
Updated the target to 10.7 and dropped i386 support.
2017-03-21, Thijs Alkemade
Updated the target to 10.7 and dropped i386 support.
global HandyAdiumScripts
on run
tell application "Adium"
set newChat to HandyAdiumScripts's makeNewChat()
tell account (HandyAdiumScripts's defaultAccount)
set newChat2 to make new chat with contacts {contact (HandyAdiumScripts's otherParticipant)} at end of chats of (get window of newChat)
end tell
set c to count chats of (get window of newChat)
close newChat2
if (count chats of (get window of newChat)) is not c - 1 then error
close (get window of newChat)
end tell
end run