
Backed out changeset e48bfdcf9f20, restoring Facebook and JSONKit.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import "ESAccountEvents.h"
#import <Adium/AIContactAlertsControllerProtocol.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIImageAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccount.h>
@interface ESAccountEvents ()
- (void)accountConnection:(NSTimer *)timer;
- (void)accountDisconnection:(NSTimer *)timer;
* @class ESAccountEvents
* @brief Component to handle account-related Contact Alerts events
@implementation ESAccountEvents
* @brief Install
- (void)installPlugin
accountConnectionStatusGroupingOnlineTimer = nil;
accountConnectionStatusGroupingOfflineTimer = nil;
//Register the events we generate
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:ACCOUNT_CONNECTED withHandler:self inGroup:AIAccountsEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:YES];
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:ACCOUNT_DISCONNECTED withHandler:self inGroup:AIAccountsEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:YES];
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:ACCOUNT_RECEIVED_EMAIL withHandler:self inGroup:AIOtherEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:YES];
//Observe status changes
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] registerListObjectObserver:self];
- (void)uninstallPlugin
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] unregisterListObjectObserver:self];
* @brief Short description for an event
* We're global-only, so no short descriptions are needed.
- (NSString *)shortDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID { return @""; }
* @brief Global short description for an event
- (NSString *)globalShortDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
NSString *description;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_CONNECTED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"You connect",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_DISCONNECTED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"You disconnect",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_RECEIVED_EMAIL]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"New email notification",nil);
} else {
description = @"";
return description;
* @brief English, non-translated global short description for an event
* This exists because old X(tras) relied upon matching the description of event IDs, and I don't feel like making
* a converter for old packs. If anyone wants to fix this situation, please feel free :)
* @result English global short description which should only be used internally
- (NSString *)englishGlobalShortDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
NSString *description;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_CONNECTED]) {
description = @"Connected";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_DISCONNECTED]) {
description = @"Disconnected";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_RECEIVED_EMAIL]) {
description = @"New Mail Received";
} else {
description = @"";
return description;
* @brief Long description for an event
- (NSString *)longDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID forListObject:(AIListObject *)listObject
NSString *description;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_CONNECTED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you connect",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_DISCONNECTED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you disconnect",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_RECEIVED_EMAIL]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you receive a new email notification",nil);
} else {
description = @"";
return description;
* @brief Natural language description for an event
* @param eventID The event identifier
* @param listObject The listObject triggering the event
* @param userInfo Event-specific userInfo
* @param includeSubject If YES, return a full sentence. If not, return a fragment.
* @result The natural language description.
- (NSString *)naturalLanguageDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
listObject:(AIListObject *)listObject
NSString *description = nil;
if (includeSubject) {
NSString *format = nil;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_CONNECTED]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%@ connected",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_DISCONNECTED]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%@ disconnected",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_RECEIVED_EMAIL]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%@ received new email",nil);
if (format) {
description = [NSString stringWithFormat:format,listObject.formattedUID];
} else {
if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_CONNECTED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"connected",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_DISCONNECTED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"disconnected",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_RECEIVED_EMAIL]) {
if (userInfo && [userInfo isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
description = [[(NSString *)userInfo copy] autorelease];
} else {
description = AILocalizedString(@"received new email",nil);
return description;
- (NSImage *)imageForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
static NSImage *eventImage = nil;
if (!eventImage) eventImage = [[NSImage imageNamed:@"pref-accounts" forClass:[self class]] retain];
return eventImage;
- (NSString *)descriptionForCombinedEventID:(NSString *)eventID
forListObject:(AIListObject *)listObject
forChat:(AIChat *)chat
NSString *format = nil;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_CONNECTED]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u accounts connected",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_DISCONNECTED]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u accounts disconnected",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:ACCOUNT_RECEIVED_EMAIL]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u accounts received new email",nil);
return format ? [NSString stringWithFormat:format, count] : @"";
#pragma mark Aggregation and event generation
* @brief Update list object
* We aggregate account connection events to avoid a quick sign on/sign off from triggering the event
- (NSSet *)updateListObject:(AIListObject *)inObject keys:(NSSet *)inModifiedKeys silent:(BOOL)silent
if ([inObject isKindOfClass:[AIAccount class]]) { //We only care about accounts
if ([inModifiedKeys containsObject:@"isOnline"]) {
if ([inObject boolValueForProperty:@"isOnline"]) {
if (accountConnectionStatusGroupingOnlineTimer) {
[accountConnectionStatusGroupingOnlineTimer invalidate]; [accountConnectionStatusGroupingOnlineTimer release];
accountConnectionStatusGroupingOnlineTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STATUS_GROUPING
repeats:NO] retain];
} else {
if (accountConnectionStatusGroupingOfflineTimer) {
[accountConnectionStatusGroupingOfflineTimer invalidate]; [accountConnectionStatusGroupingOfflineTimer release];
accountConnectionStatusGroupingOfflineTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STATUS_GROUPING
repeats:NO] retain];
return nil;
* @brief Called an account connects and remains online for ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STATUS_GROUPING
- (void)accountConnection:(NSTimer *)timer
[adium.contactAlertsController generateEvent:ACCOUNT_CONNECTED
forListObject:[timer userInfo]
[accountConnectionStatusGroupingOnlineTimer release]; accountConnectionStatusGroupingOnlineTimer = nil;
* @brief Called an account disconnects and remains offline for ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STATUS_GROUPING
- (void)accountDisconnection:(NSTimer *)timer
[adium.contactAlertsController generateEvent:ACCOUNT_DISCONNECTED
forListObject:[timer userInfo]
[accountConnectionStatusGroupingOfflineTimer release]; accountConnectionStatusGroupingOfflineTimer = nil;