
Transition Adium from SenTestingKit to XCTest.

In order to build on OS X 10.11, Xcode 7.2, several changes have been made that are outlined:
- Unit tests Target Build Settings modified:
* 'Wrapper Extension' set to 'xctest'
* 'Enable Modules (C and Objective-C)' set to 'Yes'
- UnitTests Target of AutoHyperlink.framework Build Settings modified:
* 'Wrapper Extension' set to 'xctest'
* 'Enable Modules (C and Objective-C)' set to 'Yes'
* 'Other Linker Flags' removed '-framework SenTestingKit'
- 'SenTestingKit.framework' removed from Adium -> Linked Frameworks -> System
- 'SenTestingKit.framework' removed from Adium -> Linked Frameworks -> AutoHyperlinks.framework.xcodeproj -> External Frameworks and Libraries -> Linked Frameworks
- Find and Replace within 'Adium/Unit tests' && 'Adium/Linked Frameworks/Others/AutoHyperlinks.framework.xcodeproj/UnitTests'
* '' to ''
* 'SenTestCase' to 'XCTestCase'
* 'STAssert' to 'XCTAssert'
* 'XCTAssertEquals(' to 'XCTAssertEqual('
* regex '(\[\[\[)([^\]]*\][^\]]*\])(\ autorelease\]);' to '[[$2;'
* regex '(\[)([^\]]*\][^\]]*)(\ autorelease\])' to '$2'
- modified AutoHyperlinks.framework.xcodeproj -> project.pbxproj
* line 331: ’productType = "";' to 'productType = "";'
- AIWebKitMessageViewController.h
* forward declare WebUIDelegate, WebFrameLoadDelegate protocols
* add WebUIDelegate, WebFrameLoadDelegate protocols to 'AIWebKitMessageViewController' class
- AIFacebookXMPPOAuthWebViewWindowController.m lines 107 && 108
* '[[domDoc getElementById:@"email"] setValue:self.autoFillUsername];' to '[domDoc getElementById:@"email"].innerHTML = self.autoFillUsername;'
* '[[domDoc getElementById:@"pass"] setValue:self.autoFillPassword];' to '[domDoc getElementById:@"pass"].innerHTML = self.autoFillPassword;'
- XCTAssertEqual for NSRanges modified to ’XCTAssertTrue(NSEqualRanges(range1, range2)), ...)' in Unit tests
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AdiumMessageEvents.h"
#import <Adium/AIContentControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIAttributedStringAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIListGroup.h>
@interface AdiumMessageEvents()
- (NSString *)stringFromMessageAttributedString:(NSAttributedString *)attributedString;
@implementation AdiumMessageEvents
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init])) {
return self;
//Requires contactAlertController loaded
- (void)controllerDidLoad
//Register the events we generate
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT withHandler:self inGroup:AIMessageEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:NO];
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT_GROUP withHandler:self inGroup:AIMessageEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:NO];
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED withHandler:self inGroup:AIMessageEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:NO];
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_FIRST withHandler:self inGroup:AIMessageEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:NO];
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_BACKGROUND withHandler:self inGroup:AIMessageEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:NO];
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_GROUP withHandler:self inGroup:AIMessageEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:NO];
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_BACKGROUND_GROUP withHandler:self inGroup:AIMessageEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:NO];
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_AWAY withHandler:self inGroup:AIMessageEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:NO];
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_AWAY_GROUP withHandler:self inGroup:AIMessageEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:NO];
[adium.contactAlertsController registerEventID:CONTENT_GROUP_CHAT_MENTION withHandler:self inGroup:AIMessageEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:NO];
//Observe chat changes
[adium.chatController registerChatObserver:self];
- (void)dealloc
[adium.chatController unregisterChatObserver:self];
#pragma mark Message event handling
- (NSSet *)updateChat:(AIChat *)inChat keys:(NSSet *)inModifiedKeys silent:(BOOL)silent
if (inModifiedKeys == nil ||
[inModifiedKeys containsObject:KEY_CHAT_TIMED_OUT] ||
[inModifiedKeys containsObject:KEY_CHAT_CLOSED_WINDOW] ||
[inModifiedKeys containsObject:KEY_CHAT_ERROR]) {
NSString *message = nil;
NSString *type = nil;
AIListContact *listObject = [inChat listObject];
if ([inChat valueForProperty:KEY_CHAT_ERROR] != nil) {
AIChatErrorType errorType = [inChat intValueForProperty:KEY_CHAT_ERROR];
type = @"chat-error";
switch (errorType) {
case AIChatUnknownError:
message = AILocalizedString(@"Unknown conversation error.",nil);
case AIChatMessageSendingUserNotAvailable:
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Could not send because %@ is not available.",nil),listObject.formattedUID];
case AIChatMessageSendingUserIsBlocked:
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Could not send because %@ is blocked.",nil),listObject.formattedUID];
case AIChatMessageSendingTooLarge:
message = AILocalizedString(@"Could not send the last message because it was too large.",nil);
case AIChatMessageSendingTimeOutOccurred:
message = AILocalizedString(@"A message may not have been sent; a timeout occurred.",nil);
case AIChatMessageSendingMissedRateLimitExceeded:
message = AILocalizedString(@"Could not send the last message because the rate limit has been exceeded. Please wait a moment and then try again.",nil);
case AIChatMessageReceivingMissedTooLarge:
message = AILocalizedString(@"Could not receive the last message because it was too large.",nil);
case AIChatMessageReceivingMissedInvalid:
message = AILocalizedString(@"Could not receive the last message because it was invalid.",nil);
case AIChatMessageReceivingMissedRateLimitExceeded:
message = AILocalizedString(@"Could not receive the last message because the rate limit has been exceeded. Please wait a moment and then try again.",nil);
case AIChatMessageReceivingMissedRemoteIsTooEvil:
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Could not receive; %@ is too evil.",nil),listObject.formattedUID];
case AIChatMessageReceivingMissedLocalIsTooEvil:
message = AILocalizedString(@"Could not receive: you are too evil.",nil);
case AIChatCommandFailed:
message = AILocalizedString(@"Command failed.",nil);
case AIChatInvalidNumberOfArguments:
message = AILocalizedString(@"Incorrect number of command arguments.",nil);
case AIChatMessageSendingConnectionError:
message = AILocalizedString(@"Could not send; a connection error occurred.",nil);
case AIChatMessageSendingNotAllowedWhileInvisible:
message = AILocalizedString(@"Could not send; not allowed while invisible.",nil);
} else if ([inChat boolValueForProperty:KEY_CHAT_CLOSED_WINDOW] && listObject) {
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"%@ closed the conversation window.",nil),listObject.displayName];
type = @"closed";
} else if ([inChat boolValueForProperty:KEY_CHAT_TIMED_OUT] && listObject) {
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"The conversation with %@ timed out.",nil),listObject.displayName];
type = @"timed_out";
if (message) {
[adium.contentController displayEvent:message
return nil;
#pragma mark Event descriptions
- (NSString *)shortDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
NSString *description;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Is sent a message",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT_GROUP]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Is sent a message in a group chat",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Sends a message",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_FIRST]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Sends an initial message",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_BACKGROUND]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Sends a message in a background chat",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_GROUP]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Sends a message in a group chat",nil);
description = AILocalizedString(@"Sends a message in a background group chat",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_AWAY]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Sends a message while away",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_AWAY_GROUP]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Sends a message in a group chat while away",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_GROUP_CHAT_MENTION]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Is mentioned in a group chat message", nil);
} else {
description = @"";
return description;
- (NSString *)globalShortDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
NSString *description;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Message sent",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT_GROUP]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Message sent (Group Chat)",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Message received",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_FIRST]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Message received (Initial)",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_BACKGROUND]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Message received (Background Chat)",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_GROUP]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Message received (Group Chat)",nil);
description = AILocalizedString(@"Message received (Background Group Chat)",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_AWAY]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Message received (Away)",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_AWAY_GROUP]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Message received (Away Group Chat)",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_GROUP_CHAT_MENTION]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"You are mentioned (Group Chat)", nil);
} else {
description = @"";
return description;
//Evan: This exists because old X(tras) relied upon matching the description of event IDs, and I don't feel like making
//a converter for old packs. If anyone wants to fix this situation, please feel free :)
- (NSString *)englishGlobalShortDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
NSString *description;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT]) {
description = @"Message Sent";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT_GROUP]) {
description = @"Message Sent (Group Chat)";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED]) {
description = @"Message Received";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_FIRST]) {
description = @"Message Received (New)";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_BACKGROUND]) {
description = @"Message Received (Background Chat)";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_GROUP]) {
description = @"Message Received (Group Chat)";
description = @"Message Received (Background Group Chat)";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_AWAY]) {
description = @"Message Received (Away)";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_AWAY_GROUP]) {
description = @"Message Received (Away Group Chat)";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_GROUP_CHAT_MENTION]) {
description = @"You Are Mentioned (Group Chat)";
} else {
description = @"";
return description;
- (NSString *)longDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID forListObject:(AIListObject *)listObject
NSString *description = nil;
if (listObject) {
NSString *name;
NSString *format;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"When you send %@ a message",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT_GROUP]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"When you send %@ a message in a group chat",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"When %@ sends a message to you",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_FIRST]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"When %@ sends an initial message to you",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_BACKGROUND]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"When %@ sends a message to you in a background chat",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_GROUP]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"When %@ sends a message to you in a group chat",nil);
format = AILocalizedString(@"When %@ sends a message to you in a background group chat",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_AWAY]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"When %@ sends a message to you while you are away",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_AWAY_GROUP]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"When %@ sends a message to you in a group chat while you are way",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_GROUP_CHAT_MENTION]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"When %@ sends a message that mentions your name in a group chat", nil);
} else {
format = nil;
if (format) {
name = ([listObject isKindOfClass:[AIListGroup class]] ?
[NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"a member of %@",nil),listObject.displayName] :
description = [NSString stringWithFormat:format, name];
} else {
if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you send a message",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT_GROUP]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you send a message in a group chat",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you receive any message",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_FIRST]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you receive an initial message",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_BACKGROUND]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you receive a message in a background chat",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_GROUP]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you receive a message in a group chat",nil);
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you receive a message in a background group chat",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_AWAY]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you receive a message while away",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_AWAY_GROUP]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you receive a message in a group chat while away",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_GROUP_CHAT_MENTION]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When you receive a message that mentions your name in a group chat", nil);
} else {
description = @"";
return description;
- (NSString *)naturalLanguageDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
listObject:(AIListObject *)listObject
NSString *description = nil;
AIContentObject *contentObject;
NSString *messageText;
NSString *displayName;
NSParameterAssert([userInfo isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]);
contentObject = [(NSDictionary *)userInfo objectForKey:@"AIContentObject"];
messageText = [self stringFromMessageAttributedString:contentObject.message];
if (includeSubject) {
if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT] ||
displayName = (listObject ? listObject.displayName :;
if (messageText && messageText.length) {
description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
AILocalizedString(@"You said %@ to %@","You said Message to Contact"),
} else {
description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
AILocalizedString(@"You sent a message to %@","You sent a message to Contact"),
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED] ||
displayName = contentObject.source.displayName;
if (messageText && [messageText length]) {
description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
AILocalizedString(@"%@ said %@","Contact said Message"),
} else {
description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
AILocalizedString(@"%@ sent you a message","Contact sent you a message"),
} else {
if (messageText && [messageText length]) {
description = messageText;
} else {
if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED] ||
//Use the message received text for all message received events if we don't have a message
description = [self globalShortDescriptionForEventID:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED];
} else {
description = [self globalShortDescriptionForEventID:eventID];
return description;
* @brief Return a string fit for display.
* @param attributedString A message's attributed string.
* @return A string with any elements not fit for display in reference to the event removed.
- (NSString *)stringFromMessageAttributedString:(NSAttributedString *)attributedString
NSMutableAttributedString *mutableMessage = [[attributedString attributedStringByConvertingAttachmentsToStrings] mutableCopy];
NSRange messageRange = NSMakeRange(0, 0);
NSUInteger stringLength = attributedString.length;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < stringLength; i+= messageRange.length) {
if ([mutableMessage attribute:AIHiddenMessagePartAttributeName
inRange:NSMakeRange(i, stringLength - i)]) {
[mutableMessage deleteCharactersInRange:messageRange];
stringLength -= messageRange.length;
messageRange.length = 0;
return [mutableMessage string];
- (NSImage *)imageForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
static NSImage *eventImage = nil;
//Use the message icon from the main bundle
if (!eventImage) eventImage = [NSImage imageNamed:@"events-message"];
return eventImage;
- (NSString *)descriptionForCombinedEventID:(NSString *)eventID
forListObject:(AIListObject *)listObject
forChat:(AIChat *)chat
NSString *format = nil;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_SENT] ||
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u messages sent",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED] ||
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u messages received", nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:CONTENT_GROUP_CHAT_MENTION]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u mentions received", nil);
return format ? [NSString stringWithFormat:format, count] : @"";