
merge from default (one day this will go the other way)
2012-02-05, Frank Dowsett
merge from default (one day this will go the other way)
// AXCFileCell.m
// XtrasCreator
// Created by Mac-arena the Bored Zo on 2005-10-30.
// Copyright 2005 Adium Team. All rights reserved.
#import "AXCFileCell.h"
@implementation AXCFileCell
- (id)initTextCell:(NSString *)str {
if((self = [super initTextCell:str])) {
[self setIconSourceMask:AXCFileCellIconSourceAll];
return self;
- (void)setObjectValue:(id <NSCopying>)newObj {
NSString *path = newObj;
if (![path isAbsolutePath])
path = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] currentDirectoryPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:path];
[super setObjectValue:path];
#pragma mark -
- (enum AXCFileCellIconSourceMask)iconSourceMask {
return iconSource.iconSourceMask;
- (void)setIconSourceMask:(enum AXCFileCellIconSourceMask)mask {
iconSource.iconSourceMask = mask;
#pragma mark -
- (NSImage *) iconForObjectValue:(id)objectValue {
NSImage *icon = nil;
NSString *path = objectValue;
//First try to get a preview (AXCAbstractXtraDocument creates these).
if (iconSource.iconSourceBitfield.getPreviewsByFullPath)
icon = [NSImage imageNamed:[@"Preview of " stringByAppendingString:path]];
//If there's no preview for the absolute path, try the filename.
if (iconSource.iconSourceBitfield.getPreviewsByFilename && (!icon) && [path isAbsolutePath])
icon = [NSImage imageNamed:[@"Preview of " stringByAppendingString:[path lastPathComponent]]];
//If there isn't a preview for either path, just get the file's icon.
if (iconSource.iconSourceBitfield.getPreviewsFromFileIcons && !icon) {
icon = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFile:path];
[icon setFlipped:YES];
//Fallback on generic file icon.
if (!icon) {
icon = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFileType:@"'docu'"];
[icon setFlipped:YES];
return icon;
- (NSString *) filenameForObjectValue:(id)objectValue {
NSString *path = objectValue;
return [[NSFileManager defaultManager] displayNameAtPath:path];
- (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)view {
float gutter = 0.0, contentHeight = 16.0;
static const float visualSeparation = 8.0;
/*draw the icon*/ {
NSImage *icon = [self iconForObjectValue:[self objectValue]];
//get the largest size that will fit entirely within the frame.
float cellDimension = MIN(cellFrame.size.width, cellFrame.size.height);
if (cellDimension > 256.0)
contentHeight = 256.0;
else if (cellDimension > 128.0)
contentHeight = 128.0;
else if (cellDimension > 48.0)
contentHeight = 48.0;
else if (cellDimension > 32.0)
contentHeight = 32.0;
contentHeight = 16.0;
NSSize imageSize = [icon size];
if (imageSize.height > contentHeight) {
const float scale = imageSize.height / contentHeight;
imageSize.width /= scale;
imageSize.height /= scale;
[icon setSize:imageSize];
gutter = (cellDimension - contentHeight) / 2.0;
NSRect imageSrcRect = {
NSRect imageDestRect = {
{ cellFrame.origin.x + gutter + visualSeparation, cellFrame.origin.y + gutter },
[icon drawInRect:imageDestRect
/*draw the filename*/ {
NSString *filename = [self filenameForObjectValue:[self objectValue]];
float leftMargin = gutter + (visualSeparation * 2.0) + contentHeight;
NSRect destRect = {
{ cellFrame.origin.x + leftMargin, cellFrame.origin.y + gutter },
{ cellFrame.size.width - leftMargin, contentHeight }
NSColor *textColor;
if([NSGraphicsContext currentContextDrawingToScreen] && [self isHighlighted]) {
//credit to Ken Ferry for coming up with this test.
if([[self highlightColorWithFrame:cellFrame inView:view] isEqual:[NSColor alternateSelectedControlColor]])
textColor = [NSColor alternateSelectedControlTextColor];
textColor = [NSColor selectedControlTextColor];
} else
textColor = [NSColor controlTextColor];
NSDictionary *attrs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSFont systemFontOfSize:0.0], NSFontAttributeName,
textColor, NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
[filename drawInRect:destRect withAttributes:attrs];