
Fix code signing to: 1) sign the bundle deeply 2) not depend on each signed bundle having bundle ID com.adiumX.adiumX
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AIAbstractListController.h"
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import "AIContactStatusColoringPlugin.h"
#import <Adium/AIInterfaceControllerProtocol.h>
#import "AIListThemeWindowController.h"
#import <AIUtilities/AIColorAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIDictionaryAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIMutableOwnerArray.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIChat.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentTyping.h>
#import <Adium/AIListObject.h>
#import <Adium/AIMetaContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIListBookmark.h>
@interface AIContactStatusColoringPlugin ()
- (void)addToFlashSet:(AIListObject *)inObject;
- (void)removeFromFlashSet:(AIListObject *)inObject;
- (void)_applyColorToContact:(AIListContact *)inObject;
@implementation AIContactStatusColoringPlugin
#define OPACITY_REFRESH 0.2f
#define CONTACT_STATUS_COLORING_DEFAULT_PREFS @"ContactStatusColoringDefaults"
- (void)installPlugin
flashingListObjects = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
awayColor = nil;
idleColor = nil;
signedOffColor = nil;
signedOnColor = nil;
typingColor = nil;
unviewedContentColor = nil;
onlineColor = nil;
awayAndIdleColor = nil;
offlineColor = nil;
awayInvertedColor = nil;
idleInvertedColor = nil;
signedOffInvertedColor = nil;
signedOnInvertedColor = nil;
typingInvertedColor = nil;
unviewedContentInvertedColor = nil;
onlineInvertedColor = nil;
awayAndIdleInvertedColor = nil;
offlineInvertedColor = nil;
awayLabelColor = nil;
idleLabelColor = nil;
signedOffLabelColor = nil;
signedOnLabelColor = nil;
typingLabelColor = nil;
unviewedContentLabelColor = nil;
onlineLabelColor = nil;
awayAndIdleLabelColor = nil;
offlineLabelColor = nil;
offlineImageFading = NO;
interestedKeysSet = [[NSSet alloc] initWithObjects:
KEY_TYPING, KEY_UNVIEWED_CONTENT, @"listObjectStatusType", @"isIdle",
@"isOnline", @"signedOn", @"signedOff", @"isMobile", nil];
id<AIPreferenceController> preferenceController = adium.preferenceController;
//Setup our preferences
[preferenceController registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryNamed:CONTACT_STATUS_COLORING_DEFAULT_PREFS
forClass:[self class]]
//Observe preferences and list objects
[preferenceController registerPreferenceObserver:self forGroup:PREF_GROUP_LIST_THEME];
[preferenceController registerPreferenceObserver:self forGroup:PREF_GROUP_CONTACT_LIST];
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] registerListObjectObserver:self];
- (void)uninstallPlugin
[adium.preferenceController unregisterPreferenceObserver:self];
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] unregisterListObjectObserver:self];
[adium.interfaceController unregisterFlashObserver:self];
- (void)dealloc
[flashingListObjects release];
[interestedKeysSet release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSSet *)updateListObject:(AIListObject *)inObject keys:(NSSet *)inModifiedKeys silent:(BOOL)silent
NSSet *modifiedAttributes = nil;
if ([inObject isKindOfClass:[AIListContact class]] || [inObject isKindOfClass:[AIListBookmark class]]) {
if (inModifiedKeys == nil || [inModifiedKeys intersectsSet:interestedKeysSet]) {
//Update the contact's text color
[self _applyColorToContact:(AIListContact *)inObject];
modifiedAttributes = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"textColor", @"invertedTextColor", @"labelColor", nil];
//Update our flash set
if (flashUnviewedContentEnabled &&
(inModifiedKeys == nil || [inModifiedKeys containsObject:KEY_UNVIEWED_CONTENT])) {
NSInteger unviewedContent = [inObject integerValueForProperty:KEY_UNVIEWED_CONTENT];
if (unviewedContent && ![flashingListObjects containsObject:inObject]) { //Start flashing
[self addToFlashSet:inObject];
} else if (!unviewedContent && [flashingListObjects containsObject:inObject]) { //Stop flashing
[self removeFromFlashSet:inObject];
return modifiedAttributes;
//Applies the correct color to the passed object
- (void)_applyColorToContact:(AIListContact *)inContact
NSColor *color = nil, *invertedColor = nil, *labelColor = nil;
NSInteger unviewedContent;
BOOL isEvent = NO;
// Only in the case the other contact is typing or has unread contact should we apply it to the meta contact as well
BOOL applyToMetaToo = NO;
//Prefetch the value for unviewed content, we need it multiple times below
unviewedContent = [inContact integerValueForProperty:KEY_UNVIEWED_CONTENT];
//Unviewed content
if ((!color && !labelColor) && (unviewedContentEnabled && unviewedContent)) {
/* Use the unviewed content settings if:
* - we aren't flashing or
* - every other flash. */
if (!flashUnviewedContentEnabled || ([adium.interfaceController flashState] % 2)) {
color = unviewedContentColor;
invertedColor = unviewedContentInvertedColor;
labelColor = unviewedContentLabelColor;
isEvent = YES;
applyToMetaToo = YES;
//Offline, Signed off, signed on, or typing
if ((!color && !labelColor)) {
if (offlineEnabled && (! &&
![inContact boolValueForProperty:@"signedOff"])) {
color = offlineColor;
invertedColor = offlineInvertedColor;
labelColor = offlineLabelColor;
if (offlineImageFading) opacity = OFFLINE_IMAGE_OPACITY;
} else if (signedOffEnabled && [inContact boolValueForProperty:@"signedOff"]) {
color = signedOffColor;
invertedColor = signedOffInvertedColor;
labelColor = signedOffLabelColor;
isEvent = YES;
} else if (signedOnEnabled && [inContact boolValueForProperty:@"signedOn"]) {
color = signedOnColor;
invertedColor = signedOnInvertedColor;
labelColor = signedOnLabelColor;
isEvent = YES;
} else if (typingEnabled && ([inContact intValueForProperty:KEY_TYPING] == AITyping)) {
color = typingColor;
invertedColor = typingInvertedColor;
labelColor = typingLabelColor;
isEvent = YES;
applyToMetaToo = YES;
if ((!color && !labelColor) && mobileEnabled && inContact.isMobile) {
color = mobileColor;
invertedColor = mobileInvertedColor;
labelColor = mobileLabelColor;
if ((!color && !labelColor)) {
AIStatusSummary statusSummary = [inContact statusSummary];
//Idle And Away, Away, or Idle
if (awayAndIdleEnabled && (statusSummary == AIAwayAndIdleStatus)) {
color = awayAndIdleColor;
invertedColor = awayAndIdleInvertedColor;
labelColor = awayAndIdleLabelColor;
} else if (awayEnabled && ((statusSummary == AIAwayStatus) || (statusSummary == AIAwayAndIdleStatus))) {
color = awayColor;
invertedColor = awayInvertedColor;
labelColor = awayLabelColor;
} else if (idleEnabled && ((statusSummary == AIIdleStatus) || (statusSummary == AIAwayAndIdleStatus))) {
color = idleColor;
invertedColor = idleInvertedColor;
labelColor = idleLabelColor;
if ((!color && !labelColor) && onlineEnabled && {
color = onlineColor;
invertedColor = onlineInvertedColor;
labelColor = onlineLabelColor;
//Apply the color and opacity
[inContact setValue:color
[inContact setValue:invertedColor
[inContact setValue:labelColor
[inContact setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:opacity]
[inContact setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:isEvent]
if (applyToMetaToo && [inContact metaContact]) {
[[inContact metaContact] setValue:color
[[inContact metaContact] setValue:invertedColor
[[inContact metaContact] setValue:labelColor
[[inContact metaContact] setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:opacity]
[[inContact metaContact] setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:isEvent]
//Flash all handles with unviewed content
- (void)flash:(int)value
AIListContact *object;
NSSet *modifiedKeys = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"Text Color", @"Label Color", @"Inverted Text Color", nil];
for (object in flashingListObjects) {
[self _applyColorToContact:object];
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] listObjectAttributesChanged:object
* @brief Add a handle to the flash set
- (void)addToFlashSet:(AIListObject *)inObject
//Ensure that we're observing the flashing
if ([flashingListObjects count] == 0) {
[adium.interfaceController registerFlashObserver:self];
//Add the contact to our flash set
[flashingListObjects addObject:inObject];
[self flash:[adium.interfaceController flashState]];
* @brief Remove a contact from the flash set
- (void)removeFromFlashSet:(AIListObject *)inObject
//Remove the contact from our flash set
[flashingListObjects removeObject:inObject];
//If we have no more flashing contacts, stop observing the flashes
if ([flashingListObjects count] == 0) {
[adium.interfaceController unregisterFlashObserver:self];
- (void)preferencesChangedForGroup:(NSString *)group key:(NSString *)key
object:(AIListObject *)object preferenceDict:(NSDictionary *)prefDict firstTime:(BOOL)firstTime
if ([group isEqualToString:PREF_GROUP_LIST_THEME]) {
//Release the old values..
[signedOffColor release]; signedOffColor = nil;
[signedOnColor release]; signedOnColor = nil;
[awayColor release]; awayColor = nil;
[idleColor release]; idleColor = nil;
[typingColor release]; typingColor = nil;
[unviewedContentColor release]; unviewedContentColor = nil;
[onlineColor release]; onlineColor = nil;
[awayAndIdleColor release]; awayAndIdleColor = nil;
[offlineColor release]; offlineColor = nil;
[mobileColor release]; mobileColor = nil;
[signedOffInvertedColor release]; signedOffInvertedColor = nil;
[signedOnInvertedColor release]; signedOnInvertedColor = nil;
[awayInvertedColor release]; awayInvertedColor = nil;
[idleInvertedColor release]; idleInvertedColor = nil;
[typingInvertedColor release]; typingInvertedColor = nil;
[unviewedContentInvertedColor release]; unviewedContentInvertedColor = nil;
[onlineInvertedColor release]; onlineInvertedColor = nil;
[awayAndIdleInvertedColor release]; awayAndIdleInvertedColor = nil;
[offlineInvertedColor release]; offlineInvertedColor = nil;
[mobileInvertedColor release]; mobileInvertedColor = nil;
[awayLabelColor release]; awayLabelColor = nil;
[idleLabelColor release]; idleLabelColor = nil;
[signedOffLabelColor release]; signedOffLabelColor = nil;
[signedOnLabelColor release]; signedOnLabelColor = nil;
[typingLabelColor release]; typingLabelColor = nil;
[unviewedContentLabelColor release]; unviewedContentLabelColor = nil;
[onlineLabelColor release]; onlineLabelColor = nil;
[awayAndIdleLabelColor release]; awayAndIdleLabelColor = nil;
[offlineLabelColor release]; offlineLabelColor = nil;
[mobileLabelColor release]; mobileLabelColor = nil;
if ((awayEnabled = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_AWAY_ENABLED] boolValue])) {
awayColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_AWAY_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
awayLabelColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_LABEL_AWAY_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
awayInvertedColor = [[awayColor colorWithInvertedLuminance] retain];
if ((idleEnabled = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_IDLE_ENABLED] boolValue])) {
idleColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_IDLE_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
idleLabelColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_LABEL_IDLE_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
idleInvertedColor = [[idleColor colorWithInvertedLuminance] retain];
if ((signedOnEnabled = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_SIGNED_ON_ENABLED] boolValue])) {
signedOnColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_SIGNED_ON_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
signedOnLabelColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_LABEL_SIGNED_ON_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
signedOnInvertedColor = [[signedOnColor colorWithInvertedLuminance] retain];
if ((signedOffEnabled = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_SIGNED_OFF_ENABLED] boolValue])) {
signedOffColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_SIGNED_OFF_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
signedOffLabelColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_LABEL_SIGNED_OFF_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
signedOffInvertedColor = [[signedOffColor colorWithInvertedLuminance] retain];
if ((typingEnabled = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_TYPING_ENABLED] boolValue])) {
typingColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_TYPING_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
typingLabelColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_LABEL_TYPING_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
typingInvertedColor = [[typingColor colorWithInvertedLuminance] retain];
if ((unviewedContentEnabled = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_UNVIEWED_ENABLED] boolValue])) {
unviewedContentColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_UNVIEWED_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
unviewedContentLabelColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_LABEL_UNVIEWED_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
unviewedContentInvertedColor = [[unviewedContentColor colorWithInvertedLuminance] retain];
if ((onlineEnabled = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_ONLINE_ENABLED] boolValue])) {
onlineColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_ONLINE_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
onlineLabelColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_LABEL_ONLINE_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
onlineInvertedColor = [[onlineColor colorWithInvertedLuminance] retain];
if ((awayAndIdleEnabled = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_IDLE_AWAY_ENABLED] boolValue])) {
awayAndIdleColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_IDLE_AWAY_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
awayAndIdleLabelColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_LABEL_IDLE_AWAY_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
awayAndIdleInvertedColor = [[awayAndIdleColor colorWithInvertedLuminance] retain];
if ((offlineEnabled = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_OFFLINE_ENABLED] boolValue])) {
offlineColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_OFFLINE_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
offlineLabelColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_LABEL_OFFLINE_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
offlineInvertedColor = [[offlineColor colorWithInvertedLuminance] retain];
if ((mobileEnabled = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_MOBILE_ENABLED] boolValue])) {
mobileColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_MOBILE_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
mobileLabelColor = [[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_LABEL_MOBILE_COLOR] representedColor] retain];
mobileInvertedColor = [[mobileColor colorWithInvertedLuminance] retain];
offlineImageFading = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_LIST_THEME_FADE_OFFLINE_IMAGES] boolValue];
//Update all objects
if (!firstTime) {
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] updateAllListObjectsForObserver:self];
} else if ([group isEqualToString:PREF_GROUP_CONTACT_LIST]) {
BOOL oldFlashUnviewedContentEnabled = flashUnviewedContentEnabled;
flashUnviewedContentEnabled = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_CL_FLASH_UNVIEWED_CONTENT] boolValue];
if (oldFlashUnviewedContentEnabled && !flashUnviewedContentEnabled) {
//Clear our flash set if we aren't flashing for unviewed content now but we were before
for (AIListContact *listContact in [[flashingListObjects copy] autorelease]) {
[self removeFromFlashSet:listContact];
//Make our colors end up right (if we were on an off-flash) by updating all list objects
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] updateAllListObjectsForObserver:self];
} else if (!oldFlashUnviewedContentEnabled && flashUnviewedContentEnabled) {
if (!firstTime) {
//Update all list objects so we start flashing
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] updateAllListObjectsForObserver:self];