
Remove MySpace mentions from the project file.
2016-09-04, Robert Vehse
Remove MySpace mentions from the project file.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AIHoveringPopUpButton.h"
#import "AIHoveringPopUpButtonCell.h"
@interface AIHoveringPopUpButton ()
- (void)frameDidChange:(NSNotification *)inNotification;
@implementation AIHoveringPopUpButton
+ (void)initialize {
if (self == [AIHoveringPopUpButton class])
[self setCellClass:[AIHoveringPopUpButtonCell class]];
- (void)initHoveringPopUpButton
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[self setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:YES];
trackingTag = -1;
[self resetCursorRects];
highlightOnHoverAndClick = YES;
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)inFrame
if ((self = [super initWithFrame:inFrame])) {
[self initHoveringPopUpButton];
return self;
- (void)awakeFromNib
if ([[AIHoveringPopUpButton superclass] instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(awakeFromNib)]) {
[super awakeFromNib];
[self initHoveringPopUpButton];
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
AIHoveringPopUpButton *newButton = [[[self class] allocWithZone:zone] initWithFrame:[self frame]];
[newButton setMenu:[[[self menu] copy] autorelease]];
return newButton;
//silly NSControl...
- (void)setMenu:(NSMenu *)menu {
[super setMenu:menu];
[[self cell] setMenu:menu];
- (void)setDoubleAction:(SEL)inDoubleAction
doubleAction = inDoubleAction;
- (void)dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
if (trackingTag != -1) {
[self removeTrackingRect:trackingTag];
trackingTag = -1;
[super dealloc];
//Mouse Tracking -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Mouse Tracking
//Custom mouse down tracking to display our menu and highlight
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
if (![self menu]) {
if (doubleAction && (([theEvent clickCount] % 2) == 0)) {
[[self target] performSelector:doubleAction
} else {
[super mouseDown:theEvent];
} else {
if ([self isEnabled]) {
[self highlight:YES];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
//2 pt down, 1 pt to the left.
NSPoint point = [self convertPoint:[self bounds].origin toView:nil];
point.y -= NSHeight([self frame]) + 2;
point.x -= 1;
NSEvent *event = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:[theEvent type]
modifierFlags:[theEvent modifierFlags]
timestamp:[theEvent timestamp]
windowNumber:[[theEvent window] windowNumber]
context:[theEvent context]
eventNumber:[theEvent eventNumber]
clickCount:[theEvent clickCount]
pressure:[theEvent pressure]];
[NSMenu popUpContextMenu:[self menu] withEvent:event forView:self];
[self mouseUp:[[NSApplication sharedApplication] currentEvent]];
* @brief Only pass on a highlight message if we're highlighting on click or this is turning off a highlight
- (void)highlight:(BOOL)inFlag
if (!inFlag || highlightOnHoverAndClick) {
[super highlight:inFlag];
//Remove highlight on mouse up
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[self highlight:NO];
[super mouseUp:theEvent];
//Ignore dragging
- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- (NSView *)hitTest:(NSPoint)aPoint
NSRect myFrame = [self frame];
myFrame.size.width = [[self cell] trackingWidth];
if (NSPointInRect(aPoint, myFrame)) {
return [super hitTest:aPoint];
} else {
return nil;
* @brief Set the title
- (void)setTitle:(NSString *)inTitle
[[self cell] setTitle:inTitle];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[self resetCursorRects];
- (void)setFont:(NSFont *)inFont
[[self cell] setFont:inFont];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void)setImage:(NSImage *)inImage
[[self cell] setImage:inImage];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[self resetCursorRects];
- (void)setHighlightOnHoverAndClick:(BOOL)inHighlightOnHoverAndClick
highlightOnHoverAndClick = inHighlightOnHoverAndClick;
//If we are not going to highlight, ensure we're not currently doing so
if (!highlightOnHoverAndClick) {
[[self cell] setHovered:NO animate:NO];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
#pragma mark Tracking rects
//Remove old tracking rects when we change superviews
- (void)viewWillMoveToSuperview:(NSView *)newSuperview
if (trackingTag != -1) {
[self removeTrackingRect:trackingTag];
trackingTag = -1;
[super viewWillMoveToSuperview:newSuperview];
- (void)viewDidMoveToSuperview
[super viewDidMoveToSuperview];
[self resetCursorRects];
- (void)viewWillMoveToWindow:(NSWindow *)newWindow
if (trackingTag != -1) {
[self removeTrackingRect:trackingTag];
trackingTag = -1;
[super viewWillMoveToWindow:newWindow];
- (void)viewDidMoveToWindow
[super viewDidMoveToWindow];
[self resetCursorRects];
- (void)frameDidChange:(NSNotification *)inNotification
[self resetCursorRects];
- (NSRect)trackingRect
return NSMakeRect(0, 0, [[self cell] trackingWidth], [self frame].size.height);
//Reset our cursor tracking
- (void)resetCursorRects
//Stop any existing tracking
if (trackingTag != -1) {
[self removeTrackingRect:trackingTag];
trackingTag = -1;
//Add a tracking rect if our superview and window are ready
if ([self superview] && [self window]) {
NSRect myFrame = [self frame];
NSRect trackRect = [self trackingRect];
if (trackRect.size.width > myFrame.size.width) {
trackRect.size.width = myFrame.size.width;
NSPoint localPoint = [self convertPoint:[[self window] convertScreenToBase:[NSEvent mouseLocation]]
BOOL mouseInside = NSPointInRect(localPoint, trackRect);
trackingTag = [self addTrackingRect:trackRect owner:self userData:nil assumeInside:mouseInside];
if (mouseInside) {
[self mouseEntered:nil];
} else {
[self mouseExited:nil];
//Cursor entered our view
- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)theEvent
if (highlightOnHoverAndClick && ![[self cell] hovered]) {
[[self cell] setHovered:YES animate:YES];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[super mouseEntered:theEvent];
//Cursor left our view
- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)theEvent
if (highlightOnHoverAndClick && [[self cell] hovered]) {
[[self cell] setHovered:NO animate:YES];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[super mouseExited:theEvent];