
adium-1.5.8 1.5.8
2013-10-13, Thijs Alkemade
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<h1>Sorting and displaying contacts</h1>
<p>Adium allows you to determine how contacts are displayed and sorted in the contact list in the <strong>View</strong> menu.</p>
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<h3>Sorting contacts</h3>
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<p>By selecting the appropriate entry from the <strong>View</strong> menu you can do the following:</p>
<li>Sort Contacts Alphabetically
<li>The<strong> Configure Alphabetical Sort...</strong> option in the <strong>View</strong> menu allows sorting by last name and sorting groups.</li>
<li>Sort Contacts by Status
<li>The<strong> Configure Alphabetical Sort...</strong> option in the <strong>View</strong> menu allows sorting by last name and sorting groups.</li>
<li>Sort Contacts Manually</li>
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<h3>Showing/hiding offline contacts</h3>
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<p>By default, Adium hides contacts who are offline.</p>
<p>If you want to see a complete list of your contacts, including contacts who are not online at the moment, select <strong>Show Offline Contacts</strong> from the <strong>View</strong> menu or hit <strong>⇧⌘H</strong>.</p>
<p>To change back to the default, do the same thing—the menu item is a toggle, so choosing it repeatedly changes the setting back and forth.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> If you have offline contacts hidden, Adium also hides any empty groups. Thus, if you want to drag &amp; drop some contacts into an empty group, or delete the group, you must Show Offline Contacts first.</p>
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