
Docs: Minor tweaks.
2016-09-04, Robert Vehse
Docs: Minor tweaks.
// LMXParser.h
// LMX
// Created by Peter Hosey on 2005-10-14.
// Copyright 2005 Peter Hosey. All rights reserved.
#include <sys/types.h>
@class NSString;
enum LMXParseResult {
LMXParsedCompletely = 0, //Element stack reached zero depth, and there was no more XML to parse
LMXParsedIncomplete = -1, //Element stack is not empty; more data is wanted
LMXParsedCompletelyWithExtraData = -2, //Element stack reached zero depth, but there's still XML to parse
extern NSString *LMXStringFromParseResult(enum LMXParseResult result);
extern enum LMXParseResult LMXParseResultFromString(NSString *result);
@interface LMXParser : NSObject {
NSMutableData *dataToParse;
off_t currentIndex;
NSMutableArray *elementStack;
id delegate;
void *contextInfo;
//Parser state
NSMutableString *characters;
NSMutableString *currentToken;
NSMutableString *entityName;
NSMutableString *comment;
NSString *systemID;
NSMutableDictionary *overrideDict; //Stores any entities that we're using our own values instead of the DTD's values for
NSMutableDictionary *cacheDict; //Caches entity values
NSMutableDictionary *attributes;
NSString *attributeValue;
off_t charactersRunStartIndex, tokenRunStartIndex, entityNameRunStartIndex, commentRunStartIndex;
off_t greaterThanIndex;
unsigned reserved:22;
unsigned inComment:1;
//Start of a comment: <!--
// End of a comment: -->
unsigned hasBang:1; //With has{First,Second}Hyphen, indicates a comment may be about to start (if a < is encountered)
unsigned hasSecondHyphen:1; //With hasGreaterThan and hasFirstHyphen, part of the start of a comment
unsigned hasFirstHyphen:1; //With hasGreaterThan, 1/3 of the end of a comment; else, 1/3 of the start of a comment
unsigned hasEqualSign:1; //An attribute value has been recorded, and a = encountered
unsigned couldBeEndTag:1; //A / has been encountered
unsigned isEmptyTag:1; //A / was encountered immediately after a >
unsigned inEntity:1; //In between & and ;
unsigned hasHashMark:1; //A # was just encountered (if this is 1 when the & is encountered, it's a numeric entity; otherwise, the entity ends)
unsigned noNonWhitespaceSinceTagEnd:1; //Used by / to check for a <blah/> tag
unsigned inTag:1; //In between < and >
unsigned parsing:1; //Set to 0 by -pause
char attributeQuoteChar; //One of '"', '\'', or '\0'
//How to get an autoreleased parser in only one message instead of three:
+ parser;
- initWithData:(NSData *)data;
#pragma mark -
- (NSString *)systemID;
- (void)setSystemID:(NSString *)sysID;
- (void)overrideEntityNamed:(NSString *)name withValue:(NSData *)val;
- (void)setOverriddenEntities:(NSDictionary *)entityDict;
- (NSData *)dataForEntityNamed:(NSString *)name;
#pragma mark -
- (enum LMXParseResult)parseChunk:(NSData *)data;
- (void)addData:(NSData *)data; //Add more data (in front of the existing data) without parsing
- (enum LMXParseResult)parse; //Begin/resume parsing without adding more data
#pragma mark -
//Either or both of these can be called by the delegate.
- (void)pause;
- (enum LMXParseResult)resume; //Synonym for -parse
//Calling -reset leaves the parser in the same state it was in (more or less) after it was inited.
//*Don't* call this from the delegate.
- (void)reset;
#pragma mark -
- delegate;
- setDelegate:newDelegate; //Returns old delegate.
- (void *)contextInfo;
- (void)setContextInfo:(void *)newContextInfo;
@interface LMXParser (LMXCompatibilityWithNSXMLParser)
- initWithData:(NSData *)data; //Same as -init, -addData:
- (void)abortParsing; //Compatibility synonym for -pause
@interface NSObject (LMXParserDelegate)
- (void)parserDidStartDocument:(LMXParser *)parser;
- (void)parser:(LMXParser *)parser elementEnded:(NSString *)elementName;
//Returns one or two UTF-16 code units, or nil.
- (NSData *)parser:(LMXParser *)parser resolveExternalEntityName:(NSString *)entityName systemID:(NSString *)systemID;
- (void)parser:(LMXParser *)parser foundCharacters:(NSString *)string;
- (void)parser:(LMXParser *)parser elementStarted:(NSString *)elementName attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes;
- (void)parserDidEndDocument:(LMXParser *)parser;
- (void)parser:(LMXParser *)parser finishedParsingChunk:(NSData *)chunkData withResult:(enum LMXParseResult)result;