
Remove MySpace mentions from the project file.
2016-09-04, Robert Vehse
Remove MySpace mentions from the project file.
// AIOTRSMPSecretAnswerWindowController.m
// Adium
// Created by Thijs Alkemade on 17-10-12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Adium Team. All rights reserved.
#import "AIOTRSMPSecretAnswerWindowController.h"
#import <AIUtilities/AIImageAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIAttributedStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AITextAttachmentAdditions.h>
@implementation AIOTRSMPSecretAnswerWindowController
- (id)initWithQuestion:(NSString *)inQuestion from:(AIListContact *)inContact completionHandler:(void(^)(NSData *answer, NSString *question))inHandler isInitiator:(BOOL)inInitiator
if (self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@"AIOTRSMPSecretAnswerWindowController"]) {
secretQuestion = [inQuestion retain];
contact = [inContact retain];
handler = Block_copy(inHandler);
isInitiator = inInitiator;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[secretQuestion release];
[contact release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)windowDidLoad
[super windowDidLoad];
[imageView_lock setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"lock-locked" forClass:[adium class]]];
path_file.URL = nil;
if (isInitiator) {
[label_intro setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Enter a question only %@ can answer correctly:", nil), contact.UID]];
[label_answer setStringValue:AILocalizedString(@"Correct answer:", nil)];
[label_tips setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Tips:\n"
@"• %@ will see the question and must give exactly the same answer to confirm their identity.\n"
@"• You can add \"in lowercase\" to your question to make it harder to make mistakes.\n"
@"• Make sure it is difficult for others to guess or find the answer.\n"
@"• Do not use your chat conversation to give the answer, even with encryption. You can give the answer over a different communication channel, for example phone or in person.", nil), contact.UID]];
} else {
[label_intro setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"%@ asks you to answer the following secret question correctly to confirm your identity:", nil), contact.UID]];
[label_answer setStringValue:AILocalizedString(@"Your answer:", nil)];
[label_tips setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Tips:\n"
@"• Make sure you enter the answer exactly as %@ entered it.", nil), contact.UID]];
NSAttributedString *question = [[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:secretQuestion ?: @""] autorelease];
[[field_question textStorage] setAttributedString:question];
[field_question setEditable:NO];
- (IBAction)okay:(id)sender
NSData *answer = nil;
if ([tab_answer indexOfTabViewItem:[tab_answer selectedTabViewItem]] == 0) {
answer = [[[field_answer textStorage] string] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
} else {
answer = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:path_file.URL];
handler(answer, [[field_question textStorage] string]);
[self close];
[self release];
- (IBAction)cancel:(id)sender
if (!isInitiator) handler(nil, nil);
[self close];
[self release];
- (IBAction)selectFile:(id)sender
NSOpenPanel *openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[openPanel setCanChooseFiles:YES];
[openPanel setCanChooseDirectories:NO];
[openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
NSInteger result = [openPanel runModal];
if (result == NSOKButton && [openPanel URLs].count > 0) {
path_file.URL = [[openPanel URLs] objectAtIndex:0];