != 8)
NSLog(@"get8BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:requiredPixelSize: returning NULL due to bitsPerSample == %d", bitsPerSample);
return NULL;
if (((samplesPerPixel == 1) && (bitsPerPixel == 8)) || ((samplesPerPixel == 3) && (bitsPerPixel == 24)) || ((samplesPerPixel == 4) && (bitsPerPixel == 32)))
rawDataSize = pixelsWide * pixelsHigh;
hRawData = NewHandle( rawDataSize );
if (hRawData == NULL)
return NULL;
pRawData = *hRawData;
pSrc = bitmapData;
pDest = pRawData;
if (bitsPerPixel == 32) {
for (y = 0; y < pixelsHigh; y++) {
pSrc = bitmapData + y * bytesPerRow;
for (x = 0; x < pixelsWide; x++) {
pSrc += 3;
*pDest++ = *pSrc++;
else if (bitsPerPixel == 24) {
memset( pDest, 255, rawDataSize );
else if (bitsPerPixel == 8) {
for (y = 0; y < pixelsHigh; y++) {
memcpy( pDest, pSrc, pixelsWide );
pSrc += bytesPerRow;
pDest += pixelsWide;
NSLog(@"get8BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:requiredPixelSize: returning NULL due to samplesPerPixel == %d, bitsPerPixel == %", samplesPerPixel, bitsPerPixel);
return NULL;
return hRawData;
// NOTE: This method hasn't been fully tested yet.
+ (Handle) get1BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:(NSBitmapImageRep*)bitmapImageRep requiredPixelSize:(int)requiredPixelSize
Handle hRawData;
char* pRawData;
Size rawDataSize;
unsigned char* pSrc;
char* pDest;
int x, y;
unsigned char maskByte;
// Get information about the bitmapImageRep.
int pixelsWide = [bitmapImageRep pixelsWide];
int pixelsHigh = [bitmapImageRep pixelsHigh];
int bitsPerSample = [bitmapImageRep bitsPerSample];
int samplesPerPixel = [bitmapImageRep samplesPerPixel];
int bitsPerPixel = [bitmapImageRep bitsPerPixel];
// BOOL hasAlpha = [bitmapImageRep hasAlpha];
BOOL isPlanar = [bitmapImageRep isPlanar];
// int numberOfPlanes = [bitmapImageRep numberOfPlanes];
int bytesPerRow = [bitmapImageRep bytesPerRow];
// int bytesPerPlane = [bitmapImageRep bytesPerPlane];
unsigned char* bitmapData = [bitmapImageRep bitmapData];
// Make sure bitmap has the required dimensions.
if (pixelsWide != requiredPixelSize || pixelsHigh != requiredPixelSize)
return NULL;
// So far, this code only handles non-planar 32-bit RGBA, 24-bit RGB, 8-bit grayscale, and 1-bit source bitmaps.
// This could be made more flexible with some additional programming...
if (isPlanar)
NSLog(@"get1BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:requiredPixelSize: returning NULL due to isPlanar == YES");
return NULL;
if (((bitsPerPixel == 1) && (samplesPerPixel == 1) && (bitsPerSample == 1)) || ((bitsPerPixel == 8) && (samplesPerPixel == 1) && (bitsPerSample == 8)) ||
((bitsPerPixel == 24) && (samplesPerPixel == 3) && (bitsPerSample == 8)) || ((bitsPerPixel == 32) && (samplesPerPixel == 4) && (bitsPerSample == 8)))
rawDataSize = (pixelsWide * pixelsHigh)/4;
hRawData = NewHandle( rawDataSize );
if (hRawData == NULL)
return NULL;
pRawData = *hRawData;
pSrc = bitmapData;
pDest = pRawData;
if (bitsPerPixel == 32) {
for (y = 0; y < pixelsHigh; y++) {
pSrc = bitmapData + y * bytesPerRow;
for (x = 0; x < pixelsWide; x += 8) {
maskByte = 0;
maskByte |= (*(unsigned*)pSrc & 0xff) ? 0x80 : 0; pSrc += 4;
maskByte |= (*(unsigned*)pSrc & 0xff) ? 0x40 : 0; pSrc += 4;
maskByte |= (*(unsigned*)pSrc & 0xff) ? 0x20 : 0; pSrc += 4;
maskByte |= (*(unsigned*)pSrc & 0xff) ? 0x10 : 0; pSrc += 4;
maskByte |= (*(unsigned*)pSrc & 0xff) ? 0x08 : 0; pSrc += 4;
maskByte |= (*(unsigned*)pSrc & 0xff) ? 0x04 : 0; pSrc += 4;
maskByte |= (*(unsigned*)pSrc & 0xff) ? 0x02 : 0; pSrc += 4;
maskByte |= (*(unsigned*)pSrc & 0xff) ? 0x01 : 0; pSrc += 4;
*pDest++ = maskByte;
else if (bitsPerPixel == 24) {
memset( pDest, 255, rawDataSize );
else if (bitsPerPixel == 8) {
for (y = 0; y < pixelsHigh; y++) {
pSrc = bitmapData + y * bytesPerRow;
for (x = 0; x < pixelsWide; x += 8) {
maskByte = 0;
maskByte |= *pSrc++ ? 0x80 : 0;
maskByte |= *pSrc++ ? 0x40 : 0;
maskByte |= *pSrc++ ? 0x20 : 0;
maskByte |= *pSrc++ ? 0x10 : 0;
maskByte |= *pSrc++ ? 0x08 : 0;
maskByte |= *pSrc++ ? 0x04 : 0;
maskByte |= *pSrc++ ? 0x02 : 0;
maskByte |= *pSrc++ ? 0x01 : 0;
*pDest++ = maskByte;
else if (bitsPerPixel == 1) {
for (y = 0; y < pixelsHigh; y++) {
memcpy( pDest, pSrc, pixelsWide / 8 );
pDest += pixelsWide / 8;
pSrc += bytesPerRow;
memcpy( pRawData+(pixelsWide*pixelsHigh)/8, pRawData, (pixelsWide*pixelsHigh)/8 );
NSLog(@"get1BitMaskFromBitmapImageRep:requiredPixelSize: returning NULL due to bitsPerPixel == %d, samplesPerPixel== %d, bitsPerSample == %d", bitsPerPixel, samplesPerPixel, bitsPerSample);
return NULL;
return hRawData;
- (BOOL) addResourceType:(OSType)type asResID:(int)resID
Handle hIconRes = NewHandle(0);
OSErr err;
err = GetIconFamilyData( hIconFamily, type, hIconRes );
if ( !GetHandleSize(hIconRes) || err != noErr )
return NO;
AddResource( hIconRes, type, resID, "\p" );
return YES;
// Methods for interfacing with the Carbon Scrap Manager (analogous to and
// interoperable with the Cocoa Pasteboard).
@implementation IconFamily (ScrapAdditions)
+ (BOOL) canInitWithScrap
ScrapRef scrap = NULL;
ScrapFlavorInfo* scrapInfos = NULL;
UInt32 numInfos = 0;
int i = 0;
BOOL canInit = NO;
scrapInfos = malloc( sizeof(ScrapFlavorInfo)*numInfos );
GetScrapFlavorInfoList(scrap, &numInfos, scrapInfos);
for ( i=0; i<numInfos; i++ )
if ( scrapInfos[i].flavorType == 'icns' )
canInit = YES;
free( scrapInfos );
return canInit;
+ (IconFamily*) iconFamilyWithScrap
return [[[IconFamily alloc] initWithScrap] autorelease];
- initWithScrap
Handle storageMem = NULL;
Size amountMem = 0;
ScrapRef scrap;
if ((self = [super init]))
GetScrapFlavorSize( scrap, 'icns', &amountMem );
storageMem = NewHandle(amountMem);
GetScrapFlavorData( scrap, 'icns', &amountMem, *storageMem );
hIconFamily = (IconFamilyHandle)storageMem;
return self;
- (BOOL) putOnScrap
ScrapRef scrap = NULL;
PutScrapFlavor( scrap, 'icns', kScrapFlavorMaskNone, GetHandleSize((Handle)hIconFamily), *hIconFamily);
return YES;