
merge from default (one day this will go the other way)
2012-02-05, Frank Dowsett
merge from default (one day this will go the other way)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Trivial script to anonymize Adium debug logs. It's a hack, and was
# put together with little time or effort. I'm sure that it could be
# made better, if someone cared enough to do so.
# 29 Dec 2007: Minor updates / fixes (e.g., add libpurple into search
# strings instead of libgaim).
# 29 Apr 2007: This script works for all the data in the log that I
# need to submit; I'm quite sure that it is *not* comprehensive. I
# only anonymized AIM, Jabber, and Sametime data that I found in my
# log; there is no support for the other protocols, and I'm guessing
# that this script won't anonymize *all* data from AIM/Jabber/Sametime
# -- just the stuff that I found in my log.
use strict;
# Get the filename
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
if (! $filename) {
print "Usage: $0 <filename>\n";
# Do the work
print "Anonymizing...\n";
my $contents = read_file($filename);
write_file("$filename.anonymous", $contents);
# All done
sub read_file {
my $filename = shift;
my $contents;
open (F, $filename) || die "Cannot open $filename";
$contents .= $_
while (<F>);
sub replace_accounts {
my $contents = shift;
my $account_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/connecting to account (.+)$/im) {
my $account_name = $1;
my $replace_str = "ACCOUNT_#$account_index";
print "Found account: $account_name -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/connecting to account $account_name$/$temp $replace_str/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized string everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/$account_name/$replace_str/gm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/$temp/connecting to account/gm;
sub replace_uids {
my $contents = shift;
my $uid_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/created PurpleAccount 0x[0-9a-f]+ with uid (.+),/im) {
my $uid = $1;
if ($uid !~ /^ACCOUNT_#/) {
my $replace_str = "UID_#$uid_index";
print "Found UID: $uid -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/with uid $uid/$temp $replace_str/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized string everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/$uid/$replace_str/gm;
} else {
$$contents =~ s/with uid $uid/$temp $uid/igm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/$temp/with UID/gm;
sub replace_dns {
my $contents = shift;
my $dns_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/dns query for '(.+)' queued$/im) {
my $ip_name = $1;
my $name_replace_str = "IP_NAME_#$dns_index";
my $addr_replace_str = "IP_ADDRESS_#$dns_index";
print "Found DNS name: $ip_name -> $name_replace_str\n";
# Is the name an IP address already?
my $ip_address;
if ($ip_name =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/) {
$ip_address = $ip_name;
print "DNS name already resolved: $ip_address\n";
# Nope, not already resolved. Find the corresponding resolved
# IP address
else {
if ($$contents =~ m/ip resolved for $ip_name\n\d\d:\d\d:\d\d: \(libpurple: proxy\) attempting connection to (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/i ||
$$contents =~ m/ip resolved for $ip_name\n\d\d:\d\d:\d\d: \(lbigaim: proxy\) attempting connection to (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/i) {
$ip_address = $1;
print "Found corresponding IP address: $ip_name -> $ip_address -> $addr_replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/dns query for '$ip_name' queued$/$temp '$name_replace_str' queued/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized strings everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/$ip_name/$name_replace_str/gm;
$$contents =~ s/$ip_address/$addr_replace_str/gm
if ($ip_address);
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/$temp/DNS query for/gm;
sub replace_email {
my $contents = shift;
my $email_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/ E-mail: (.+)$/im) {
my $email = $1;
my $replace_str = "EMAIL_#$email_index";
print "Found Email: $email -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/ E-mail: $email$/ $temp $replace_str/gm;
while ($$contents =~ m/ Email: (.+)$/im) {
my $email = $1;
my $replace_str = "EMAIL_#$email_index";
print "Found Email: $email -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/ Email: $email$/ $temp $replace_str/gm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/$temp/E-mail:/gm;
sub replace_aim_names {
my $contents = shift;
my $aim_name_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/ AIM\.(\w+)/im) {
my $aim_name = $1;
my $replace_str = "AIM_ID_#$aim_name_index";
print "Found AIM ID: $aim_name -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/ AIM\.$aim_name/ $temp.$replace_str/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized strings everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/(\W)$aim_name(\W)/\1$replace_str\2/igm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/$temp/AIM/gm;
sub replace_sametime_names {
my $contents = shift;
my $st_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/ Sametime\.uid=(.+?)>/im) {
my $st_name = $1;
my $replace_str = "SAMETIME_ID_#$st_index";
print "Found Sametime ID: $st_name -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/ Sametime\.uid=$st_name/ $temp$replace_str/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized strings everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/(\W)uid=$st_name(\W)/\1$replace_str\2/igm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/ $temp/ Sametime.uid=/gm;
sub replace_jabber_names {
my $contents = shift;
my $jabber_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/ jabber\.(.+?)>/im) {
my $jabber_name = $1;
my $replace_str = "JABBER_ID_#$jabber_index";
print "Found Jabber ID: $jabber_name -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/ Jabber\.$jabber_name/ $temp$replace_str/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized strings everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/(\W)$jabber_name(\W)/\1$replace_str\2/igm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/ $temp/ Jabber./gm;
sub replace_group_names {
my $contents = shift;
my $group_index = 1;
while ($$contents =~ m/ Group\.(.+?)>/im) {
my $group_name = $1;
my $replace_str = "GROUP_ID_#$group_index";
print "Found Group ID: $group_name -> $replace_str\n";
# Put in a sentinel string so that we don't find it again
$$contents =~ s/ Group\.$group_name/ $temp$replace_str/igm;
# Replace with the anonymized strings everywhere else, too
$$contents =~ s/(\W)$group_name(\W)/\1$replace_str\2/igm;
# Put the original string back
$$contents =~ s/ $temp/ Group./gm;
sub write_file {
my ($filename, $contents) = @_;
open (F, ">$filename") || die("Cannot open output file $filename");
print F $$contents;