
merge from default (one day this will go the other way)
2012-02-05, Frank Dowsett
merge from default (one day this will go the other way)
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "GetMetadataForHTMLLog.h"
#import "GetMetadataForHTMLLog-Additions.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#import "scandate.h"
static char *gaim_markup_strip_html(const char *str);
//Given an Adium log file name, return an NSCalendarDate for its creation date
static NSDate *dateFromHTMLLog(NSString *pathToFile)
NSDate *date = nil;
unsigned long year = 0;
unsigned long month = 0;
unsigned long day = 0;
unsigned long hour = 0;
unsigned long minute = 0;
unsigned long second = 0;
long timeZoneOffset = +0;
if (scandate([pathToFile UTF8String], &year, &month, &day, /*outHasTime*/ NULL, &hour, &minute, &second, &timeZoneOffset)) {
if (year && month && day) {
NSCalendarDate *calendarDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear:year
timeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:(NSInteger)timeZoneOffset]];
date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[calendarDate timeIntervalSince1970]];
return date;
NSString *CopyTextContentForHTMLLogData(NSData *logData) {
/* Perhaps we want to decode the HTML instead of stripping it so we can process
* the attributed contents to turn links into link (URL) for searching purposes...
NSString *textContent = nil;
const char* UTF8HTMLCString = [logData bytes];
if (UTF8HTMLCString) {
//Strip the HTML markup
char *plainText = gaim_markup_strip_html(UTF8HTMLCString);
textContent = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:plainText];
free((void *)plainText);
return textContent;
Boolean GetMetadataForHTMLLog(NSMutableDictionary *attributes, NSString *pathToFile)
/* HTML log is stored as ServiceID.Account_Name/Destination_Name/Destination_Name (2006|03|30).AdiumHTMLLog
* or HTML log is stored as ServiceID.Account_Name/Destination_Name/Destination_Name (2006-03-30).AdiumHTMLLog
NSArray *pathComponents = [pathToFile pathComponents];
NSUInteger count = [pathComponents count];
NSString *toUID = ((count >= 2) ? [pathComponents objectAtIndex:(count - 2)] : nil);
NSString *sourceFolder = ((count >= 3) ? [pathComponents objectAtIndex:(count - 3)] : nil);
NSString *serviceClass, *fromUID;
NSArray *serviceAndFromUIDArray;
/* Determine the service and fromUID - should be SERVICE.ACCOUNT_NAME
* Check against count to guard in case of old, malformed or otherwise odd folders & whatnot sitting in log base
serviceAndFromUIDArray = [sourceFolder componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
if ([serviceAndFromUIDArray count] >= 2) {
serviceClass = [serviceAndFromUIDArray objectAtIndex:0];
//Use substringFromIndex so we include the rest of the string in the case of a UID with a . in it
fromUID = [sourceFolder substringFromIndex:([serviceClass length] + 1)]; //One off for the '.'
} else {
//Fallback: blank non-nil serviceClass; folderName as the fromUID
serviceClass = @"";
fromUID = sourceFolder;
NSDate *date;
if ((date = dateFromHTMLLog(pathToFile))) {
[attributes setObject:date
forKey:(NSString *)kMDItemContentCreationDate];
[attributes setObject:date
forKey:(NSString *)kMDItemLastUsedDate];
NSData *logData = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:pathToFile isDirectory:NO]
options:NSDataReadingUncached error:NULL];
NSString *textContent = nil;
if ((textContent = CopyTextContentForHTMLLogData(logData))) {
[attributes setObject:textContent
forKey:(NSString *)kMDItemTextContent];
[logData release];
[textContent release];
[attributes setObject:serviceClass
if (fromUID) {
[attributes setObject:fromUID
if (toUID) {
[attributes setObject:toUID
[attributes setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ on %@",toUID,[date descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"%y-%m-%d"
forKey:(NSString *)kMDItemDisplayName];
[attributes setObject:@"Chat log"
forKey:(NSString *)kMDItemKind];
return TRUE;
#pragma mark Stripping HTML
//Taken from Gaim, 'cause I knew it was there. There may be an easier way to do this...
static BOOL g_ascii_isspace(char character)
return (character == ' ');
/* Find the length of STRING, but scan at most MAXLEN characters.
If no '\0' terminator is found in that many characters, return MAXLEN. */
static size_t
strnlen (const char *string, size_t maxlen)
const char *end = memchr (string, '\0', maxlen);
return end ? (size_t) (end - string) : maxlen;
static char *strndup (const char *s, size_t n)
size_t len = strnlen (s, n);
char *nouveau = malloc (len + 1);
if (nouveau == NULL)
return NULL;
nouveau[len] = '\0';
return (char *) memcpy (nouveau, s, len);
static char *gaim_unescape_html(const char *html) {
NSString *unescapedString = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:html] stringByUnescapingFromXMLWithEntities:nil];
const char *unescapedStringUTF8String = [unescapedString UTF8String];
if (!unescapedStringUTF8String) NSLog(@"Warning: Could not unescape %s, or could not make a UTF8 string out of %@",html,unescapedString);
return (unescapedStringUTF8String ? strdup(unescapedStringUTF8String) : nil);
/* The following are probably reasonable changes:
* - \n should be converted to a normal space
* - in addition to <br>, <p> and <div> etc. should also be converted into \n
* - We want to turn </td>#whitespace<td> sequences into a single tab
* - We want to turn <td> into a single tab (for msn profile "parsing")
* - We want to turn </tr>#whitespace<tr> sequences into a single \n
* - <script>...</script> and <style>...</style> should be completely removed
static char *
gaim_markup_strip_html(const char *str)
size_t i, j, k;
BOOL visible = TRUE;
BOOL closing_td_p = FALSE;
char *str2;
const char *cdata_close_tag = NULL;
char *href = NULL;
size_t href_st = 0;
return NULL;
str2 = strdup(str);
for (i = 0, j = 0; str2[i]; i++)
if (str2[i] == '<')
if (cdata_close_tag)
/* Note: Don't even assume any other tag is a tag in CDATA */
if (strncasecmp(str2 + i, cdata_close_tag,
strlen(cdata_close_tag)) == 0)
i += strlen(cdata_close_tag) - 1;
cdata_close_tag = NULL;
else if (strncasecmp(str2 + i, "<td", 3) == 0 && closing_td_p)
str2[j++] = '\t';
visible = TRUE;
else if (strncasecmp(str2 + i, "</td>", 5) == 0)
closing_td_p = TRUE;
visible = FALSE;
closing_td_p = FALSE;
visible = TRUE;
k = i + 1;
visible = TRUE;
else if (str2[k])
/* Scan until we end the tag either implicitly - closed start
* tag - or explicitly, using a sloppy method
* i.e., < or >
* inside quoted attributes will screw us up
while (str2[k] && str2[k] != '<' && str2[k] != '>')
/* If we've got an <a> tag with an href, save the address
* to print later. */
if (strncasecmp(str2 + i, "<a", 2) == 0 &&
size_t st; /* start of href, inclusive [ */
size_t end; /* end of href, exclusive ) */
char delim = ' ';
/* Find start of href */
for (st = i + 3; st < k; st++)
if (strncasecmp(str2+st, "href=", 5) == 0)
st += 5;
if (str2[st] == '"')
delim = '"';
/* find end of address */
for (end = st; end < k && str2[end] != delim; end++)
/* All the work is done in the loop construct above. */
/* If there's an address, save it. If there was
* already one saved, kill it. */
if (st < k)
char *tmp;
tmp = strndup(str2 + st, end - st);
href = gaim_unescape_html(tmp);
href_st = j;
/* Replace </a> with an ascii representation of the
* address the link was pointing to. */
else if (href != NULL && strncasecmp(str2 + i, "</a>", 4) == 0)
size_t hrlen = strlen(href);
/* Only insert the href if it's different from the CDATA. */
if ((hrlen != j - href_st ||
strncmp(str2 + href_st, href, hrlen)) &&
(hrlen != j - href_st + 7 ||
strncmp(str2 + href_st, href + 7, hrlen - 7))) {
str2[j++] = ' ';
str2[j++] = '(';
memmove(str2 + j, href, hrlen);
j += hrlen;
str2[j++] = ')';
href = NULL;
/* Check for tags which should be mapped to newline */
else if (strncasecmp(str2 + i, "<p>", 3) == 0
|| strncasecmp(str2 + i, "<tr", 3) == 0
|| strncasecmp(str2 + i, "<br", 3) == 0
|| strncasecmp(str2 + i, "<li", 3) == 0
|| strncasecmp(str2 + i, "<div", 4) == 0
|| strncasecmp(str2 + i, "</table>", 8) == 0) {
str2[j++] = '\n';
/* Check for tags which begin CDATA and need to be closed */
else if (strncasecmp(str2 + i, "<script", 7) == 0) {
cdata_close_tag = "</script>";
else if (strncasecmp(str2 + i, "<style", 6) == 0) {
cdata_close_tag = "</style>";
/* Update the index and continue checking after the tag */
i = (str2[k] == '<' || str2[k] == '\0')? k - 1: k;
else if (cdata_close_tag)
else if (!g_ascii_isspace(str2[i]))
visible = TRUE;
/* XXX: This sucks. We need to be un-escaping all entities, which
* includes these, as well as the &#num; ones */
if (str2[i] == '&' && strncasecmp(str2 + i, "&quot;", 6) == 0)
str2[j++] = '\"';
i = i + 5;
if (str2[i] == '&' && strncasecmp(str2 + i, "&amp;", 5) == 0)
str2[j++] = '&';
i = i + 4;
if (str2[i] == '&' && strncasecmp(str2 + i, "&lt;", 4) == 0)
str2[j++] = '<';
i = i + 3;
if (str2[i] == '&' && strncasecmp(str2 + i, "&gt;", 4) == 0)
str2[j++] = '>';
i = i + 3;
if (str2[i] == '&' && strncasecmp(str2 + i, "&apos;", 6) == 0)
str2[j++] = '\'';
i = i + 5;
if (visible)
str2[j++] = g_ascii_isspace(str2[i])? ' ': str2[i];
str2[j] = '\0';
return str2;