
Updated Changes.txt for
2017-04-25, Robert Vehse
Updated Changes.txt for
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<h1>File transfer</h1>
<p>Adium supports file transfers over AIM, XMPP ("Jabber"), and Bonjour protocols.</p>
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<h3>Which protocols support file transfer?</h3>
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<p>Sending and receiving files is currently supported on:</p>
<li>AIM (hard limit of 4 GB)</li>
<li>ICQ (hard limit of 4 GB)</li>
<li>SILC (not yet in Adium)</li>
<li>XMPP ("Jabber") when neither side is behind a NAT device.</li>
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<h3>Initiating a file transfer</h3>
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<p>There are a variety of ways to initiate a file transfer with another user:</p>
<li>Click the <strong>File Transfer icon</strong> (Document with a green arrow icon), located in the message view's toolbar.</li>
<li>Select the destination user in the contact list then click <strong>Contact → Send File...</strong></li>
<li>Simply drag and drop a file from the Finder onto the contact in your Contact List.</li>
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<h3>AIM/ICQ file transfer ports</h3>
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<p>Users behind a router or a firewall may have better luck with AIM file transfer after forwarding ports <strong>5190 - 5200</strong> to their machine.</p>
<li>Mac OS X 10.5 users: Add Adium to the allowed programs list in the software firewall. Go to <strong>System Preferences → Security → Firewall</strong>. If <strong>Allow all incoming connections</strong> is not selected, choose <strong>Set access for specific services and applications</strong>, click the <strong>+</strong> button, and select <strong>Adium</strong> from your Applications folder.</li>
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<h3>Why does AIM/ICQ file transfer sometimes work better in iChat?</h3>
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<li>When the sender is behind a firewall or router, libpurple's AIM file transfer implementation may fail. See the previous section for more information.</li>
<li>libpurple does not support transferring of entire folders yet. Such transfers will fail.</li>
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<h3>Improving Bonjour file transfer</h3>
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<p>For Bonjour file transfer to work when sending it is required to allow port 5298 TCP and UDP in.</p>
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