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<h1>AIM: DirectConnect</h1>
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<h3>Using Direct Connect</h3>
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<p>When using the AIM and Mobile Me services (including when talking to contacts using iChat), you can "directly connect" to send a contact inline pictures and large blocks of text. Images dragged and dropped – or pasted – into a chat which is directly connected are sent and displayed inside that window rather than via a separate file transfer.</p>
<p>To initiate a Direct Connect, simply drag or paste an image into the text entry area. Adium will invite the remote user to accept a direct connection (iChat automatically accepts such invitations) and then display the picture inline in both your message window and the other user's message window.</p>
<p>Direct Connect faces the same difficulties as <a href="AdvancedFeatures-FileTransfer.html">file transfer</a> (e.g. NAT traversal).
<p>Direct Connect is also called “direct messaging”, “direct IM”, or “direct chat”.</p>
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