
Updated Sparkle to 1.17.0, to fix a problem when copying broken symlinks.
* Adium 1.3 or later
* An AIM account
Open this script in Script Editor and save it as a compiled script (.scpt) in ~/Library/Scripts. That script will then remember your username until the next time you open it in Script Editor.
1. Create a chat with yourself on AIM. (The script would do this automatically, but this functionality is broken as of 1.3.2.)
2. Run the script. If it doesn't know your AIM username, it will ask for it. If you followed the instructions above, it will remember your username for future runs.
Once it knows your username, it will send a message to that username from that username.
property aim_name : missing value
tell application "Adium"
if aim_name = missing value then
--If the user cancels, the script will simply end, so we don't need to handle that ourselves.
set aim_name to text returned of (display dialog
"Please enter your AIM username:" default answer
"" buttons ["Cancel", "OK"] default button 2)
end if
--set aim_contact to contact aim_name of account aim_name of service "AIM"
--make new chat with contacts [aim_contact] with new chat window
send chat id ("AIM." & aim_name) message "This is a message from yourself."
end tell