
We're releasing, silly.
adium-1.5.7 1.5.7
2013-07-02, Thijs Alkemade
We're releasing, silly.
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<h1>Growl support</h1>
<p><a href="">Growl</a> lets Mac OS X applications unobtrusively tell you when things happen. In its default configuration, Growl fades a floating notification into the top-right corner of your screen for a moment and then fades it out again. This help page informs how to set up Growl.</p>
<p align="center"> <img src="../gfx/Growl notification.png" alt="" /></p>
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<h3>Installing Growl</h3>
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<p>As of Adium 1.5, Adium is able to show Growl notifications without the Growl application installed. This feature is called <a href="">Mist</a>.</p>
<p>If you want to use a different style or use some of the more advanced features of Growl, you will have to either buy the application from the Mac App Store, or get an older and free version from <a href=""></a>.</p>
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<h3>Configuring Growl notifications</h3>
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<p>The following events notify you via Growl by default:</p>
<li>Contact signs on</li>
<li>Message received (Background Chat)</li>
<li>File transfer requested</li>
<li>File transfer completed successfully</li>
<li>File transfer failed</li>
<li>Error occurs</li>
<p>To turn certain notifications off, or to make Adium post additional ones, you need to set up one or more events. You can do this globally as well as on a per-contact basis.</p>
<li>To change the global Growl notification settings edit the events in Adium's "Events" preferences.</li>
<li>To edit the Growl notification settings for a specific contact, open the "Get Info" window for this contact and edit the events in the third pane.</li>
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<h3>Disabling and uninstalling Growl</h3>
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<p>To disable Adium's built-in Mist notifications, enter this command in <code>defaults write -g com.growl.growlframework.mist.enabled -bool NO</code>.<p>
<p>To uninstall the Growl application, follow the <a href="">instructions on the Growl website</a>.</p>
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